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When His Final Wrath is Unleashed!

Posted on October 10, 2016

The Book that Promises a Blessing!

A study of the book of Revelation

by Pastor Frank Rice

Revelation 16:1-21

Wrath is not a pleasant topic to discuss in polite society. Everyone in their right mind recoils at the thought of God decimating the earth with His wrathful judgment. But we don’t have the liberty of defining God. We find it very difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend His holiness, His love, His righteousness, or anything that really defines who He is! The following text may be abhorrent! God’s holy love moves Him to take drastic measures to bring man to repentance leading to life (Romans 2:4). Man’s persistent refusal to repent only displays his obstinacy and his depravity.


I. God’s Wrath Begins to Be Poured Out on the Earth (Vv. 1-4).

      God Himself authorizes the final series of plagues to begin (v. 1).

  1. The announcement comes from the temple; since God is the only One there, it is He who sends out His angels (15:8).
  2. He instructs His angels to carry out their assignments and they follow thru with amazing rapidity! “Let’s get it over with!”
  3. The monumental devastation and extent of these apocalyptic visitations of God’s wrath, if taken literally, almost defy human imagination.” (Patterson)


      The plagues hit with a swiftness not previously observed (vv. 2-4).

  1. Plague #1 targets those who’ve sided with God’s adversary and worshiped him; unsightly, putrid, painful ulcerations or abscesses developed on their bodies (v. 2)! [Think Egypt!]
  2. This is especially bad news for cultures obsessed with outward appearance. People in pain are irritable, moody, and angry!
  3. Plague #2 targets the seas and they become like the blood of a dead man, causing sea-life to perish (v. 3)! (John may be using hyperbole to communicate his message.) “The important point is that they depict God’s sure and righteous judgment that will one day be literally and actually done in this world.” (Johnson)
  4. Every saltwater creature dies from pollution, totally destroying marine life, ecological systems, and any vestige of economic stability. The chaos, panic, and stench will be unbearable.
  5. Plague #3 seems to target all freshwater sources, further intensifying the previous plague (v. 4). Fresh drinking water is gone. Death, disease, and dehydration permeate the planet.


II. God’s Righteousness Is Affirmed in Heaven (Vv. 5-7)!

      Man resents, rebels, and accuses God of unfairness; the angel who “superintends” the waters proclaims His rightness (vv. 5-6)!

  1. He speaks directly to God, affirming His rightness & eternality. What He has done is right! (Man is in need of hearing this!)
  2. He declares that God has given them what they deserved for what they’ve done to His faithful followers. “It is just requital for their shedding of the blood of the saints!” (Johnson).


      As this angel finishes his affirmation of God’s righteousness, a chorus resounds from the altar (v. 7).

  1. This may very well be the combined voice of the martyrs from a previous scene. This is an answer to their prayer (6:9-10). “In 6:9 the saints under the altar cry out for vengeance, so it is fitting that the voice now comes from the altar.” (Osborne)
  2. They also heartily affirm that God is absolutely just for what He is doing! Tragically, man is only getting what he deserves!


III. God’s Wrath Continues to Be Poured Out on the Earth (Vv. 8-21).

      The devastating plagues continue unabated (vv. 8-16).

  1. Plague #4 utilizes the sun to scorch men with punishing heat (vv. 8-9a)! There’s no natural explanation for the phenomenon!
  2. Andrecalcitrant man refuses to acknowledge God; instead he slanders/blasphemes Him, accusing Him of injustice (v. 9b)!
  3. Plague #5 unleashes God’s wrath on the kingdom of His arch-enemy with deep & unprecedented darkness which intensifies human pain (vv. 10-11). Light gives hope, darkness despair.
  4. And obdurate man, instead of saying “uncle” (repenting), continues to slander God and blame Him for his problems!
  5. Plague #6 opens up a path for further destruction (vv. 12-16). The eastern protective barrier to the holy land is removed and the “satanic trinity,” thru persuasive signs and propaganda, gathers all nations to the “mother of all battles!” While “Har-Magedon is symbolic of the final overthrow of all the forces of evil by the might and power of God.” (Mounce) It also refers to a real place, a real point in history, and to real persons.
  6. The Messiah Conqueror warns His people to stay alert and not get caught off guard and experience the shame of being unprepared; hang in there (v. 15)!
  7. Plague #7 produces a host of alarming and unprecedented environmental disturbances (vv. 17-21a). Mass destruction and horrific chaos result. The planet is in shambles! Ironically, the OT penalty for blasphemy was stoning, these are 100lb. stones from heaven! “The movement of islands and mountains is merely part of the image of dramatic, cosmic judgment (Isa 42:15; 64:1-3).” (Keener)
  8. Someone calculated the size of the hailstones to be 17.6” in diameter! Hailstones weighing 2.25 lbs fell on Bangladesh in 1986 killing 92 people. Some weighing 1.67 lbs fell in Kansas in 1970!
  9. Since God’s goodness and kindness has not brought men to repentance and life, He has unleashed His wrath as a last resort to bring men to their spiritual senses.
  10. How’d that work?” Not very well! Men still reject Him & refuse to change their minds! “He’s unfair, heartless, and hateful!”
  11. The “It is done” (v. 17) reminds us of another horrific judgment that took place some 2,000 years prior to this one (John 19:30). 


But we’ve already heard from those who know Him intimately!

He is righteous in what He does! Heaven is the only place where the righteousness of God is never questioned!