LORD, Are You Sure?!
Embracing God's Priorities & Perspectives Series
by Pastor Frank Rice
Habakkuk 1:12-2:5
Maybe you’ve been there. The expert gives his solution to a seemingly simple problem. It may be a trusted mechanic, an educator, physician, engineer, architect, political leader, or a parent. But the solution to the problem seems totally off-base! We may wonder if we heard it right! We don’t want to be cynical or skeptical but are they sure their evaluation and solution are appropriate?! How do we express our doubts!? The prophet Habakkuk had shared his concerns (complaints) with the LORD. But the LORD’s response / solution doesn’t fit the prophet’s perspective on the situation. He’s dumbfounded and bewildered!
I. There Are Times When Confusion & Incongruity Reign (1:12-2:1)!
v The prophet and the LORD had dialogued in the previous text.
1. The prophet had complained in exasperation about rampant wickedness and violence in his own country, and the LORD’s “failure” to do anything about it!
2. The LORD then informed him of His plan to use a nation more wicked than his own to address the problem. (Long silence!)
3. “The Israelites’ rejection of God’s authority mediated through the law has merely exposed them to the harsh experience of His authority mediated through an alien people. We may determine by our conduct how we will encounter God’s sovereignty, but we cannot escape it.” (Armerding)
v The prophet, in his abject confusion, rehearses truths of which he is confident (1:12-13a). He speaks to God about His character!
1. God, You are from everlasting, the eternal God who has an unblemished record of doing what is absolutely right!
2. God, You are LORD, the One who made and keeps covenant with Your special people.
3. God, You have promised the seed of Abraham that they will inherit land, seed, and blessing, and will bless the nations!
4. God, You have indeed appointed the enemies of Your people to judgment and correction (Gen 12:1-3).
5. God, You are our Rock! Everyone knows You are a continual and unfailing source of stability and strength for Your people!
6. God, You are absolutely holy and cannot look with favor on the wicked and their behaviors. I know these things are true!
v The prophet then verbalizes his confusion regarding how this God could do what He is planning to do (1:13b-17). “A wise man takes his questions about God to God for the answers.” (Armerding)
1. LORD, how can You look with favor on those who abuse others (v. 13b)? How could You say nothing on behalf of the “less wicked” when they are getting abused?
2. LORD, why have You allowed men to become vulnerable and helpless victims of those who take advantage of them (v. 14)? “The presence of calamity and evil in the world is related without hesitation to God’s sovereign control of human destiny.” (Armerding)
3. LORD, these helpless creatures (“poor unfortunate souls”) are gathered up with hooks, nets, and dragnets to the joy and delight of their captors (v. 15)! (Are You watching?) “Just as fish seem to exist merely to feed the fishermen, so the nations appeared to exist simply to gratify the Babylonian’s greed for economic prosperity.” (Chisholm)
4. LORD, these pagans celebrate and sacrifice to their gods of power, and credit them with supplying their food and victories (v. 16)! (Why would You let that happen?!) “The Babylonian rejoices and shouts for joy because of his success. Then he worships those things that make him rich and successful.” (Barker)
5. LORD, there seems to be no end to their malicious cruelty! How long will You tolerate this wickedness (v. 17)?
v The prophet then resigns himself to wait for an answer (2:1).
1. He determines to watch and wait for any sign of an answer from the LORD, for any movement on His part.
2. He does seem to be open for correction! (That’s a good sign.)
3. When a contradiction arises between the character of God and His conduct, it is best to watch, wait, and be open to His correction. Our perspective is probably skewed!
4. Just remember; He owes no one an explanation! We wouldn’t understand anyway. We are forced to rely on His character.
II. There Are Times When We Just Need to Be Faithful (2:2-5)!
v The LORD responds to His struggling prophet by directing him to take notes (vv. 2-3).
1. The prophet needed to provide a permanent and plain record of his dialogue with the LORD so it could be communicated.
2. The prophet needed to know that what was promised will take place; it is just a matter of time. The revelation will unfold.
v The LORD responds by encouraging his prophet to continue to live by faith (vv. 4-5)! (Unbelief and doubt are not the same!)
1. The prideful and arrogant, the self-sufficient and perverted, are emboldened to sin, to take what they want and do what they want, and yet they are never satisfied (vv. 4a & 5).
2. Those who have been justified by faith (Gen 15:6) will live out their faith by being faithful, reliable, and trustworthy (v. 4b). “The word translated ‘faith’ is better rendered ‘faithfulness.” (Chisholm)
Those who are confused & doubting have two options: turn from God because there seem to be no answers or turn to God and wait for an answer.