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That's All He Wrote!

Posted on January 16, 2017

The Book that Promises a Blessing!

A study of the book of Revelation

by Pastor Frank Rice

Revelation 22:6-21

We’ve heard the phrase, “That’s all she wrote” to describe the termination, completion, or end of something. It may be in reference to a speech, a ballgame, a work project, or a multitude of things. The point is that something is finished, done, complete; deal with it! We’ve arrived at the end of the book of the Revelation. The author does much the same thing. The book’s been written. You’ve got the info on the end times. Deal with it! God has spoken; man is now presented the opportunity and responsibility to respond. Just remember; present decisions determine permanent residence!


I. God’s Word of Prophecy Is Totally Reliable (Vv. 6-11)!

❖  We can unreservedly trust the written Word (vv. 6-7)!

  1. The angel testifies to the reliability of this book (21:9). He calls it faithful; count on it! It will happen. It is true; it is genuine!
  2. The Lord God testifies to the reliability of this book! Note the line of communication! God authorized His message to and thru the OT prophets, and sent His angel to reaffirm it.
  3. The Son of God testifies to the reliability of this book! He is coming. Don’t take it lightly! You’ll be blessed if you treasure the words of the prophecy of this book (vv. 7, 10, 18, 19).


❖  We must not be overwhelmed by the word of prophecy (vv. 8-9)!

  1. Intimate acquaintance with God’s prophetic word may cause an imbalance! Having experienced the sights and sounds, John is emotionally and physically spent.
  2. Don’t substitute “feelology” for theology!  No one is beyond the subtle temptation to worship what is good in place of what is God! The message of the book is “worship God.”


❖  Decide for Christ while there is still time (vv. 10-11)!

  1. The book must remain open and accessible to all! God wants everyone to have a truth-presentation before stepping into eternity! Physical death seals the destiny of every unbeliever! 
  2. Daniel’s instructions were different (12:4). The time then was not right. Things have changed!
  3. Spiritual birth seals the destiny of every believer (Eph. 1:13; Dan 12:9-10)! Verse 11 stresses Jesus’ immanent return and the need for urgent choices! Repentance is an option only for the living!


II. God’s Word of Prophecy Is Appropriately Rewarded (Vv. 12-17).

❖  There is a certain reward for believers who sincerely seek to live out their relationship with Christ (vv. 12-13). (Applied Christianity!)

  1. He promises to come quickly to reward the faithful according to their works (v. 12). Judgment is always according to works which are the evidence of spiritual condition.
  2. The idea of ethical responsibility and its eschatological consequences is too often ignored in modern preaching and needs to be given more attention.” (Osborne)
  3. His promise is authorized by His eternality (v. 13)! The Son guarantees His promise with three declarative and definitive titles, further convincing evidence of His deity!


❖  There is an ultimate goal for God’s prophetic word (vv. 14-15)!

  1. The ultimate objective of prophecy is not merely information but transformation! Salvation produces a desire for obedience and discipleship which evidences a transformed life (v. 14).
  2. Those who give no evidence of a transformed life are barred from the presence of God (v. 15)!

❖  There is a standing offer of salvation to all who want it (vv. 16-17)!

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ has authorized this invitation (v. 16)!
  2. He’s the long-awaited Messiah, the Root & Offspring of David (Isa 11:1, 10).  He’s the Bright and Morning Star, the only hope for those who are stuck in darkness.
  3. The Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ, the church, extend this offer of hope (v. 17a). The Spirit of God works as the Word of God is presented. (Can you remember?)
  4. The audience must respond to the invitation (v. 17b)! Those wanting to hear, sensing a thirst, and desiring a relationship with the Eternal, will be satisfied (John 4:10, 14)!
  5. A gift is a gift. Don’t insult God by trying to buy it or earn it!  This invitation is both an opportunity and a responsibility.


III. God’s Word of Prophecy Is Reassuring (Vv. 18-21).

❖  God gives a warning against tampering with His Word (vv. 18-19)!

  1. Anyone who hears the words of this book and adds to them, deliberately distorts His message and can expect to experience the disasters recorded in this book (v. 18)!
  2. Anyone who hears and takes away from them does the same and forfeits the opportunity for salvation (Deut 4:2; Prov 30:6)!


❖  God gives assurance to those who embrace His Word (vv. 20-21)!

  1. The Son of God testifies that He is coming quickly, suddenly and unexpectantly (v. 20)! “The immanency and certainty of the Lord’s return are emphasized!” (Patterson
  2. And all God’s people shout their response to His promise, “Amen, even so come, Lord Jesus!”
  3. Until then, the grace that is needed is provided in Christ and is readily available to all (v. 21)! Right now is a time of actively waiting (Titus 2:11-14)! What are you waiting for?


Most of us have faced the frustration of being in the far-left lane and realizing our exit is just ahead! You must make a conscious decision to get off the beltway or you may never get off! Get the point?