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No More Limited Access!

Posted on April 13, 2015

Don't Stop Now!

A study of the NT book of Hebrews

by Pastor Frank Rice

Hebrews 9:1-14

Most of us do not appreciate having restrictions foisted on us. We resent people telling us what we can & can’t do, where we can & can’t go, or what we can & can’t say! (This is more than likely fallout from the fall!) But God does place restrictions on who can approach Him, when they can do it, and how they’re allowed to do so. Those who ignore or violate the restrictions are destined for dire consequences! The author of Hebrews asserts that access to God is now unrestricted! Anyone can come, any time! Only one restriction remains (Jn 14:6).

I. Under the Old Covenant There Was LIMITED Access (Vv. 1-10)!

v     The logic of the better covenant is further demonstrated (v. 1).

1.      The first covenant refers to the OT tabernacle with all its ritual, being closely associated with Moses and the law.


2.      The liturgy and layout of the OT sanctuary provides the necessary contrast for explaining revolutionary accessibility.


v     The layout of the earthly sanctuary is described in general terms (vv. 2-5). (This layout would be familiar to most of his readers.)

1.      An area, Holy Place, open to all priests is described (v. 2).

(a)    Evidently, the dimensions for the sanctuary are not vital for this discussion and therefore not included (thankfully).

(b)   The lampstand, which needed daily trimming, was on the left as one entered from the east.

(c)    The table for the showbread, which needed weekly care, was on the right in this area.


2.   The area accessible to only the elite, the Most Holy Place, was marked off by a thick curtain or veil (vv. 3-5).

(a)    Associated with this veil was the golden altar of incense. Purpose, not placement, is the issue. “Just as the Altar of Sacrifice was important for entrance into the Holy Place, so the Incense Altar was crucial for entrance into the Most Holy Place.” (Westcott)

(b)   Behind this curtain was the golden box, the Ark of the Covenant, containing symbols of God’s provision, of His choice for the priesthood, and His covenant agreement.

(c)    Above the golden box, covered by the mercy seat, were cherubim, symbols of God’s glorious presence.

(d)   Reader familiarity relieves us of a need for more details.


v     The liturgy for the earthly sanctuary is described for purposes of contrast (vv. 6-10). (The contrast is with high priest & priests.)

1.      When everything was set up, the priests (plural) could enter the quasi-restricted area and carry out their ministries (v. 6).


2.      But only the high priest could go behind the veil, only yearly, only after a sin offering for himself and the people (v. 7)!Verbs here emphasize “the repetitive character of these liturgical acts.” They are never complete and cannot get them past “first base!”


3.      God the Holy Spirit was communicating truth through the OT tabernacle with its layout and liturgy (vv. 8-10)! 

(a)    Free and unrestricted access to God could never become a reality under the OT system (v. 8)! The reason the Holy Place and Most Holy Place are mentioned is because “the barrier separating them serves the immediate purpose of disclosing the lack of access to God under the old system.” (Cockerill)

(b)   The gifts and sacrifices could never ultimately deal with sin and fully equip anyone to stand before God (v. 9)!

(c)    These were mere earthly, external, temporary measures until the time of correction should arrive (v. 10). Fleshly ordinances “are external, ceremonial, temporal, and weak. They were devoid of divine power and thus unable to change the heart or transform the person.” (Cockerill)


 II. Under the New Covenant There Is UNLIMITED Access (Vv. 11-14)!

v     Christ the ultimate High Priest appeared (vv. 11-12)!

1.      He entered into the perfect tabernacle not made with hands but heavenly, the genuine Most Holy Place – heaven itself! The “good things to come” refers to present cleansing from sin, continual access to God, and ultimately entrance into heaven.


2.      He entered on the merits / basis of His own sacrifice (blood symbolizes a violent death), not that of an animal!


3.      He entered the Most Holy Place one time for all eternity!


4.      He entered and obtained redemption, not temporary relief but permanent release, which the OT system could not provide!


v     Christ the ultimate High Priest accomplishes far more than any earthy temporary system could ever do (vv. 13-14).

1.      His sacrifice is able to cleanse a person’s innermost being!


2.      His sacrifice is able to provide eternal redemption!


3.      His sacrifice is able to free a person from deeds that eventuate in death so he can serve the living God.


4.      Jesus’ sacrifice was completely voluntary. (Unlike animals.)


5.      Jesus’ sacrifice was spontaneous, motivated by love.


6.      Jesus’ sacrifice was rational, He knew what was happening.


7.      Jesus’ sacrifice was moral, not mechanical. “Three phases describe the nature of this cleansing – the first describes what is cleansed, ‘our conscience’; the second, that from which it is cleansed, ‘dead works’; and the third, the positive result of this cleansing, ‘to serve the living God.’” He adds, “Christ’s sacrifice achieves a true inner moral and spiritual transformation that results in an obedient life in reliance on God.” (Cockerill)


Only Jesus can provide unlimited access to God the Father

and only on the basis of His shed blood!