Young Ladies & Gentlemen - This Is For You
How the Church Family Functions...
A study of the NT book of Titus
by Pastor Frank Rice
Titus 2:4-8
A healthy church is composed of members of all generations. And each generation is privileged and responsible for nurturing those on either side of their age group. When this responsibility is taken seriously, a healthy church becomes reality, the word of God is respected, and the enemy is deprived of ammunition! Wonderful!
I. A Word to the Young Christian Ladies in the Fellowship (Vv. 4-5)!
v The older ladies are required to labor intentionally to have a positive impact on their younger counterparts. “The profile of godly ‘younger women’ consists of seven qualities that were widely approved in secular society as the standard accoutrements of the ideal respectable wife… all of them follow, explain, and draw their urgency from the verb that describes the older woman’s educational role.” (Towner)
1. Older ladies have the privilege and responsibility for the growth and development of the young ladies.
2. They are expected to admonish, model, and train young ladies in a number of crucial areas.
3. [Pity the women who grow up in a culture where men are liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons (1:12)!]
v The older ladies are expected to help establish godly priorities for Christian young ladies. (We assume these are 20’s and 30’s.)
1. Young lady, learn to love your husband and your children.
(a) This highly valued quality was frequently mentioned on funerary inscriptions! It is best taught by example and encouragement. (This is counter-cultural!)
(b) In their culture they got a husband, and then learned to love him the same way we do children. Love is a choice. It is a choice to learn, to understand, to know, and to give.
2. Young lady, be discreet & chaste (self-controlled & morally pure).
(a) This differs radically from the culture in which you grew up. Purity is a choice that begins in the mind and affects the life!
(b) Pollution breeds dissatisfaction! Don’t send a message either intentionally or ignorantly that advertises immorality!
3. Young lady, be a homemaker and good (kind).
(a) Be busy at home; manage your household responsibilities efficiently. (This does not suggest that the home is a prison where she should be kept!)
(b) Don’t grow irritable and resentful (or envious) in light of the nagging demands of mundane household duties.
4. Young lady, be submissive to your own husband. (If you can not respect and be submissive to him, don’t marry him!)
(a) Submission is functional and in no way implies a position of innate inferiority, nor is there any forced compliance!
(b) It is the responsible acceptance of a relationship in which God has placed one and the resulting honest attempt to fulfill the duties which it imposes on one.
(c) The equality of the sexes does not negate the distinctions between the sexes! Wherever biblical Christianity has been lived out, womanhood has been elevated!
(d) NT teaching on marriage emphasizes maintaining a mutual or reciprocal commitment of the husband and the wife to an exclusive, intimate, loving, caring partnership.
5. Young lady, the reputation of the gospel is honored or dishonored by your relationship to your family. “The world usually judges a religion, NOT by its doctrines, but by its effects on its adherents.” (Kent)
6. The success or failure of the gospel message is, in large part, NOT contingent on the one preaching it but on those living it. Who are you trying to impress?
7. Women who expose themselves victimize the innocent. They, from a safe distance, stimulate men sexually. Often these twisted men seek to vent for their passions by violating and abusing their wives, children, and others. That’s the curse of pornography!
II. A Word to the Young Christian Men in the Fellowship (Vv. 6-8)!
v Young man, one thing is required of you; control yourself (v. 6)! (Five words occur in the original, the shortest verse in Titus!)
1. This doesn’t imply that you’ve arrived! It may indicate that you’re developmentally challenged, impulsive, & impetuous! You can only focus on one thing at a time!
2. This may indicate that you need both verbal prodding and a visible pattern in order to think clearly, to have the ability to see the consequences before making choices!
v Young man, you need to follow the credible, convincing pattern of your teachers (vv. 7-8a). (Choose them wisely!)
1. Their conduct is marked by good works (v. 7a). Evaluate whether what they do is valuable and worthy of emulation!
2. Their belief system is untainted and sincere (v. 7b). Evaluate whether what they believe matches reality and is of value.
3. Their conversations are clear and healthy for others (v. 8a). Evaluate whether what they say is worthy of commendation.
4. Then do what they do, believe what they believe, and talk like they talk! (Any questions!?)
v Young man, follow the preceding instructions and don’t provide ammo for the enemy (v. 8b)!
1. Make sure that any insinuations, accusations, and malicious gossip have no basis in reality! Impropriety and immorality easily leads to slanderous remarks with respect to the gospel.
2. “When they present their charges they’ll be thrown out of court because they have no basis for them.”
3. The opposition may not cease their attacks but the least you can do is NOT provide them ammunition! If they’re going to have ammunition, make them manufacture it themselves!
Young ladies & gentlemen, the reputation of the gospel rests on you!