Two Christian Obligations: Baptism and Communion
Do These Obligations Really Matter?
by Pastor Frank Rice
Text? The New Testament!
The question is valid and worthy of consideration! Does baptism really matter? Does it really matter to God? If it does, then what must I do about it? If communion means something special, how should I respond? Experiencing confidence & stability in your walk with God is more than a matter of just hearing the word of God; it’s a matter of doing, responding to what He says!!
I. Baptism Is a Public Declaration of Identification & Allegiance!
❖ Messiah understood that baptism was essential to His ministry of providing salvation to a lost humanity (Matt 3:13-17).
- Before He entered into public ministry, He allowed Himself to be baptized, identifying with those He came to save!
- The One who knew no sin would become sin for us and identified with us even though He Himself was without sin! What condescension! What humiliation!
❖ Messiah, after His death and resurrection, and prior to His ascension, told His followers to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20).
- The first item on the agenda was for them to identify with their Messiah by being baptized, giving legitimacy to their belief in His death, burial, and resurrection.
- The first step in true discipleship is to identify with the One whom you claim to be following! Prove your loyalty!
❖ Messiah’s followers followed His instructions from the beginning of the disciple-making ministry (Acts 2:29-41; esp. 37-41)!
- The apostle Peter preached the gospel to a primarily Jewish audience and many of them were struck by the truth!
- They were told to repent, to change their minds about Jesus! He was not a mere man! He was Lord and Messiah!
- They were told to be baptized, to identify with Him and declare their allegiance and loyalty to Him and they did so! And amazing things happened (vv. 42-47)!
- The Acts records multiple stories of people responding to the gospel, not praying a prayer, walking an isle, or raising their hand, but by baptism (8:12, 36 & 38; 9:18; 10:47-48; 16:30-34)! One of the first steps in discipleship is…
❖ Messiah asks a thought-provoking and convicting question for those who claim to have placed their faith and trust in Him;
“Why do you call me Lord, if you’re not doing what I tell you to do?”
Baptism DOES matter to God.
It declares publicly that you are one of His own!
II. Communion Is a Commitment to Remember & Appreciate Him!
❖ Messiah introduced the Lord’s Supper the evening prior to the shedding of His blood for the remission of sins (Luke 22:14-20).
- The disciples gathered, expecting to celebrate Passover, to remember and reflect on God’s rescue of His people from the clutches, dominion, hopelessness, and futility of Egypt.
- The meal reminded them of the meaning of the Passover celebration, the celebration of deliverance from bondage of Egypt into a new life. He unpacked the real meaning.
- He made it clear that the bread represented His body which would be sacrificed for mankind. Passover took on new meaning. “For” means “instead of” & “for the benefit of.”
- He made it clear that the cup represented His blood by which He would seal or authorize the new covenant.
- He made it very clear that His disciples were expected to celebrate the special event regularly. It was a confirmation and reminder of mutual covenant commitment.
❖ Messiah’s followers understood and followed His instructions from the beginning (1 Cor 11:11:17-34).
- Misunderstanding and abuse are to be expected by those who do not comprehend nor appreciate the meaning, significance, and finality of what the Messiah had done!
- Much like baptism, communion is not religious magic to get you in good with God! Neither is it to provide a ritual for men to take advantage of the ignorant and vulnerable!
- It is a meaningful ritual for those who’ve placed their faith in Messiah and are walking, by grace, in obedience to Him, not perfect but blameless.
❖ Messiah never intended for His followers to forget His love and sacrifice for them, and their commitment to each other.
- It is to be a time of reflection and anticipation (vv. 23-26).
- It is not to be taken lightly by those participating (vv. 27-34)!
- It is to be celebrated in an atmosphere of benevolent love for the brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Cor 13).
Those who call Him Lord are obligated to do what He says… with a knowledgeable and appreciative understanding of the meaning, significance, and finality of what He has done on their behalf.