Revisiting Our Mission for 2017
Where Did That Come From?
by Pastor Frank Rice
Most folks have heard and quoted the old adage, “If you aim at nothing, you’re sure to hit it every time.” The meaning is obvious and unarguable. There ought to be an investment of time in evaluation and then purposeful planning. There’s no better time than now to evaluate, determine a purpose, and develop a plan! We’ll build on a few brief phrases that we’ve heard repeatedly, and hopefully taken them to heart. But we need to be not just hearers of phrases but doers. Let’s get started… seriously.
I. We’ve Been Exhorted Repeatedly to LOVE GOD!
❖ The basis for this exhortation is obvious – Jesus said so!
- Jesus was not the first, nor was He the only one, to declare the number one priority for God’s people (Deut 6:5)!
- Jesus responded to a testy lawyer with the words of Moses (Matt 22:34-38)! (Some folks are eager to excuse them-selves from this obligation – and its implications!)
❖ How can you evaluate/grade yourself in this area? Is there a way to prove your love for God (1 John)?! Take the pretest.
- Grade yourself on this one! On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the greatest, how would you grade yourself?
- How would you grade your local church? Remember, “The whole is equal to the sum of its parts!”
- Is there room for improvement?
II. We’ve Been Exhorted Repeatedly to LIVE CONVINCINGLY!
❖ The basis for this exhortation is fairly simple (Matt 22:39-40).
- Jesus challenges the testy lawyer, stating the objective way of justifying any claim to love God is how one treats those closest to him (John 13:34-35)!
- Jesus also requires action from those who say they love Him (John 21:15 ff.)! We are obligated to live worthy of the gospel of Christ – for the sake of others (Php 1:27)!
❖ Do I live my life in a way that convinces others of my love for God? I have an obligation, and the privilege, of displaying the love of God to family, friends, and neighbors, lost and found!
- Do I refrain from things that would contradict my claim?
- Do I graciously practice things that would support my claim?
III. We’ve Been Exhorted Frequently to LOOK FOR OPPS!
[“Huh?” Apps is short for applications; this is for opportunities!]
❖ We are told straightforwardly to look for opportunities (Gal 6:10).
- We’re told to look for opportunities to minister to those who do not yet know the Lord (Matt 5:44, Gal 6:9-10).
- We’re told to look for opportunities to minister especially to those who are part of the body of Christ.
We’ve got to be different!
“Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Extend hospitality to those who cannot reciprocate. Give without expectation of return. Such practices are possible only for those whose dispositions, whose convictions and commitments, have been reshaped by transformative encounter with the goodness of God.” (Joel B. Green)
❖ What kinds of opportunities should we look for (Gal 6:1-10)?
- Look for opportunities for personal spiritual growth. That could mean personal Bible reading, study, and memorization. It would include corporate Bible study and worship. You either seize the opportunities or ignore them. Let’s be honest, some of you are to be commended, others not so much.
- Look for opportunities to serve, both inside and outside the walls of the church. There is a whole world of opportunities available for those who look for them! Acts of kindness, community involvement, and meeting the needs of others. Some of you are to be commended, others not so much.
- Look for opportunities to get involved in ministry. There is an assortment of opportunities here in your local church and outside, in that order. We do well in this area, but still have room for improvement.
- Look for opportunities to give. GFC is to be highly commended in this area!
- Look for opportunities to share Jesus. This is the area we need to focus on this year.
IV. We Need to Be Exhorted to LEVERAGE THOSE OPPS!
❖ What does that mean and how can it apply to myself?
- In the corporate world, it often means to use opportunities to advance one’s own personal agenda!
- In the spiritual world, it should mean to use our God-given opportunities to advance His agenda (Matt 28:18-20)! We’ve been authorized and instructed by Him to do so!
❖ Here’s the fuel to fan the flame to accomplish your objective.
- I must / will seek to walk in the Spirit daily (Gal 5:22-23)!
- I must / will purposefully practice His presence (Php 3:10)!
- I must / will learn to abide in Him continually (John 15:4-5)!
❖ Here’s the path to move toward our objective.
- Get the book, Sharing Jesus Without Fear - February. (You cannot fail! Really!)
- Read and put into practice the first four chapters - March.
- Prepare a list of names of “friends” you intend to pray for and share Jesus with in 2017 - April.
- Meet the last Sunday of each month in 2017 to learn, share, encourage & exhort each other, and pray for your “friends.”
- Make a commitment to not be guilty of the sin of silence.
Love God
Live convincingly
Look for opportunities
Leverage those opportunities!
As you evaluate and grade your spiritual life
You can grade your own paper.
You can exchange papers and ask another student to grade your progress.
Or you can wait for the Teacher to grade your final exam.