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The Meeting of the Moms!

Posted on February 20, 2017

God Saves Gentiles! Luke Has Good News!

A study of the NT book of Luke

by Pastor Frank Rice

Luke 1:39-56

Expectant mothers are delightful, at least God thinks so! Even more special is the opportunity for two “first-timers” to greet each other and share in their excitement and their neophyte experiences. There is something heart-warming and beyond the comprehension of “outsiders.”  God’s plan to provide salvation for mankind hinges on the birth and ministries of two men. These men need godly mothers to introduce them to the world and to the Lord! Here they are - together!


 I. Elizabeth Expresses Delight at Meeting the Lord (Vv. 39-45)!

      This segment begins with the details of the younger first-timer hurriedly and excitedly visiting her older relative (vv. 39-40)!

  1. The journey described in two verses and one sentence, took place over a period of at least three days.
  2. Shortly after the younger, now expectant-mother, received news of her favor with God and her pregnancy, she set out to visit her relative Elizabethto talk and to see the sign.
  3. She’d been told of Elizabeth’s pregnancy! Her “departure reflects an instant response to God’s leading.” (Bock)
  4. She’ll be greeted by Elizabeth, but strangely Zacharias isn’t very talkative these days!


      We catch a glimpse of the highlights of the first meeting (v. 41). [We can hardly imagine the excitement of these two ladies!]

  1. Logically, the conversation summarized for us in four verses had to have lasted much longer than the reading of it!
  2. When the younger mother-to-be greets the older one, there is an unanticipated response from her unborn son! “This prenatal cognition is meant to attest to the truth and fulfillment of Gabriel’s prophecy.” (Stein)
  3. Elizabeth, under the Spirit’s control, prepares to openly declare her assessment of this special moment!


      We listen as this older, more mature, expectant mother, shares her excitement (vv. 42-45)!

  1. Elizabeth recognizes God’s favor on Mary’s life and the life of the Son she now carries (v. 42)! She and He are “blessed!” “Elizabeth’s response to Mary’s greeting implies that the divine conception promised by the angel has occurred.” (Garland)
  2. The truths of the reformation remain inaccessible and ignored!
    • Elizabeth’s focus is not on Mary, but on the child, as the following explanation makes clear. There is no need to posit a presentation of Mary as ‘queen mother.’ Such regal motifs do not exist anywhere in Luke’s presentation of Mary. Also, the liturgical phrase mother of God, which alludes to this verse, overstates what the verse says.” (Bock)
    • Nowhere in the NT is Mary called ‘Mother of God.’ She was, however, the mother of Jesus the Messiah and Lord.” (Liefield)
    • This blessing is not to be interpreted as a call to praise/bless Mary but as an affirmation that Mary stood in a state of blessedness.” (Stein)
  3. Elizabeth, in humility, recognizes the status of the child (“my Lord”) which her counterpart carries and her undeserved privilege of being part of God’s unfolding plan (v. 43)! “The baby’s response is taken as a sign by Elizabeth.” And “John is seen as beginning his forerunner ministry by his response.” (Bock)
  4. Elizabeth shares her own child’s excitement and recognition of the special child in Mary’s womb (v. 44)!
  5. Lastly, Elizabeth declares the blessedness of the one who believed and the fact that what she believed will come to fruition (v. 45)! The Lord always keeps His promises!
  6. Expressive Elizabeth and soon Mary, in contrast to the silent Zacharias, are delightful examples of faith! “Both women recognize God’s action in their lives and exhibit the proper human reaction to God’s miraculous intervention.” (Garland)


II. Mary Pours Out Praise to Her God and Savior (Vv. 46-56)!

      This expectant mother exemplifies the godly maturity of an older woman as she praises God for working in her life (vv. 46-49)!

  1. Mary’s hymn of praise comes from the depth of her being, from her soul and spirit. This “teenager” has spiritual depth! “Seeing the hymn as evidence of Mary’s response to Elizabeth and as a reflection of Mary’s faith is quite natural.” (Bock)
  2. She magnifies, glorifies, exalts, praises, rejoices in the Lord, in God her Savior. Her need for a Savior is clearly confessed!
  3. She is awestruck that God would note her humble station in life and “make her famous” for being favored by God (v. 48)!
  4. She heartily confesses that the Mighty One, whose name is holy, has done great things on her behalf (v. 49)!


      She praises God for working in the lives of others (vv. 50-53). [“Mary’s song is a virtual collage of biblical texts.” (Green)]

  1. Throughout the ages, those who fear Him are recipients of His mercy (v. 50). He withholds deserved judgment. “God’s mercy and power are exercised for the humble who fear Him.” (Bock) [Was Mary familiar with 1 Sam 2:1-10?]
  2. God has “stepped in” and displayed His mighty power by disbanding and scattering the arrogant and prideful (v. 51).
  3. God has, at times, sovereignly reversed the roles of those on the extremes of the social spectrum (v. 52)!
  4. God has, at times, reversed the experiences of those on the opposite ends of the economic spectrum (v. 53)!


      She praises God for working in the life of her people (vv. 54-55).

  1. God has, on frequent occasions, acted in mercy and come to the rescue of His beleaguered people (v. 54)!
  2. God has been faithful in keeping His promises to His people; we can expect no less of Him (v. 55)!
  3. Mary’s song is a response to the miraculous event confirmed by Elizabeth’s words – namely, the supernatural conception of a son who would be called ‘Son of the Most High,’ whose kingship would never end, who even in the womb might be addressed as ‘my Lord.’ Mary’s song proclaims that this act of conception has set in motion the decisive, eschatological work of God.” (Green)
  4. Jesus’ ministry would be the means by which God’s promises were fulfilled to His people. Jesus is the mediator of God’s salvation and judgment.” (Stein)


      These expectant mothers share three months of their lives with each other and then part company for a while (v. 56). They share a common faith and build each other up in that faith. (“Go and do likewise!)


These two delightful and dedicated mothers share a common purpose,

to further God’s agenda in providing salvation for mankind.

We’re invited and obligated to do likewise

by SHARING JESUS as God provides opportunities.