The Scroll Unsealed: Judgment Begins!
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 6:1-8
We’ve reached a point in our study where we’re obligated to consider a framework for the series of catastrophes destined to befall the whole earth. There is no doubt that a transition exists between chapters 5 & 6. There is also no doubt among Christians that, “Jesus is coming again!” The questions we wrestle with pertain to the timing, the nature, and the purpose of His coming. We have an obligation to Scripture, to seek to understand it and then adjust our beliefs and behaviors in accord with what we discover!
I. Ground Rules Must Be Observed As the Scroll Is Unsealed!
We’re obligated to interpret Scripture the way it was intended to be interpreted!
The text means exactly (literally) what it says unless there is reasonable, rational justification for understanding otherwise.
Scripture must be interpreted (grammatically) by normal rules of language and grammar, just as any other piece of literature.
Events recorded in Scripture are historically reliable and relevant accounts of real life, and must be interpreted as such.
Verses & texts must be understood in context (contextually).
Recognize the various views regarding Christ’s coming kingdom!
[We all agree that; (1) there is a transition between chapters 5 & 6. (2) Jesus is coming again! (3) God has promised a kingdom to the nation of Israel. (4) God does not lie or renege on His unconditional, unilateral, eternal promises (Gen 12:1-3). (5) We can disagree on the timing, the nature, and the purpose of His coming.]
The amillennial (no millennium) view argues for a non-literal earthly kingdom. “Between His two comings Christ rules over a spiritual kingdom in the hearts of mankind.”
The post-millennial view argues that “Man will bring in the kingdom through the spread of the gospel. Christ will return after (post) its universal acceptance to sit upon His throne.”
The pre-millennial view states, “Christ will return to the earth before the millennium begins to inaugurate and reign over it.” There is promised a literal, geographical, earthly kingdom.
Recognize the various views locating Christians when the Lamb opens the seals in chapter six. Generally speaking…
Mid-tribulationists believe Christians will be subjected to the first 3 ½ years of tribulation, then be removed by Christ. It is theologically incorrect to refer to OT saints as Christians.
Post-tribulationists believe Christians will be subjected to the full force of God’s wrath, and then Christ will intervene.
Pre-tribulationists believe Christians will be removed prior to the beginning of the world-wide tribulation. (Eschatology =/= Soteriology!)
Here is some of the evidence for holding a pre-tribulation view.
Chronologically, the tribulation follows the church age (Rev 1:19).
Christians are promised release from the hour of trial (3:10).
Christians are not appointed to wrath but delivered from wrath (1 Thess 1:10, 5:9).
There is no mention of the church in Revelation 4-19.
The NT mentions the supernatural removal of the church from the earth (1 Cor 15:51-52; 1 Thess 4:13-18).
Scripture uses several different phrases to describe Revelation’s events.
Isaiah refers to it as The Day of the LORD (2:12; 13:6-13;…).
Jeremiah calls it The Time of Jacob’s Trouble (30:7).
It is The Seventieth Week of Daniel (9:24-27).
It is referred to by Daniel as a Time of Trouble (12:1).
Jesus refers to it as The Great Tribulation (Matt 24:21).
II. The Lamb Initiates the Judgments That Befall the Earth (Vv. 1-8)!
The Lamb opens the first of the seven seals (vv. 1-2). Unsealing is systematic, calculated, controlled, and authorized by Him. “In these four interconnected seals, God’s judgment is to allow human depravity to run its course.” (Osborne) [See also 2 Thess 2:7.]
The Lamb opens a seal and one of the living beings calls for the first horse and rider to make their entrance (cp Zech 1:7-11; 6:1-8). [The NASB translation, “go,” has the best textual support and makes the best sense.]
The white horse represents a false and forced peace. Logic and logistics dictate the impossibility of this being Christ. Terms for crown (Rev 19:11) are different. A bow with no arrows and a living being commanding the Son of God seem totally contradictory! Christ opens the seals and then rides out?! The riders are impersonal, including this one.
Then a red horse with its rider is called forth (vv. 3-4).
He is granted power to eradicate any vestige of peace and introduce war and slaughter.
Anarchy, war, and terrorism permeate the planet! People are caused to slaughter each other, not the normal term used for death in battle. This is social upheaval, intense rebellion and rampant civil disorder. Pent-up vengeance and hatefulness rule the day and the media! And our culture feeds on it!
Then a black horse with its rider is called forth (vv. 5-6).
The scale in his hand represents world-wide famine and economic destabilization and collapse. Scales usually represent commerce. Inflation is caused by shortages. A person must work a full day just to feed himself. (The phrase regarding oil and the wine could indicate protection for the rich or a sign of hope. Save the source, it will be needed.)
Here is a notable and common progression! False and forced peace breaks out into anarchy, which eventuates in famine…
Then a “cadaver-colored” horse is called forth (vv. 7-8). This one is linked to the previous riders & judgments. “All these horsemen act at God’s bidding and as His agents.” (Keener)
The pale green corpse-like color is indicative of death and the two figures, Death & the Grave, gather up their victims.
These “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” take out ¼ of the earth’s population by four different means!
These images threatened the worldly security of first century Christians and should have a similar impact in the 21st century!
Chapters 1-5 were foundational. Subsequent chapters are sobering, sad, and heart-wrenching as we wrestle with the sovereignty and severity of the Lord. The purposes for the ensuing sorrows may be to comfort those who know the Savior or to “turn up the heat” on the ungodly so they repent and turn to the Messiah. It is also possibly to fully expose the culpability and justifiable condemnation and damnation of those who continue to reject Christ the Messiah.
Familiarize yourself with chapters 1-5 if you want to maintain eschatological sanity!