Think About It!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 7:1-10
Do you remember the witty saying, “There are 5% of us who think; the other 95% only think they think”? Point well-taken; many folks never really engage their brains in serious thought! It’s not that they don’t have the mental capacity to do so. It may be the fear of having to change present views. Pride despises admitting error. Whatever the reason, many refuse to seriously consider a change in spiritual perspectives. The author of Hebrews continues to prod readers to think seriously about their perspective on the Son of God and His new priesthood!
I. Check Out the Historical Context for This Argument (Vv. 1-3).
v The historical context depicts a battle and a subsequent victory celebration in which Abram is a key figure (Genesis 14).
1. A coalition of four powerful kings attacks five lesser kings and carries away the spoils, including Abram’s nephew!
2. Abram is alerted to the emergency, gathers 318 trained men and rescues his nephew and recovers the spoils of battle.
3. Abram is met by a mysterious figure, the priest of God Most High (vv. 18-20). This is the basis for what will be said.
v According to the historical text and the author of Hebrews, this man is a type of Messiah, a picture of the One to come.
1. He is a king, famed for his reign of righteousness which resulted in peace for his subjects. These two are connected.
2. He is a priest, who brought men to God and God to men. He worshipped El Elyon and from Him received his standards for governing the people.
3. He is unusual, radically different from other OT priests. His priesthood was based on character not genealogy. He could not produce a record of his ancestors. “Melchizedek appears in Genesis 14 without any indication of parentage, origin, or end.” (Cockerill)
4. He is a legitimate type (picture) of Messiah, which introduces a whole new dimension into the spiritual equation! This type has an antitype, prefigures Him, and is imperfect and temporary. This antitype (Christ, the Son of God) is perfect and eternal.
v Recognize what is being said about the Son. After all, the point of Hebrews is to prove conclusively the superiority of the Son!
1. The Son of God is the king of righteousness and peace! He is the source of righteousness and peace and will someday reign in righteousness resulting in peace.
2. The Son of God is the priest of God. He is the One who brings men to God and God to men. Here is a hint of where the author is leading us in his discussion. “The Genesis passage provides a legitimate basis for showing Melchizedek’s superiority to Abraham and thus to the Levitical priestly order.” (Cockerill)
v Recognize the uniqueness of this mysterious figure; very simply.
1. He comes out and greets Abraham!
2. He blesses Abraham.
3. He receives a tithe from Abraham.
II. Consider the Implications of This OT Figure (Vv. 4-10).
v Think about what has just been presented! (This will present a challenge to our western way of thinking.)
1. Readers are challenged to consider (to gaze upon, look with interest, carefully observe) the logical implications of these opening verses.
2. It is an irrefutable truth; the lesser is blessed by the better.
v Follow the facts and the Hebrew logic (which may be difficult)!
1. Abraham voluntarily gave tithes and received blessings, and by this Abraham recognized the superiority of Melchizedek.
2. Aaron was in Levi, who was in Jacob, who was in Isaac, who was in Abraham. Therefore Aaron recognized the superiority of Melchizedek.
3. Since the Son is of the order of Melchizedek, He and His priesthood are superior to the OT priesthood! (The readers should be and would be able to follow the logic of this.)
4. “Melchizedek’s character type regarding king, priest, righteousness, and peace was fulfilled to perfection in Christ. Melchizedek’s qualifications, being without genealogy and without beginning or end, prefigured Jesus who had no priestly genealogy or priestly term of service but was appointed by God and ministers eternally.” (Hughes)
5. Therefore the OT priest and priesthood are obsolete, having been replaced by One far better! If you’re counting on any priest other than Christ alone you’re entertaining false hopes!
“No man, sinful as he is, can stand alone before a holy and righteous God. He must have a priest, a mediator, one who is qualified and willing to represent him!”
Think about it! Christ and His Priesthood are our only hope! You can follow Him with confidence!