GFC Bible Reading Challenge

The Bible Reading Challenge is for anyone in the Grace Fellowship congregation that is willing to commit to reading the Bible through in a year starting September 1st, 2017 through August 30th, 2018.
- Choose a translation that you will use for the duration of the challenge. (I recommend trying one that you dont normally read)
- Print the GFC Bible Reading Challenge Schedule (see link below)
- Read daily as assigned in the schedule and check off until complete.
- Join in the community with other believers through email to encourage and pray for each other along the way.
- Use resources for a deeper understanding of the Bible as we read, such as this video:
If interested in taking the challenge please see Mitch Hertzler ( to signup. Join me as a community of believes in our pursuit of a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior through the daily reading of His Word.
See the below link to the reading schedule for daily reading assignments.
Click here for printable GFC Bible Reading Challenge Schedule