We Can Be Confident!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 6:13-20
Confidence is a strange thing. Without it, you have no basis for meaningful relationships. It is the most important ingredient in personal and professional dealings. It is the glue that holds people and families together. But people seem to be suspicious and skeptical. (It’s difficult not to be cynical in our culture.) Men viciously attack the credibility of each other and the credibility (trustworthiness) of God!
So, who can you trust? In whom can you place your confidence?! The author of Hebrews provides his readers with unquestionable grounds for confidence for those willing to trust God for their eternal welfare!
I. We Have the Example of Abraham; He Trusted God (Vv. 13-15)!
v God made a promise to Abraham (we call it a covenant) early on in the life of Abraham (Gen 12:1-4a).
1. The Lord initiated the covenant with Abram (exalted father)! God called him to “leave the old life, and begin a new one.”
2. The Lord promised Abraham land, descendants (a son), and multiple blessings that would spill over to all the nations!
v Abraham believed the promise God had made and he trusted God to do what He said He would do.
1. Abraham was confronted with tests and temptations as he awaited the fulfillment of God’s promise. He and his wife were both past the age of childbearing (75 years old & 65 years old!)!
3. Abraham, after 25 years of waiting “patiently,” held his little boy in his arms! The promise had arrived!
4. Abraham was told by God to “sacrifice” the very thing God had promised; and he did it without argument or hesitation! This is the text from which the author quotes (Gen 22:1-19)!
5. Abraham not only had God’s promise but now had His “sworn testimony” that what He had promised would become reality! God provided absolute, unquestionable assurance!
6. And Abraham rested in the confidence that God provided! Diligently follow his example so you don’t become a slug!
II. We Have the Finality of God’s Word; He Cannot Lie (Vv. 16-18)!
v We’re fairly familiar with oaths given and received in human courts (v. 16; Matt.5:33-37).
1. They appeal to someone of a higher status and integrity than the oath-giver for the sake of credibility and accountability.
2. This oath ends the argument. It’s the legal guarantee of a testimony’s truthfulness and the final word.
v God chooses (condescends) to implement the same procedure to communicate His absolute commitment to His word (vv. 17-18)!
1. God “stoops” to take an oath for the sake of those who need absolute assurance! “God had no need to swear an oath. He did so to make it absolutely clear to His servant that the promise would be fulfilled.”
2. The two immutable (unchangeable) things are the promise of God and His oath! They are His sworn “affirmation” of His trustworthiness!
3. “The pastor uses every resource at his disposal to show the lengths to which God has gone in order to assure His people that His promise of salvation is absolutely reliable. Although God’s integrity was beyond question, He condescended to use an oath, the means by which unreliable human beings affirm their truthfulness.” (Cockerill)
4. He did it all so that those (we) who have fled (and will flee) to Him for refuge might have abundant encouragement!
5. “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!” (Rom. 11:33)
III. We Have the Pledge of a Solid Hope; It Cannot Move (Vv. 19-20)!
v We have (present tense) the absolute certainty of eternal stability because we have an anchor (v. 19).
1. The anchor of the soul symbolizes stability for those passing thru the storms of life! Pictures of anchors are etched on the walls of the catacombs. They are unseen and unbending!
2. The anchor must be well placed! This one is rock solidly placed in the in the inner sanctuary behind the veil!
v We have Someone who has gone before us, on our behalf (v.20).
1. There is no greater security, knowing that we will follow! “By calling Christ ‘forerunner,’ He has made Christ superior to Aaron, for none could follow Aaron into the inner sanctum of the earthly sanctuary.” (Cockerill)
2. Hope (confidence) is based on the completed and continuing work of Jesus our High Priest (John 14:2-3).
3. My assurance does not depend on the strength of my faith, but on the absolute trustworthiness of my God!
4. The God who has begun a good work in me will complete it (Php. 1:6)! I am kept by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5).