We Must Pay Attention!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 2:1-4
Many of us remember the days when we sat in a classroom or on a gym floor or mat, and the instructor “encouraged” us to pay attention to what he was saying! Just as there are benefits to paying attention, there are also detriments for not paying attention. Paying attention is not an easy assignment! Distractions abound! It takes a concerted effort in order to avoid the consequences of spiritual negligence. The author moves from exposition (explaining the OT) to exhortation (encouragement to do something)! Paying attention involves doing something with what you’ve heard!!
I. Pay Attention or You Will Miss Your Purpose (V. 1)!
This challenge speaks to everyone in the listening audience!
He begins with a “therefore.” The term forces us to review what’s just been said and consider the action required.
He speaks to everyone who’s heard the gospel message and recognizes the superiority of the Son. Unbelievers are responsible to do something! Believers are not exempt!
This is the first of five warning passages. (3:7-4:13; 5:11-6:20; 10:26-31; 12:18-29)
The challenge is to pay careful attention (with the intent of doing) to what they’ve heard! Process the information! Consider carefully what has been said! (It is not enough just to hear the Word of God! Do something with it!)
Spiritual drifting occurs when the tides of time, familiarity with truth, and busyness are allowed to sweep us past God’s purpose for our lives.
Drifting begins with imperfect hearing. (You can move closer, minimize the static, or increase the intensity of your listening!) Then there’s careless or sloppy listening. It culminates with an outright unwillingness or refusal to listen.
The challenge is to help them avoid disaster by drifting right past God’s intention for their lives – Christlikeness / maturity.
Unbelievers must come to faith in the Son and begin their spiritual journey! Some listeners were not yet believers.
Believers must continue to grow in their faith in the Son and come to maturity! This is God’s desire and design for each believer! (It is not enough just to claim you are saved!)
II. Pay Attention or You Will Pay the Consequences (Vv. 2-3a)!
Consider God’s dealings with the OT community (v. 2)!
The source of the written record (OT) is God the Holy Spirit, but angelic beings were involved in its communication (Deut 33:2; Ps 68:17; Acts 7:53).
When God’s people transgressed the Law and “deliberately stepped across the line,” there were severe consequences! (The “line” is drawn by knowledge and conscience.)
When God’s people disobeyed the Law and “failed to carry out a command,” there was a fitting punishment!
The first is a sin of commission, the second, of omission. The words spoken were expected to be taken seriously!
Consider God’s dealings with those who’ve received a superior communication from a Superior Source – His Son (v. 3a).
The argument goes from the lesser to the greater. If those receiving an “inferior” message from “inferior” beings were chastised, how will we fare if we ignore this new message!?!
We’re not told what we need to escape. But there are severe consequences for ignoring God’s communiqué! Disaster awaits unbelievers and believers who ignore God’s Word.
For unbelievers, an eternity without Christ awaits. For negligent and therefore immature believers, there is a life of frustration, defeat, disappointment, and despair. (The author doesn’t use the term “reject” but “neglect.”)
“This pressing appeal to heed the divine message is firmly grounded in the superiority of the Son who is the definitive herald of God’s word, and about whom the Old Testament Scriptures bear such eloquent testimony.” (O’Brien)
“If disregard for the law of Moses brought serious sanctions, then how disastrous it would be to neglect the salvation proclaimed by the Lord!” (O’Brien)
III. Pay Attention to (Act On) God’s Communiqué (Vv. 3b-4)!
The message of salvation is not limited to “the new birth” any more than parenting is limited to having babies! There is the expectation of growing up to maturity and responsibility!
The message of salvation was proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Himself! (v. 3b)! He introduced the good news because He is the good news! Apart from Him there is no good news!
The message of salvation was confirmed to us by those who heard the Lord Jesus in person, pre & post resurrection (v. 3c)!
The message of salvation was validated by God Himself (v. 4)!
Authentication was thru signs (supernatural occurrences which acted as proofs), wonders (supernatural acts which produced awe), & miracles (displays of divine power)!
Authentication was thru the apostolic gifts which the Holy Spirit granted according to His will and displayed by the apostles in the book of Acts.
“The God who has spoken His final revelation in His Son had established beyond doubt the reliability of this saving message to the listeners.” (O’Brien)
“I fear the Dark Spectre may come too soon –
or do I mean, to late?
That I should end before I finish
Or finish, but not well.
That I should stain Your honor, shame Your
Name, grieve Your loving heart.
Few, they tell me, finish well…
Lord, let me get home before dark.” (McQuilkin)
Salvation is a wonderful gift. You neglect it to your own detriment! There must be a sense of urgency, intentionality and intensity.