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We MUST Do This Together

Posted on August 31, 2015

Don't Stop Now!

A study of the NT book of Hebrews

by Pastor Frank Rice

Hebrews 13:7-17

Athletic teams, security task forces, military units, and orchestras have individuals who are standouts, who are far above the average and garner much of the attention and accolades. But the wise standout knows she is deeply indebted to “supporting staff” for her accomplishments. Rugged individualism may impress the crowds, but it rarely works in the spiritual realm. God is “impressed” as His people travel together.

Our author addresses vital concerns as he closes out his message. We would do well to pay close attention and follow his directives!


I. We Must Keep In Mind Those Who Came Before Us (Vv. 7-9).

v     Reflect on your former leaders, those who initially taught you the truth of God’s Word (v. 7). (These are now off the scene.)

1.      Remember; call to mind those who led you in the beginning and introduced you to the Messiah. (Anyone come to mind?)

2.      Consider the outcome of their way of life, the impact their faith had on their lifestyles. Think thru this! What we believe will impact the outcome of our lives for better or for worse!

3.      Imitate the exemplary faith of these men (women). To follow their faith is to believe what they believed and to allow it to transform your life.


v     Reflect on the immutable and unchanging nature and ministry of Jesus Christ (v. 8). The author of Hebrews had taught them well!

1.      He was the primary subject of what was originally taught. “He is the eternal Son who became incarnate, lived an obedient human life, offered Himself in obedience to God, and has now taken His seat at God’s right hand (8:1-2). Thus, He has full authority to cleanse His people from sin and bring them into God’s presence.” (Cockerill)

2.      Leaders come and go, but Jesus Christ remains. When your Christology is biblically grounded, so is your life and hope!


v     Refrain from getting swept away by any alien teachings (v. 9)!

1.      Anything that deviates from the truth of God’s Word, especially concerning Christ, must be rejected! “The image is that of a person who is inadequately grounded and is liable to be swept away by the currents of false teaching.” (O’Brien)

2.      There are a multitude of strange teachings about the person and ministry of Jesus Christ! Error here is eternal damnation!

3.      The heart is strengthened by grace, not a list of dietary or behavioral regulations that can never transform the heart! Rituals, no matter how elaborate or impressive, can never transform the heart!


II. We Must Be Aware of Resources & Responsibilities (Vv. 10-16).

v     We have a relationship with Jesus Christ which sets us apart to Him (vv. 10-12). (The altar is the place of sacrifice, the cross.)

1.      We have a place of sacrifice to which we look for hope and salvation, which is radically different from the OT (v. 10).

2.      We have a Sacrifice far superior to any OT sacrifice which was dragged and disposed of outside the city gate (v. 11). “His sacrifice is the source of both the saving and sustaining grace by which our hearts are strengthened.” (O’Brien)

3.      We have a Savior who willingly dragged Himself outside the gate to sacrifice Himself, to completely redeem us (v. 12).     


v     We have the privilege and responsibility to identify with Jesus Christ regardless of the consequences (vv. 13-14). (“Let us…”)

1.      He bore the humiliation and rejection of the religious crowd (v. 13). To identify with Him is to incur the same.

2.      By identifying with Him we declare that our hope is in the fulfillment of His promise for a permanent residence (v. 14)!  


v     We have the unique privilege and responsibility of continually offering sacrifices to Him (vv. 15-16). (“Let us…”)

1.      We bring the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for who He is and what He’s done for us, springing from a heart that overflows with gratitude (v. 15).

2.      We bring the sacrifices of good deeds and sharing with others because we have been redeemed (v. 16a)! This is the way we are to treat each other, with thoughtful and mutual concern and accompanying action.

3.      We have the wonderful assurance that our God is pleased with us and our offering (v. 16b)! (Remember Abel.)

4.      The sacrifices of the Old Covenant were offered perpetually because they were never effective in removing sin (10:1-4). The sacrifices of praise and right living described in these verses are to be offered perpetually because Christ’s obedient self-offering has effectively done away with sin.” (Cockerill)


III. We Must Follow Those Who Presently Lead Us (V. 17).

v     Respond appropriately to those who presently lead you (v. 17a, Acts20:28).

1.      We (the sheep) are responsible for doing what our leaders ask us to do and for doing so with the attitude of submission.

2.      They (the shepherds) are responsible for diligently watching over us (the sheep) to feed, lead, care for, and to protect us since they are accountable to Christ (the Chief Shepherd).


v     Recognize the potential impact of your response (v. 17b).

1.      Your response will be cause for rejoicing or for groaning (deep sighing)!

2.      We’re assured that a negative response will not be in our best interest! Itbenefits no one!


We must do this together!