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Such a Simple Name

Posted on December 22, 2014

The Name JESUS Defines Christmas!

by Pastor Frank Rice

Hijacking has become commonplace! In some cultures it is against the law! In others it seems to be acceptable. Hijacking involves taking something by force which does not belong to you and using it for purposes for which it was not intended or taking something in a direction or to a destination not intended by the owner. What’s that have to do with Christmas? Sometimes I feel Christmas has been hijacked!


Our culture has altered the meaning and the language of Christmas. (Surprise!) It is now a holiday. But for many people, Christmas is not even a holiday; it may be better described as a hollow-day. They’ve torn the real meaning out of it and stuffed it with the things that satisfy their tastes. Admittedly, these people have some sort of happiness but that’s not the same as joy.


The danger for believers is that we also fall into this meaningless and mindless holiday mentality and it becomes a hollow-day for us also. There is a Name without which Christmas is not Christmas - Jesus.


I.       The Name of Jesus Is Prolific in the Biblical Record!

v     In the NT the name of Jesus appears over 900 times! It appears in every NT book except one, the letter called 3rd John.


v     In the four gospels His name appears over 500 times. It occurs before His physical birth and continues after His resurrection.


v     The NT begins and ends with His name (Matt 1:1; Rev 22:21).

1.      The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,..:”


2.      The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”


v     The apostle Paul begins every one of his letters with the name of Jesus and ends most of them the same way. Check 1 Corinthians.

1.      Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,” (1:1)


2.      The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.” (16:23-24)


v     Every significant message in the Acts of the Apostles announces the name of Jesus. When called on the carpet for preaching…

1.      By what power or by what name have you done this?” Thereply,let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:7, 10)


2.      Paul preached, “according to the promise, God raised up for Israel a Savior – Jesus… (Acts 13:23)


3.      Paul taught, “the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.” (Acts 28:30-31)



II.    The Name of Jesus Is a Provocative Name!

v     In the culture of the 1st century, the apostles were warned not to preach in this name; it made people upset and angry!

1.      It was particularly upsetting for those who understood their complicity in His death! (Acts 2:36-37)


2.      It was disturbing for those who suddenly realized that they were on the wrong side of the isle! (Acts 9:5)


v     In the culture of the 21st century, believers are also warned that it’s inappropriate to use the name; it makes folks uncomfortable.

1.      It may be tolerable to talk about or to mention God, but the mention of Jesus will not normally be tolerated.


2.      It may be acceptable to pray and make reference to God, but mentioning Jesus will surely offend someone.


III.The Name of Jesus Is (was?) a Pervasive Name!

v     The songs of Christian faith inevitably and of necessity feature His name! (We could brainstorm 100 in 10 minutes or less!)

1.      In every culture, His name is recognizable! We may not know the tune but we’ll catch the name every time.


2.      For every occasion / experience, there is a song or script that incorporates the name of Jesus.


3.      The song of parents, grandparents, and every Christian care-giver ought to be “Jesus Loves Me.”


v     The songs of Christmas should resound with the name of Jesus!

1.      How hollow and inane are the songs of the season that have nothing to do with the real meaning of the season!


2.      How empty and trivial are the winter and holiday song-fests and celebrations which refuse to mention His name!


IV.  The Name of Jesus Is THE Preeminent Name!

v     It was the name decided upon by the Father from eternity and given to His parents at the proper time (Matt 1:21; Luke 1:31).


v     It is the name which every human being will eventually acknowledge as Lord (Php 2:5-11).


v     It is the name that belongs to the One who can make an eternal difference in your life now and in eternity… if you allow Him.