Meet the Ultimate Author of the Book
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 1:4-9
I’ve never attended a book-signing and, to be honest, I have no desire or intention of doing so. But I assume the more a reader knows about the author, the more she can understand and benefit from a given book. Maybe that’s why our human author introduces us to the ultimate Author so early and so thoroughly in his writing. Knowing the Author is absolutely essential! Many ignore this book because they know so little of its Author. There is comfort, calmness, and confidence for those who know Him.
I. This Revelation of the Future is Authored by the Trinity (Vv. 4-6).
v [By the way, despite so-called “Christians” who endeavor to do so, this clearly indicates that any attempt to prove that “their god is our God,” is ill-founded, ignorant, and misguided!]
v The normal essentials of a first century letter are reiterated (v. 4a).
1. The human author is John, the former fisherman and disciple of Christ, the one whom Jesus loved. We may safely say he is Jesus’ “best friend.”
2. The letter’s recipients are seven literal historical churches, not buildings but groups of believers in Asia Minor (Rev 2 & 3). They are influential and representative of churches throughout the ages.
3. John didn’t have seven secretaries and seven couriers, so he wrote one letter intended to be read as the courier traveled from city to city.
4. “John writes to the most prominent and strategic seven cities in the region.” (Keener)
5. There is a prayer-wish for grace and peace for the recipients.
v The ultimate Source of the Revelation, and of grace and peace, is God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son (vv. 4b-6).
1. The phrase “Him who is, who was, and is to come” would certainly and automatically take readers back to the OT text of Exodus 3:13-14, revealing a reference to the Father.
2. The reference to the “seven Spirits before the throne” could be linked to Isaiah 11:2, but more likely to Zechariah 4:2-6, referring to the fullness and power of God’s Holy Spirit!
3. There is no need to question the identity or significance of the next reference; it is clearly Jesus Christ (vv. 5-6)!
(a) He IS the faithful witness, the one who consistently speaks truth, who is completely reliable and dependable.
(b) He IS the firstborn from the dead, the first one to escape the clutches of death, never to die again. (Resurrection and reanimation are not the same thing!)
(c) He IS the ruler of the earth’s kings! “All terrestrial authorities are subject to Him and can continue their reigns only as He sovereignly permits.” (Patterson)
(d) He HAS loved us and demonstrated that love for us.
(e) He HAS washed us from our sins in His own blood. “While the sins of the enemies of God continue to pile up in readiness for divine judgment, the sins of those who have turned to God have already been ‘loosed’ by the ‘blood’ of Christ.” (Osborne)
(f) He HAS elevated us to positions of significant ministry. God not only saves us from something (sin), He saves us for something (service as kings and priests).
II. This Revelation Announces the Almighty’s Game Plan (Vv. 7-8)!
v His game plan includes the coming of Jesus Christ (v. 7)!
1. Earth-dwellers should sit up and pay attention! This event is important and will dramatically affect all mankind!
2. He will come again just as He promised (Acts 1:9-11)!
3. Everyone on planet Earth will observe His coming, Jews (those who pierced Him), and Gentiles (tribes of the earth).
4. Those who see Him will mourn because of Him. (Is this sorrow that leads to repentance? Does this refer to Rev 19:11?)
5. We could rephrase the “Amen;” “So be it!” or “Bring it on!”
v His game plan will surely succeed because of its dependence on its Architect (v. 8). This is certainly a reference to the Father.
1. He is the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end, the self-existent and eternal One.
2. He is the one who is, was, and is to come, another reference to His eternality. He’s got all the bases covered!
3. He is the Almighty! He is supreme over all things! (Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12)
III. This Revelation Is Written by a Beloved Fellow-Sufferer (V. 9)!
v John states his relationship to the readers and hearers of the letter (v. 9a). (This humble apostle never refers to himself as such.)
1. He is their brother. They’re on the same plane because of their relationship with Christ. (That says a lot!)
2. He is one who shares in the same kinds of sufferings that they are and will experience. (“I know what you’re going through.”)
3. He reminds them a relationship with Jesus Christ promises tribulation, a kingdom, and the endurance to continue!
v John shares his present “living arrangements” and the reasons for them (v. 9b)! (This is not a vacation stop on a pleasure cruise!)
1. He was currently and temporarily banished to a small island with a bunch of “malcontents” who’d offended the authorities.
2. He was guilty of preaching and teaching the Word of God.
3. He was also guilty of witnessing for Jesus Christ, of testifying to the reality of who He is! (“Lord, send us more like him!”)
When we know the Author, the future is much less terrifying!