You'd Better Have a High Priest!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 5:1-10
We’ve read and heard about people traveling in other countries and even folks stateside who’ve gotten into some kind of legal quagmire. They suddenly realize that there is no way they can represent themselves and they desperately need help! They may have even been told, “You’d better get yourself a good lawyer; you’re going to need one!” It’s no secret that some lawyers are unscrupulous, unqualified, and incompetent! Mankind is in big trouble with God because of sin. Man doesn’t need a lawyer, even a good one. What he desperately needs is a High Priest!
I. Every Earthly High Priest Had to Meet Requirements (Vv. 1-4).
v He had to be called by God, divinely selected (vv. 1 & 4)!
1. Aaron serves as a model (Ex 28:1). The priesthood could not be acquired by self-promotion, self-appointment, money, or family pressure.
2. Only God could appoint a high priest! He did so when He appointed Aaron and his sons in the Aaronic priesthood.
v Every OT high priest had commonality with his people because he was taken from among them (v. 1).
1. He was fully human just like every one of his people. And he lived in the real world of family, finances, and frustrations.
2. His basic “ministry description” was to represent men in things related to God, to pray for them and to make offerings on their behalf.
v Every OT high priest was able (ideally) to relate to those for whom he ministered because of his own humanity (vv. 2-3).
1. Many of his constituents were ignorant, sinful, and wayward.
2. He himself was subject to the same debilitating weaknesses, and sinful inclinations! Men become proud and impatient with others when they think they are better than the rabble!
3. He was therefore able to deal gently with those who persistently “messed up!” He must not be outraged and judgmental, overly sentimental, or apathetic.
4. He must empathize, maintain perspective, and offer hope.
5. He was required to offer sacrifices (atonement) first for his own sins and then for those of the people. (This is a humble reminder of his own need for mercy and forgiveness!)
II. Our Heavenly High Priest Exceeds Those Requirements (Vv. 5-10)!
v Our heavenly High Priest was called by God (vv. 5-6 & 10)! He was selected by God, not self-appointed.
1. Christ is called as a King-Priest (Ps 2:7). “My Son” indicates His acceptability to God the day of His enthronement. The Most High gave public notice He had exalted the risen Jesus as Lord and Christ (Acts2:36).
2. Christ is called as a Priest-King (Ps 110:4). Jesus could never serve as an OT priest. He was of the tribe of Judah, not Levi. He had to be associated with and legitimized by another order of priests - Melchizedek. What do these two high priests have in common?
(a) Both of them were real men.
(b) Both of them were legitimate King-priests.
(c) Both of them were appointed directly by God.
(d) Both of them were without successors.
(e) Both of them were called “King of Righteousness” and “King of Peace.”
v Our heavenly High Priest is sympathetic toward men (vv. 7-8).
1. He knows what it’s like to be oppressed and to struggle with reality (v. 7). Often the best and only way to learn sympathy is by way of suffering ourselves what another is suffering.
2. He knows what it’s like to be obedient (v. 8), “Son though He was,” He was granted no exemption from the common law that learning comes through suffering.
3. “The sufferings which Jesus endured were the necessary price of His obedience, the very means by which he fulfilled the will of God.” (Bruce)
4. “Prayers are expressions of need, and supplications denote urgent requests. Strong crying describes the loud outcries of one deeply disturbed and tears are the visible manifestations of grief.” (Kent)
5. “The word used for cry is very significant. It is a cry which a man does not choose to utter but is wrung from him in the stress of some tremendous tension or searing pain … there is no agony of the human spirit through which Jesus has not come.” (Barclay)
v Our heavenly High Priest is capable of representing us (v. 9).
1. He offered the ultimate sacrifice for us! But His ministry was radically different from that of the OT high priest!
(a) He did not have to sacrifice for Himself! He was sinless!
(b) He did not have to sacrifice Himself repeatedly! He offered Himself once for all time.
(c) His priesthood is eternal! So He is able to offer eternal salvation to all those who choose to believe!
2. He is fully equipped for effective High Priestly service! He is your only valid option. Just choose Him to represent you.
What do I need to do? There is no command. Do you believe what God has just said? Obey it. Acceptance of truth means surrender to Truth!
The fact that there are no commands in this text does not relieve us of the responsibility to respond to the truth presented!