What's This All About?
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 17:1-18
We’ve all had times of confusion, times when we thought one thing, only to be confronted with something that doesn’t seem to fit what we had assumed! The vast majority of humanity seems to think that all roads lead to God; you just have to sincerely believe, be nice to others, and do what’s right. Then you’ll be okay. Any other perspective is exclusivist, intolerant, and worthy of disdain. But the Bible assures its readers there is only one “true religion,” found in a relationship with God thru faith alone in Christ alone! All else is false, fanciful, futile, and ultimately fatal!
I. We Need to Learn to Identify False Religious Systems (Vv. 1-6)!
v There are four basic options when encountering suspected FRS.
- Remain silent! It keeps the peace and your friendships remain intact, but it’s the way of insecurity and cowardliness.
- Agree with the error! This makes one a coward and a liar.
- Attack with truth! One is thought to be courageous and bold but his audience resents it and often rejects the truth.
- Appeal to and present truth in love! Allow the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts. Make it plain so it can’t be misunderstood.
v So, what is this “loaded with symbolism” chapter all about?! This refers to life on planet earth during the tribulation. We’ve got to begin with what we know! We know certain truths…
- In the Bible women often represent religious systems. This one is beautiful, powerful, rich, and seductive! John “sees a high-class prostitute who has intoxicated the nations with her immorality.” (Keener) She’s dressed to kill – literally (vv. 2-4)!
- In the Bible fornication is an intimate relationship with someone with whom there is no covenant relationship. [BTW, “mystery… refers to a fact that could not have been discerned by human ingenuity and had to be revealed by God.” (Patterson)
- The “many waters” symbolize a multitude of people (v. 15).
- Drunkenness indicates lack of control, inebriation, intoxication, inability to think clearly but nonetheless confident!
- Wine symbolizes doctrine or teaching. Jesus referenced this.
- Purple, scarlet, gold, jewels, and pearls symbolize riches, often acquired by ransacking and plundering the helpless.
- Scarlet often indicates bloodshed and brutality. She is marked by luxury and depravity!
- Babylon symbolizes a religion of works, the worship of mother & child, even the death and resurrection of the son (Gen 11)! “Babylon was a term used by both Jews and Christians for Rome… Rome was a great city, a city set on seven hills.” and “Babylon is an eschatological symbol of satanic deception and power.” (Johnson)
- We’ve discovered that the beast is the Antichrist, Satan’s superman and the earth dwellers’ false Messiah.
- The Lamb is the Son of God, the genuine Messiah!
- We know from Daniel (OT) that mountains and horns represent human governments.
- This woman is also a city; and she controls this world’s rulers!
- This woman rides the beast! He tolerates her, takes her for a ride and eventually throws her, strips her of her massive wealth, and stomps her to death (v. 16)!
- We know the beast is destined for destruction (vv. 8, 11).
v There are six identifiable marks of this false religious system.
- They claim the Bible as their authority and a covenant relationship with God (v. 1a)! Yet they prostitute that relation-ship by “going to bed” with all sorts of belief systems!
- They control crowds and kings by their doctrine (vv. 1b-2, 15)! Many Bible scholars believe this refers to the Roman Catholic Church but it includes every works-centered religion.
- Their religion is inseparable from political activism (v. 3). Throughout history political systems have used religious groups to further their political agendas and vice versa.
- They exploit their subjects, who are intoxicated and groggy, as they indulge in extravagance (v. 4)!
- They embody the religion of Babylon, humanism, syncretism, ritualism, and independence from God (v. 5). Babylon is the mother of corruption and source of religious perversion!
- They detest the true people of God (v. 6). The atrocities of “Christianity” as well as other religions are well documented!
II. We Must Learn to Avoid False Religious Systems (Vv. 7-18)!
v Here is an explanation and a warning, “I will tell you the mystery.” We’ve seen a vision of the great harlot now we discover the interpretation.
- FRS are perverted and destined to disappoint those who trust in them (vv. 7-8). The beast briefly supports the woman and encourages others to do the same. Both have their part in the lake of fire with those who connect with them.
- FRS are political and doomed to defeat (vv. 9-18). Connect with them and you go down with them. The final manifestation during the tribulation will not be a specific church but a conglomeration of religions that will be destroyed when Antichrist is done using them! “The prostitute is destroyed by the very beast and king she follows.” (Osborne)
v Five identifiable and dangerous attitudes expose the deadly doctrine of false religious systems in our pluralistic society!
- What is their attitude toward God’s Word? Do they suppress it, distort it, add to it, deny it, or ignore it. Or do they submit to it!
- Toward Jesus Christ? Is He a good man, a guru, a god, or God incarnate?
- Toward the way of salvation? Is it faith plus something or faith alone in Christ alone?
- Toward the Holy Spirit? Is He merely a force or a member of the Godhead?
- Toward moral integrity? Is immorality accepted or even condoned? Does antinomianism reign?
Worshiping the true and living God; that’s what it’s all about!