Without Repentance, There is No Hope!
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 9:13-21
How many times have you changed your mind in the last few days about one thing or another? We do it more often than we realize! That’s not a bad thing; in fact, it’s necessary for survival! Changing your mind is a process. It begins with an idea, belief, or plan. We discover that it’s not working, then we reevaluate. The mind changes first, then the direction, idea, or behavior. Fairly easy? Not! Man often finds himself headed in the wrong direction. God wants to “head him off at the pass.” But man is so stubborn and obdurate! God loves man and does everything at His disposal to turn him around!
I. God’s Sovereign Control Is Evident in His Judgments (Vv. 13-15)!
v He’s the One who is giving permission/instructions to proceed with judgment (v. 13). (There is ample evidence of His sovereignty.)
1. The “voice” emanates from the golden altar where the martyrs had previously prayed for justice (8:3).
2. The “voice” is obviously God’s authorization via the angel at the altar and from the vicinity of that altar.
v He’s the One who is actually authorizing the release of evil upon those created, yet denying, they are created in His image (v. 14).
1. God is sovereign over the angels, all of them. By the way…
2. The Euphrates is “the cradle of civilization” (Gen 2:14)!
3. It is the place where sin entered the world (Gen 3).
4. It is the site of the first murder (Gen 4).
5. It is the seat of humanism & false religion (Gen 10:9-10; 11:4).
6. It is the eastern border of God’s land, Israel (Gen 15:18).
v He is the One who is carefully preparing these judgments (v. 15)!
1. These angels had been prepared for their assignment by none other than God; who else could have done it (7:1-2)?
2. “That the angels of judgment are prepared for a designated time reinforces Revelation’s emphasis that God controls all judgments on earth.” (Keener) We need not defend God!
3. Their assignment was to wipe out another third of mankind! Death visits millions across the planet, impacting everyone!
4. If ¼ of ~8 billion is wiped out (6:8) there are 6 billion remaining. Here 1/3 more are taken out with 4 billion remaining. That’s ½ of earth’s population… gone!
5. “There comes a point when God must act in justice and judgment. For God to fail to judge when He has given every conceivable warning.., is unthinkable.” (Patterson)
II. Diabolical Hatred Is Turned Loose With a Purpose (Vv. 16-19)!
v An army of 200,000,000 horsemen is set loose (vv. 16-17a).
1. John assures his readers he is not fabricating his vision; he heard the number and saw the horses himself in the vision!
2. It is very unlikely these are actual men, though some hold this view. The point being made goes beyond literal vs. figurative. John is not afraid to scare people into repentance! There are some things that people need to fear!
3. This alarming assault “comes from the east and will be characterized by devastation of almost incomparable pro-portions. The descriptions of the oriental army portrayed by John defy any comparison with known military contingencies of the ancient world or with anything in the modern world.” (Patterson)
4. “This unbelievably huge and terrifying demonic cavalry would be an unstoppable force. Only God could keep the number of the dead to only a third of mankind,” (Osborne)
v This terrifying, demonic army is described along with the details of their destructive impact on mankind (vv. 17b-19).
1. They (and their horses?) are depicted in fearsome colors of red, blue, and yellow symbolizing the invincibility of fire, smoke, and sulfur / brimstone! These are rapid global events.
2. Warhorses with heads like lions indicate swift destruction, utter cruelty, power, determination, and mercilessness.
3. Fire, smoke, and brimstone portray three separate super-natural destructions unfamiliar to first-century man. (We may imagine these to be firebombs, missiles, and explosives!)
4. Deadly heads & tails depict certain death. Previous judgment tormented temporarily; these are dreadfully swift and deadly.
III. Man’s Stubborn Resentment Is Shamefully Exposed (Vv. 20-21)!
v God has graciously, clearly, continuously, uncompromisingly, and unmistakably revealed Himself to sinful mankind!
1. He has revealed Himself thru His creation (Psalm 19)! Yet man rejects the idea and embraces the alternative, evolution!
2. He has revealed Himself thru His judgments (Gen 6-8 & 11)! Yet man scoffs at the thought and refuses to acknowledge the possibility!
3. He has revealed Himself thru His covenants (Gen 9 & Ex 20)! Yet man violates their principles and promotes the opposite.
4. He has revealed Himself thru His written word (Psalm 119). Yet man ignores it and explains it away.
5. He has revealed Himself fully & finally thru His Son (Heb 1)! Yet man denigrates, trivializes, and ignores what He has done and said on their behalf.
v Man consistently & defiantly refuses to change his mind (repent) and continues to create and commit to gods that are not!
1. He mindlessly worships & serves what he can see and control!
2. His behavior exposes his rejection of the true God (Ex 20)!
3. He stubbornly refuses to repent for obvious violations of God’s revealed will; he brazenly does what God told him not to do!
4. The most astonishing thing about this whole text is man’s response!!! Jewish teachers “declared that those addicted to their sin would not repent even at the gates of hell.” (Keener)
5. “One of the purposes of the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls is to give a final offer of salvation to the nations and to demonstrate the depravity of a people who would reject it.” (Osborne)
6. In these final verses we discover that “Even the threat of the imminent judgment of God is not an ultimate deterrent to the wickedness of man.” We also discover “a justification for the judgments of God.” (Patterson)
v Can pain and suffering bring about repentance?
1. After a year or so of extreme suffering and loss, arguing with God and defending himself; Job finally broke, “I repent!” (Job 42:1-6).
2. “God praises Job for speaking the truth about Him, for acknowledging His sovereign wisdom, and for confessing his own arrogant ignorance.” (Gault)
Is there any hope for man? Yes, if he allows God to change his heart!