
Pastor Frank Rice
Dr. Frank and wife Becky both graduated with education/teaching degrees from Mansfield State University. They both came to faith in Christ in October of 1974 at Independent Bible Church, Wellsboro Pennsylvania and began their family in 1976. God has given them seven (that's right 7) children and a dozen grandchildren! Becky currently serves as a library aid in the Ephrata School district. Dr. Rice also graduated from Word of Life Bible Institute (Pottersville, NY), Practical Bible Training School (now Davis College, Binghamton, NY), Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN), and recently earned his Doctor of Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX). Ministry experiences include an associate pastorate at Mountainside Bible Chapel (Schroon Lake, NY), and pastorate at Faith Baptist Church (St. Marys, PA). He arrived at Grace Fellowship Church in January 1995. Dr. Rice also travels yearly teaching Bible and training nationals in the Philippines, South Korea, or Romania.

Associate Pastor - David Johns
David and his wife, Becky, both grew up overseas in ministry. They both placed their faith in Jesus Christ at a young age. Becky graduated from the Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary with a two-year Bible certificate. David graduated from Slippery Rock University (Slippery Rock, PA) with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. He then went on to complete a one-year Bible certificate through Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary. David and Becky met during their time at Word of Life, then later married in 2013. David graduated from Columbia International University with a Master of Arts in Bible Exposition (Columbia, SC). Their ministry experience includes an associate pastorate at Community Bible Church (Paris, IL). David has taught overseas. Their passion in ministry is connecting with people on a personal level and pointing them to Jesus. They have two children, Ava Kate and Noah.
Children's Coordinator - Fran Grant
Fran and her husband, Chris, have been attending Grace Fellowship Church since 2013 and have actively been involved in various children's and youth programs. Fran graduated from Geneva College in 2004 with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. She previously worked as a Kindergarten teacher at Wilson Christian Academy in Pittsburgh and more recently as a Kindergarten teacher at PACE afterschool program. Chris currently serves as a Deacon and helps lead the youth group at GFC. They have 3 elementary aged children.

Secretary - Carol Ruth
Carol and her husband, David, have been attending GFC since 1995 and she has served as secretary/administrative assistant since 2001. Carol has been actively involved in our children’s ministries for many years. David is currently a part of the worship team and has taught Sunday School and been a member of the leadership team. They have 3 married adult children and 11 grandchildren.

Pastoral Intern - Bryan Hoover
Bryan Hoover is a Communication and Biblical studies major at Lancaster Bible College, currently serving as our pastoral intern. The son of worship pastor, Bryan was brought up in the faith and raised with both a love of God and of music. He accepted Christ at a young age and felt called into ministry while a freshman at Kutztown University. When his family moved to Elizabethtown, PA, Bryan transferred to Lancaster Bible College in order to better pursue this calling. Through God’s guidance, he is being continually furthered in his walk with Christ and led into a career of worship and pastoral ministry.