The Priest We So Desperately Need!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 7:20-28
“I really need…” So many of us have mouthed those exact words or heard them from the lips of others, whether adults or children! Most of the time what we think we need proves to be only what we want. When we don’t get it we’re still able to live! That could be the difference between a want and a need; “Am I able to live without it?” It just proves that what we feel we can’t live without is usually just that, a feeling! The author of Hebrews continues to prod his readers toward the reality that they desperately need a High Priest to mediate between them and God. There is only One – Jesus Messiah.
I. Recognize the Contrast in Selecting This High Priest (Vv. 20-22)
v The OT Levitical priests were selected by law (v. 21a; Ex. 28:1).
1. They qualified exclusively on the basis of genealogy. They must be of the tribe of Levi, be they scoundrels or saints.
2. Their character and conduct could either draw the people to God or drive them away! But character was not the issue.
v The ultimate High Priest was selected by an oath (vv. 20-21).
1. It was the LORD who swore Him in (Ps 110:4). God pledged the priesthood to the Son and He has no plans to change it!
2. His oath is unchangeable and eternal. The double negative “affirms the reality of this oath in the most emphatic way.”
v The logical consequence is a better covenant (v. 22)!
1. A law can be annulled; an oath lasts forever. This covenant has a better guarantee and because it has a better guarantor!
2. It’s an arrangement made by one party with plenary power, which the other party may accept or reject, but cannot alter.
II. Recognize the Contrast in Stability of This High Priest (Vv. 23-25)
v The OT Levitical priesthood was overcome by death (v. 23).
1. A major obstacle in their service “contract” was a tendency to die. Death made continuity and stability impossible! Death is no respecter of persons. The bottom line was always: “and he died.” Continual replacements created instability and insecurity.
2. Historian Josephus counts eighty-three high priests from Aaron to 70AD. They were powerless in the face of death.
v The ultimate High Priest overcame death (v. 24).
1. The OT priest was overcome by death. Death eventually caught up with him! It was just a matter of time!
2. This High Priest had dealt with and conquered death! Therefore His priesthood is permanent, unchangeable, and non-transferable. There is no one else qualified!
v The logical consequence of this is a secure future (v. 25).
1. Our High Priest offers a total salvation, complete, absolute, eternal, and comprehensive. No matter what you’ve done, He can save completely and eternally.
2. Our High Priest provides uninterrupted service. His presence with the Father constitutes His effective intercession for us, unbroken and unending. (Beware of sentimental unbiblical distortions!)
III. Recognize the Contrast in the Sacrificers (Vv. 26-27)!
v The OT sacrificer was sinful, like everyone else (v. 27a). Before ministering for others, he had to make sacrifice for his own sins.
v The ultimate High Priest is sinless, completely different from the OT high priests (v. 26)!
1. He is holy. He possesses personal piety without pollution!
2. He is guileless. He does no evil, is morally pure and upright.
3. He is undefiled. No evil attaches itself to Him. He is morally unstained with anything that could hinder His effectiveness.
4. He is separated from sinners, His permanent state throughout His incarnation and into eternity. He never contracted “sin.”
5. He is exalted higher than the heavens, His present place of priestly ministry. He is sinless; so different from us! There is no deficiency in this Priest or His ministry. His character qualifies Him to represent you and me for time and eternity!
v The logical consequence is a finalized salvation (v. 27b). He made one sacrifice for sins once for all, He sacrificed Himself! Unlike earthly priests “He has no need to offer a sacrifice for Himself but, rather, has offered the sacrifice of Himself.” (Guthrie)
IV. Recognize the Contrast in Superiority (V. 28)!
v The OT high priests had weaknesses (v. 28a). They were unable to minister effectively because of imperfections & inadequacies.
v The ultimate High Priest has no shortcomings (v. 28b)! He has been perfected forever, fully equipped for effective ministry.
v The logical consequence is this Priest we so desperately need.
1. “Fully equipped to discharge an intercessory ministry at the right hand of God, this is no high priest subject to all the conditions of earthly frailty; this is the one whom God addresses as Son, whose high priesthood is absolutely efficacious and eternally suited to meet His people’s needs.” (F.F. Bruce)
2. “This High Priest is exactly suited to the need of ‘us,’ we who are God’s people. His people need cleansing from sin so that they can enter the divine presence. They need grace for perseverance in obedience. He can give both. He is suited to meet these needs first of all because He Himself is without sin.” (Cockerill)
It would be foolish to reject or neglect His ministry! Why go anywhere else with our need! Why go to others without first going to Him! We’re either children of God or we’re not. Either Christ is sufficient or He is not. Either He is perfect in His character and service to us or He is not!