What's New? The Priest and the Covenant
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 8:1-13
We often greet our friends, “Hey, what’s new?” One of the “clever” responses is: “New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire,…” But when we seriously consider new things, we are usually referring to something we have purchased in order to replace something that is worn out, no longer useful, or obsolete (technology!). Some things were meant to serve a temporary or transitional purpose until a better thing arrives. The writer of Hebrews states unequivocally, the Aaronic priesthood and Mosaic covenant, as revered as they were, have been replaced by Someone & something far better – a New Priest & a New Covenant!
I. Recognize That There Is a New High Priest (Vv. 1-6)!
v This new High Priest presently serves in a different sphere than any of the previous priests (vv. 1-2). (They were legitimate.)
1. The main point of this whole argument focuses on the reality of having a new High Priest to replace the old!
2. This new High Priest is now seated, something that no OT high priest could ever do! His work was never done! And there was no seat provided in the sanctuary!
3. This new High Priest is at the right hand of God (the Majesty) in heaven, a position of power and authority! No OT high priest could ever claim this!
4. This new High Priest ministers in the genuine (real, true, God-made, prototypical) tabernacle, located in heaven.
v This new High Priest has offered a different sacrifice than any of the previous priests (vv. 3-6). (Theirs were legitimate.)
1. The very nature of priesthood was to offer sacrifices and gifts (both plural) to address the sin problem, no exceptions!
2. The new High Priest could not violate this principle! The 1st “to offer” is present tense, emphasizing repetition. The 2nd “to offer” is aorist, emphasizing completion, once and done!
3. The new High Priest presented His sacrifice, not in the earthly copy of the tabernacle (Ex 25:40), but in the original.
4. The new High Priest has achieved a ministry far outshining any and all prior priests / ministries (v. 6)! (More excellent!)
(a) He is the Mediator of a better covenant. He stands in the middle of two parties and brings reconciliation.
(b) The new covenant is far better because it was built on better promises, not to mention a better Guarantor.
II. Recognize That There Is a New Covenant (Vv. 7-13)!
v The New Covenant replaced the faulty / imperfect old one which has become obsolete (vv. 7-9, 13).
1. The basic problem with the old system was the people. Their intentions were honorable but they overestimated their ability and underestimated their liability (Ex 24:3, 7; 32:1)!
(a) “The Law of Moses is not eternal and unchanging…” It “was intentionally temporary.” (Copan)
(b) “God’s promise of a New Covenant demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the Old.” (Cockerill)
(c) “Here in Hebrews 8:13 the writer speaks of the old covenant as having gotten beyond its time of usefulness.” (Guthrie)
(d) BTW, no one worships God “in his own way!” He sets the guidelines. Anything less is unacceptable!
2. This happens to be the longest OT quote in the NT!
3. The New Covenant was promised by Jeremiah the prophet 600 years before the cross! The prophets knew the people were unable to live up to the old covenant.
v The New Covenant promises differ drastically from stipulations of the old covenant (vv. 10-12)!
1. The NC promises internal transformation (v. 10a). The old was merely external. Laws were written on cold, hard stone! The NC promises a new mind and heart (Ezek 36:26-27)!
2. The NC promises an intimate relationship (v. 10b). The old system began with God on a mountain and people standing far off. The NC invites us to draw near to God our “Father.”
3. The NC promises inborn (from 2nd birth) knowledge (v. 11).
Israel was in covenant with God despite spiritual condition! Everyone in the NC knows the Lord. That’s the nature of the NC; each enters by faith and is incorporated into the body.
4. The NC promises complete forgiveness (v. 12). This wasn’t a reality under the old. Sins were covered, not removed. The NC proclaims total forgiveness, the removal of sin (Jn1:29).
v The New Covenant must make a difference in me (Luke22:20)!
1. “The New Covenant, in essence, has to do with a relationship with God established by the forgiveness of sins, lived out by the internalization of God’s laws, and conceptually set against the backdrop of God’s working through the people of Israel.” (Guthrie)
2. By faith alone in Christ alone I experience an internal transformation, an intimate relationship with the Father, intuitive knowledge, and complete forgiveness. I have a new heart and a new life.