The Drama Continues to Unfold!
The Book That Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 5:1-7
There are people who enjoy watching drama. Some folks even pay big bucks to watch it. [Some parents don’t have to pay to watch itJ!] Dramas usually have some kind of plot line and a few main characters, twists in action that hold us in suspense and usually end with relief. The Bible is full of drama. There are plot lines, action, multiple characters, all culminating in a purpose fulfilled. John had seen a vision of Christ, had written to seven churches, and is now preparing to record the culmination of history as we know it!
I. The Apostle Had Been Summoned Into the Presence of God.
v John had described as best he could what he’d seen and heard.
1. He’d seen a door standing open in heaven.
2. He’d heard a familiar voice calling him into the very presence of God to show him future events!
3. He’d seen the throne, the center of attention and action, with Someone seated on it!
4. He’d seen 24 thrones on which were seated 24 elders.
5. He’d seen the sea of glass reflecting the glory of God and he had seen the four living beings.
6. He’d heard the songs of praise and worship directed to the One seated on the throne.
7. He had witnessed worship in all of its glory!
v John continues to describe in written form the drama of an unfolding, unfathomable, but not uncertain future.
II. The Attention of Heaven Is Focused on a Simple Scroll (Vv. 1-4)!
v The apostle spies a scroll held by the One on the throne (v. 1)
1. It is held in His right hand, the hand of authority and power.
2. It is actually lying on the palm of His open hand and is being offered to anyone qualified to receive it.
3. It is unusual in that it is covered with writing on both sides! Papyrus strips, matted, glued together, and dried were used in writing for 3,000 years. They could be ten meters long and normally written on only one side.
4. It is a document that is sealed until the rightful person shows up to open it. Seals were wax or clay blobs placed at the end of the roll and stamped for security reasons.
5. The document is most likely an “inscribed contract deed” that contains “God’s redemptive plan and the future history of God’s creation.” (Osborne)
6. “The content of the seven-sealed scroll ultimately includes the unfolding of the consummation of the mystery of all things, the goal or end of all history.” (Johnson)
v The apostle sees and hears an imposing, mighty angel heralding his announcement (v. 2). (No identification is provided.)
1. This angel has a booming, resounding, authoritative voice!
2. His announcement is actually in the form of a question: “Who has the authority, who is qualified, to open the scroll?!”
3. We can imagine him pausing for a few moments to listen for anyone to speak up. (We assume he knows the answer, but it needs to be known that there is no one qualified...)
v The apostle is overcome with emotion as the search for a qualified opener seems to be in vain (vv. 3-4).
1. Though a search is made throughout all creation, there are no takers! There is no one qualified to open it or to read it!
2. All creation stands motionless and speechless, waiting… The apostle begins to sob uncontrollably. He senses the desperate urgency of finding someone to unveil the scroll.
3. “John weeps with disappointment because the hope of God’s action appears to be indefinitely postponed for lack of an agent through whom God may act.” (Caird)
4. He enters into the drama as he realizes the seriousness of the situation!! All hope is lost. This is beyond tragic!
III. The Attention of Heaven Is Focused on a Lamb / Lion (Vv. 5-7)!
v The apostle is comforted & encouraged by one of the elders (v. 5).
1. The unidentified elder speaks to the grief-stricken apostle, encouraging him to stop weeping; Someone has stepped forth!
2. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:9-10)! The lion (150 X’s in the OT) is a symbol of strength and power. “It is the Messiah’s military prowess and victory over His enemies that are celebrated.” (Osborne)
3. He is the Root of David (Isa 11)! Both clearly refer to the Messiah!
4. He has prevailed (overcome, conquered) and is qualified to open the seven-sealed scroll. (He alone conquered death.)
5. “Christ alone, as the Messiah, is the executor of the purposes of God and the heir of the inheritance of the world. He obtained this by His substitutionary and propitiatory death on the cross.” (Johnson) His conquest is much more than a military conquest!
6. “When Satan placed Christ on the cross, it was his greatest tactical error, for he took part in his own defeat.” (Osborne)
v The apostle looks and sees the answerer to the call (v. 6).
1. The worthy One now becomes the focal point of all the activity, attention, and authority of heaven! He takes center stage!
2. The worthy One is a slaughtered Lamb which is now alive and standing center stage! The mention of the Lamb (“with its throat cut”) may bring to mind a number of images in the minds of Jewish readers; the Passover lamb of Exodus 12:5ff, the silent lamb of Isaiah 53:7, or the lamb that John the Baptist points to in John 1:29 & 36.
3. The worthy One is pictured as having seven horns and seven eyes, depicting the perfect Holy Spirit sent forth (John14-16).
4. “The Lamb who bears the marks of death is also the ruler who bears the signs of the fullness of divine omnipotence, dominion, and omniscience.” (Johnson)
5. “In Revelation the Lamb of God has two aspects, the sacrificial lamb and the military ram, and they are interconnected, standing at the heart of the book and depicting the two sides of God’s activity, His mercy and His justice.” (Osborne)
v The apostle watches as the Lamb approaches and receives the scroll from the hand of Him who sits on the throne (v. 7).
1. Every other being in the heavenly court has bowed before the throne; this One does not! This is a statement of equality!
2. Every other being is unqualified to take the scroll, not this One! The Father authorizes the Son to unseal the future!
3. “The message of judgment given to Ezekiel provides the background to the scroll and the seven seals here (Ezek 2: 9, 10)” (Osborne)
4. “It was the death of Christ that anchored God’s redemptive plan, and the rest of Revelation describes the events that will bring that plan to completion. The judgment of the nations in the seals, trumpet, and bowls is part of that plan, especially when we see how the judgment presents a final opportunity to the nations for repentance.” (Osborne)
We are preparing for the future to unfold! Are you ready for this?
Exodus 12 refers to the Passover lamb, but note the progression. It is a lamb, the lamb, and then your lamb. The Lamb must be personalized!
John the Baptist points to “the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
Peter states unequivocally the infinite value of this Lamb! (1 Peter 1:18-20)