You Can Make It If....
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 12:1-3
Most of us have faced challenges throughout life. Some of those challenges have been significant and intimidating. Others have been relatively insignificant. In facing challenges and wanting to succeed, we have had to make difficult choices. There were things we chose to forgo and other things we forced ourselves to do, realizing the essentiality of both. Other factors were involved in our quest, most importantly our mindset. Most believers sincerely want to run the faith-race and finish well. They also realize what applies to the physical realm applies to the spiritual!
I. You’ll Need the Assurance of Others Who’ve Run the Race (V. 1a).
v Don’t make the mistake of ignoring the context of the challenge!
1. The “therefore” forces us to consider the context; chapter 11 describes many who’ve finished their respective races. In chapter 11 he talked about others; in this chapter he talks to them.
2. They form a collective, unanimous, and irresistible witness, NOT primarily to their own faith, but to God’s faithfulness! (We must never allow ourselves to disconnect from those who have gone before us!)
v Don’t make the mistake of forgetting the lessons of faith.
1. The fact that “we’re surrounded” indicates mutual support during the race; we do not run alone. “It is these faithful from the past whose approval is worth courting despite the sneer of the unbelieving world.” (Cockerill)
2. The fact is God has been and always will be faithful to His people and His promises! He has provided a witness for us! We look to them for encouragement.
II. You’ll Need to Make Ample Preparation for Your Race (Vv. 1b-2).
v You’ll need daily practice and habits suited to racing (v. 1b).
1. The emphasis is on finishing, not winning a competition! They ran because they were citizens, not to gain citizenship!
2. You need to throw off anything and everything that weighs you down and impedes progress. These become sin and will trip you up! It’s just a matter of time! Learn to travel light! “Our author did not have any particular hindrance in mind. Any and every impediment that would handicap a runner was to be cast aside.” (O’Brien)
3. You need to run your race, the one marked out specifically and designated for you. Contestants did not choose or design the course. God designs the hills, valleys, and water stops.
4. You need endurance, grace, and spiritual energy. You cannot expect to finish without determination, despite difficulties. “There must be firm resolve not to drop out of the contest but to exert every effort to cross the finish line despite hardship, exhaustion, and pain.” (Lane)
v You’ll need to keep your eyes on the “Lead Runner” (v. 2).
1. The title “Jesus” emphasizes His humanity. There is an implied looking-away from others in order to focus on Him.
2. He is the One in whom we focus our faith, the Pioneer who’s gone before us to clear the way for us by dealing with sin. “He has opened the way to God and enables us to follow in His footsteps… He is the source of faith since the message about Him evokes faith.”
3. He is the One who has completely fitted or equipped us to follow and enter into God’s presence, the Perfecter of faith. He brings faith to a successful conclusion! He has initiated and completed the way into God’s presence.
4. He is the One who endured the cross with its humiliation, physical, mental, and emotional cruelties.
5. He is the One who looked beyond the shame and disgrace and considered it insignificant compared to the joy of pleasing His Father! “He totally disregarded [the shame] and in no way allowed it to divert Him from perfect obedience.” (Cockerill) (Part of the shame is looking like a loser when you know you’re not!)
6. He is the One who finished His race. He ran the gauntlet, and sat down at the place of honor and authority!
7. He is the One who resisted yielding to fatigue (v. 3). The hatred and hostility of the ungodly, their words, attitudes, and actions against Him threatened to wear Him out!
III. You’ll Need to Constantly and Consistently Focus on Him (V. 3).
v Don’t miss the point of this instruction!
1. We are not encouraged to focus on our own inadequacies and shortcomings, on our own weariness or circumstances!
2. We’re not even encouraged to focus on His suffering, cross-work, and death.
v Don’t fail to follow all the instructions (v. 3). We are advised to focus on Him, the One who endured and finished His race (Ps 27:1-5)! We are to reason with careful deliberation.
1. To fail to do the above is to invite disaster, discouragement, weariness, and defeat! You will eventually wear out!
2. Even great runners faint & collapse on the track! Timing is crucial; they do it after they cross the finish line, not before!
v It’s your choice! You may not have control over what happens to you but you do have control over what happens in you.
1. You can choose the way of defeat, discouragement, disaster, and disheartenment by ignoring the above instruction.
2. You can choose the way of obedience and get rid of any impediments, endure the difficulties, and experience joy at the finish line! You’ve got the encouragement of heaven!
The Christian life is likened to a footrace, which in ancient days were long and wearisome with many obstacles and distractions. Runners had to plan and prepare if they intended to finish successfully. They faced physical fatigue, mental exhaustion, and psychological weariness. Finishing well was dependent on many factors, but it was possible. The same is true for you.