The Prince of Peace Arrives!
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 19:11-21
We’re heading into the season of delusion! “What would you like for Christmas?” The typical Christmas card wish? “Peace on earth!” Peace will come, but not in the way many people imagine or desire! Almost all of us are weary of the hatefulness and violence exhibited daily by mankind. That hostility will end – in a cataclysmic fashion – when the Prince of Peace arrives and “cleans house!”
The cleanup of planet earth will take place and it will be thorough! Those responsible for the chaos and horror will be eliminated!
I. Cleanup Operations Are Under Christ’s Command (Vv. 11-16)!
❖ Christ is the only One qualified and capable of commandeering the cleanup operation; this is based on His character (vv. 11-13)! [Evidently He traded in the donkey for a warhorse which seems far more appropriate for His current mission!]
- The curtains of heaven are drawn to reveal the One who is Faithful and loyal to His people and to His promises! He is reliable. He does what He says He will do!
- He is True! Who He is aligns with reality. He is authentic and genuine. There is no phoniness or misrepresentation in Him.
- Therefore, He cannot pervert justice or wage unjust war. “With justice He judges and makes war.” (NIV) Whatever He does, He does in righteousness.
- He is incomprehensible (v. 12)! Everything here asserts His deity and authority. His piercing eyes judge. His crowns signify universal rule. He is called wonderful (Jdgs 13:18; Isa 9:6)!
- “Jesus’ fiery eyes indicate divinity and fury; His ‘many crowns’ indicate that He is ruler over all the kings of the world.” (Keener)
- He is clothed to communicate His purpose (v. 13). His blood-soaked robe may speak of the upcoming battle or His own blood, sacrificed for mankind’s sin. (The former is most likely.)
- He is the Word of God, the ultimate and accurate expression of who God is (v. 13; John 1:1, 14). Grace is not mentioned in His 2nd coming, only judgment of incalculable proportions.
❖ Christ is the only One who will engage the forces of evil in this cleanup operation; this also rests on His character (vv. 14-16)!
- The Captain-Messiah will lead an army on white horses. He’s the only One with a weapon, and it is symbolic (v. 14)! This is apocalyptic literature and these riders likely picture the church.
- “They execute no violence themselves; Jesus is the mighty warrior who strikes the wicked.” (Keener)
- The Warrior-Messiah conquers by His word. He commands; it is done (v. 15a)! He did it in creation; He’ll do it in conquest.
- The Shepherd-Messiah dispatches His foes with absolute, unyielding sovereignty, severity, and inflexible righteousness (v. 15b)! There is no mercy when grace has been despised!
- The Judge-Messiah expresses the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God (v. 15c)! This is not the God most people favor or envision! God is love, but His essential attribute is holiness.
- “The angels around the throne do not sing, “Love, love, love!” They sing “Holy, holy, holy!” God’s essential attribute is holiness. All else flows out of that attribute!
- The Messiah-King is sovereign over all of the rulers and people of the earth (v. 16)! He alone has the right to rule over mankind. And He will!
- These ascriptions reveal our Lord's dignity as the Eternal Son, His incarnation as the Word became flesh, and His Second Advent to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
II. Cleanup Operations Are Carried Out Thoroughly (Vv. 17-21)!
❖ A unique & repulsive “cleanup crew” is summoned in anticipation of a massive crisis (vv. 17-18)!
- An angelic being calls the carrion birds to gather together to assist in the anticipated cleanup operation (v. 17a).
- The summoning of the vultures to the “great feast” is an obvious parody on the Marriage Feast of the Lamb (v. 17b). Both feasts are real and will take place.
- Mankind can respond to the Messiah and enjoy the Marriage Feast of the Lamb or be the feast for the vultures. (Death was worrisome; to be unburied AND eaten by animals far worse!)
- On the menu for the “great feast” of God is a wide assortment of “delicacies.” The earth is spread with the dead and decaying bodies of all those opposed to God’s Messiah (v. 18).
❖ The final battle is set and the results are decisive (vv. 19-21).
- The beast reappears and gathers together the earthly kings, and their armies war against the Messiah and His army (v. 19)!
- The beast and his false prophet had been responsible for leading mankind into the deceptive delusion that they did not need the God of the Bible to tell them how to live their lives!
- These two despicable fugitives were captured and cast alive into the Lake of Fire (v. 20). We’re not told by whom.
- The remainder of the forces of evil was taken out by Messiah, and the vultures gorged themselves on their flesh (v. 21)!
This isn’t a glamorous scene; but it is reality. We may dislike reality but don’t tamper with it. Men will give account to God. Mercy and grace characterized Messiah’s 1st coming… not so His 2nd coming.