The Response is Resounding!
The Book That Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 5:8-14
We’ve all been to a few performances where an actor, a singer, an athlete, a speaker, or some other kind of performer was so remarkable and inspiring that an extended standing ovation was not only appropriate but almost obligatory! Yet these are merely human accolades in response to what we deem incredible events. Those who’ve placed their faith in Christ can expect much more! What John experiences in heaven with the transfer of the scroll is even more astounding. No words can adequately describe the scene!
I. The Attention of Heaven Focuses on a Scroll & a Lamb (Vv. 1-7)!
v The attention of heaven had focused on a simple scroll (vv. 1-4).
1. The “filled-up” scroll was held on the palm of the Father’s right hand, “right” being symbolic of authority and power.
2. This secret of “God’s redemptive plan and the future history of God’s creation” was offered to anyone qualified to unseal it!
3. A mighty angel announces the need to all creation. When no one steps forward, John sobs desperately.
v The apostle is relieved as an elder shares the news that Someone has stepped forth to take the scroll and open the seals (vv. 5-7)!
1. He is eminently qualified, by virtue of His sacrificial death and bodily resurrection!
2. This worthy One, “bears the marks of death” and “the signs of the fullness of divine omnipotence, dominion, & omniscience,” and now takes center stage!
II. The Worship of Heaven Is Focused on the Lamb (Vv. 8-10)!
v Those who had witnessed the transfer of the scroll, with profound relief & joy irrepressible, responded in worship of the Lamb (v. 8).
1. The four living beings and the 24 elders responded in worship of the Lamb, the Messiah who’d been slain and is now alive!
2. The worshippers held items that symbolized worship and prayer directed to the Lamb. [The harp is a lyre with 10 or 12 strings, the primary instrument in singing psalms, and David’s instrument of choice. “Prayer in this scene is not praise but petition.” (Johnson)] Is there anyone who would argue against the deity of Jesus the Messiah!?!
3. “The four living creatures and the 24 elders now fall down before the Lamb just as they had previously fallen before the One who sat on the throne… there’s no hesitancy!” (Patterson)
v Those who had witnessed the transfer of the scroll sang a new kind of song to the Lamb (vv. 9-10).
1. They sang, affirmed, and witnessed to His worthiness to take the scroll and to break its seven seals (v. 9a)!
2. They attributed His worthiness to His act of submission to the Father’s will – His voluntary, sacrificial death (v. 9b)!
3. They acknowledge the fact that it was His shed blood that purchased them out of slavery (v. 9c). (Is this antiphonal?) The death of Christ broke the stranglehold of principalities and powers… (Col 2:15)!
4. “The centrality of the Cross and its meaning as a redemptive act comes repeatedly to the fore and should dominate our understanding throughout Revelation.” (Johnson)
5. They recognized the diversity of the redeemed! Messiah did not overlook any earthly people-group (v. 9d; John 3:16)!
6. They recognized the undeserved privileges that the redeemed have been granted (v. 10)! Obviously, they anticipated a future age in which these privileges would be activated.
7. “Christ’s sacrifice has made it possible for all Gods people drawn from the nations of the earth to be both royalty and priests in the new kingdom of God.” (Osborne)
8. “The reference to the ‘earth’ is best taken to refer to the future eschatological kingdom reign of Christ.” (Johnson)
III. The Worship of ALL Heaven Is Focused on the Lamb (Vv. 11-12)!
v The apostle lifted his eyes and heard more worshippers join in the heavenly chorus singing to the Lamb (v. 11).
1. They encircle the throne where the Father and the Lamb are located, where the focus of the drama is being played out.
2. The four beings and the elders are joined in their singing by a number of angelic beings too many to count! (100,000,000+!)
v The heavenly choir again worships and affirms in their song the worthiness of the slaughtered and now living Lamb (v. 12)! (Interestingly but not surprising, seven items are mentioned!)
1. He is worthy! Four attributes of Christ celebrate His power, His wealth, His wisdom, and His strength! These self-defining attributes are found throughout the Revelation!
2. He is worthy to receive honor, glory, and praise because He possesses perfectly these defining attributes! Those who know Him best, worship Him in spirit and in truth!
IV. The Worship of ALL Creation Is Toward the Throne (Vv. 13-14)!
v Every created being in every part of creation responds in worship (v. 13a). All creation recognizes the Creator for who He is!
v They all recognize and affirm the attributes of this omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, sovereign God (v. 13b)!
v And in response to this overwhelming choir of praise and worship the elders, representing the redeemed from the OT and the NT, fall on their faces before this eternal God (v. 14).
v “Far beyond the precincts of the throne, there arises an expression of praise and worth from the whole created universe to the One on the throne and to the Lamb.” (Johnson)
“With this incredible scene, John and the reader have been prepared so that they will not be totally overwhelmed by the nature of what is about to happen on the earth. Earthly catastrophe of the magnitude of that which follows and human suffering in general are made palatable by an adequate understanding of the person and purposes of God and the perfect will and worship of God as practiced in heaven.” (Patterson)
We’ve witnessed the stands erupting at a 3 pointer at the buzzer, a perfect field-goal as time ran out, or a last second take down! No one has to tell the audience to applaud!
When we get to glory, glorious worship will be the natural response to His presence!