Who Washed Your Brain?
Welcome to the Real World!
by Pastor Frank Rice
Proverbs "My Son"
We’re familiar with the phrase “brain-wash,” and its attendant accusations. Someone has a strong but different opinion and they’re accused of being brain-washed! Religious parents are often the target of these accusations of brain-washing, so they often back-off, allow their children to choose “for themselves” what to believe. And the culture seizes the opportunity to indoctrinate (brain-wash) them! Our premise is this; Young and old alike choose their world-view; they choose what they want to believe and who they will allow to “wash their brain!” Sadly, they deny their fallen nature and don’t realize what’s happening!
I. The World Has Its Own View of Reality and Actively Promotes It!
❖ A few preliminary thoughts are in order.
- Proverbs is a “collection of wise sayings and instructions for living a useful and effective life… instructions for living while pondering the difficulties of life.” (Ross)
- We focus our study on the “My son,” a phrase of endearment, a dad talking with (not at) his son. Some of us cannot remember a time when our father’s talked with us!
- The focus is on sons for good reason! If a society raises godly boys, 75% of the problems will be avoided or solved! It also means men are responsible for 75% of society’s problems! (In my humble and more than likely unpopular, opinion.)
❖ This world view is often foisted on the naïve by the godless! In the Book of Proverbs…
- The naïve are simple, impressionable, inexperienced, and easily misled. They are easily seduced, enticed or persuaded.
- They are open and vulnerable to “brain-washing!” Unless someone is willing to instruct them, they become the targets and victims of the godless! [Brain-washing is an accusation thrown around by godless individuals to intimidate those who believe differently, especially those who provide biblical instruction.]
❖ This godless world-view is attractive and seems reasonable when it is presented by the “sophisticated” promulgators of this world-view. In the Book of Proverbs…
- The scorner has learned to trust no one. He’s disgruntled, cynical, and morally deficient. He’s been burned so often he’s built up a callous toward everyone, including God.
- The godless fool has degenerated beyond this stage of life and is hardened in his view of life and the world. He is virtually irredeemable.
- Someone must have the courage to take up the challenge of teaching truth to the next generation! Who will do it and where do they begin? (You don’t have to be perfect to do it!)
II. Those Who Have Fathered Children Are Primarily Responsible!
❖ The phrase “My son” appears almost 30x’s in the Book of Proverbs!
- The first item on the agenda is to communicate the fear, respect, and reverence for the LORD by how you live and what you say (1:7). Get started before the godless interfere!
- The fear of the Lord is a deep-seated, well-informed, and reverential submission to the Lord and to His will.
- The fear of the Lord “is the first and controlling principle of knowledge,” the “foundation for wisdom.” But “Fools despise wisdom and discipline; they treat these virtues as worthless and contemptible.” (Ross)
- Interesting and applicable… “When the moral fiber of a nation is not formed by this sort of catechesis, society unravels and anarchy ensues.” (Waltke)
- Teach them how to recognize wrong and how to avoid getting lured into destructive lifestyles (1:8, 10, 15)! Talk to them! Instruction to follow a certain course of action implies the tendency to do otherwise.
- Teach them to understand and appreciate the way the LORD works and trains them for life (3:11, 21-22, 4:10). “Never allow resentment and discouragement to dampen your spirit!”
- “This way of knowing requires skill. One knows, discovers, learns, and experiences the skill of riding a bicycle by committing oneself to it, taking a risk, and using skillful actions, not by acquiring facts about a bicycle.” (Waltke)
❖ The second item on the agenda is avoiding the enticement of illicit relationships with “strange women!” (Also a metaphor for evil.)
- Teach them to listen attentively and put into practice what they learn (4:20; 5:1, 7, 20)! Explain terms to them!
- Warn them not to set themselves up for seduction and defeat by immoral women (6:20; 7:1 & 24). Discretion is better “caught” than taught.
- “Implicit in these verses is the basic understanding that a good home life will go a long way to prevent the youth from falling into immorality.” (Ross)
❖ The third item on the teaching agenda pertains to foolish financial commitments which lead to entrapment (6:1 & 3)!
- Warn them to avoid such innocent looking situations! They need to learn to discriminate when making promises and commitments especially financial! “Do not underwrite another’s debts as an impulsive rash act of generosity. Don’t get trapped or ensnared!”
- Strongly advise them to seek release from those commitments at all costs and do it now! There is an extreme urgency here, like a deer caught in a fence!
❖ Explain the far-reaching implications of following wise counsel (making wise choices) or of failing to follow wise counsel (19:27; 23:15)!
- Neglecting instruction results in straying from the words of knowledge which leads to disaster. It’s just a matter of time.
- Embracing wisdom instills a joyful heart, not only for the wise son but for the dad who took the time to train him.
❖ Recognize that learning doesn’t actually begin in the head, but with the inclination of the heart, a right heart-attitude (3:1; 23:19, 26).
- It is the heart that remembers and keeps God’s commands!
- It is the individual who chooses the path the heart will take.
- It is the father who seeks access to his child’s heart and asks the child to observe and scrutinize his life and then to follow.
❖ Realize that ultimately children will have to begin making their own choices (24:13-14, 21). [Give them a chance by doing your part!]
- They will have to develop a taste for wisdom, thus ensuring a future and a hope. Children often adopt their parents’ tastes!
- They will need to hold in high esteem and give due respect to those who hold positions of authority. Note the order!
- They will need to be selective in choosing those whom they will allow to influence their thinking and develop their world-view!
Children must be taught to listen to their parents. Call it brain-washing if you want! Someone is going to teach your children – it needs to be you – and you need to follow the script!
You choose whom you allow to wash your brain & those of your family!