No Exemptions from Making Truth Attractive
How the Church Family Functions....
A study of the NT book of Titus
by Pastor Frank Rice
Titus 2:4-10
We’re familiar with tax exemptions, military exemptions, and a host of other exemptions. Particular circumstances set us free from having to be or do certain things. But no one is exempt from making the truth of God attractive, regardless of our circumstances. Even those in the most difficult of social settings have the privilege and responsibility of making the truth about God attractive. And they can do it – by grace!
I. Those In Difficult Situations Must Submit to Authority (V. 9a).
v Recognize significant cultural differences between the centuries.
1. First century slavery was significantly different than that of the 18th & 19th century in our own country! It was not racially restricted in the ancient world.
2. Many slaves were well-educated and skilled individuals, often contributing to their society’s social and economic stability.
3. Some slaves held positions of trust and relative comfort while others were treated in a cruel and degrading manner.
v Recognize that there were significant challenges for change!
1. First century Christian slaves were required to be different than their unsaved counterparts!
2. “Their subjection was strictly on the basis of an order within a specific context or relationship and not on the basis of any innate inferiority!” God did not condemn or condone slavery.
3. Christian slaves were free in Christ, but that didn’t entitle them to rebel against established societal norms (Eph 6:5-8)!
4. Christian masters were also obligated to be different (Eph 6:9).
5. Neither the atheistic evolutionist nor the humanistic secularist dismantled slavery! It was the gospel that slowly destroyed slavery by its power to change individual lives and attitudes.
v Recognize that there is a dire need for application of NT principles!
1. We may legitimately apply some principles to the employee / employer relationship in the 21st century.
2. We usually have the privilege of choosing our employer. If you don’t like your position, change your job or change your attitude!
3. We have the right of recourse in the event of mistreatment. We don’t have to take it (in most situations).
4. We do not have the right to resist, rebel, and undermine the authority of our employers. (Like 1st century slaves, some of us sell ourselves into slavery by the poor choices we make!)
II. Make It Your Goal to Please Your Master (Vv. 9b-10a).
v Your attitude & work ethic must be well-pleasing/praiseworthy to your master (employer, those in authority over you).
v You must never seek occasion to take advantage of your master!
1. Slaves had repeated opportunities to do damage to their master’s interests. It was the nature of their position!
2. Do not be subversive, even under difficult and undesirable circumstances. Slaves often knew more about their jobs than their masters and were often over-worked. They may argue, grumble, gripe, complain, bad-mouth, and resist.
3. Do not steal from your master! This includes time as well as possessions. Slaves were often poor & needy, and resorted to petty theft, justifying their behavior! “He owes me” et al. Don’t short-change, slack off, or steal time!
v You must take advantage of every opportunity to prove that you can be fully trusted (v. 10a).
1. Every opportunity to refrain from stealing or arguing is an opportunity to display the character of Christ in your life.
2. You are not the first person to get stuck in a less than desirable situation for which you had no choice! Make the most of it! (Joseph, Daniel, Ruth)
3. You may not be responsible for the mess you’re in, but you are responsible for how you behave while in it.
III. Make It Your Goal to Make God’s Truth Attractive (V. 10b).
v Hopefully, you’ve noticed the three motivations for godly behavior. You need to exercise self-control…
1. So that God’s Word is not slandered (v. 5b). Your conduct has a direct effect on the respectability of God’s Word.
2. So you don’t provide ammo for the enemy and discredit the gospel (v. 8b). Bad behavior undermines the message.
3. So the attractiveness of the gospel shines through (v. 10b). Make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.
v The Lord is looking for Christians who will model His message and make His truth attractive, who will highlight the beauty of the gospel so that men and women will come to faith in Him! Will you?
1. Those who choose to ignore this message can become defensive, disgruntled, obnoxious, and develop a critical spirit. That will be enough reason for fellow workers and employers to ignore and doubt anything you may say about your God!
2. Those who choose to apply what we’ve learned this morning
(a) will experience an inner peace and freedom from guilt,
(b) will evidence an attractive attitude! You may even enjoy work.
(c) will be a witness and may even have opportunity to witness.
(d) will establish credibility so that others will be inclined to listen to you.
(e) and will please the Lord, who called you to work for Him.