Like To Receive a Commendation?
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 11:4-7
Very few of us would attempt to avoid being affirmed, approved, recognized, or commended for our actions, attitudes, achievements, or our character qualities. In fact, most of us long for that kind of recognition! Some folks go to great measures to receive that kind of affirmation from people they deem significant. That can be a good and positive thing. On the other hand, it could also be detrimental and negative. The author of Hebrews invites us to seek commendation from God. He provides examples and challenges us to follow those examples.
I. Don’t Ignore the Context In Which We Find These Examples.
We’ve already read that “the just shall live by faith” (10:38)!
Those who have placed their faith in the promises of God are justified. They have eternal life. Those who have not, do not!
Those who have been justified by faith will live out their faith in practical and positive ways.
We’ve also read that “by faith” men (and women) of old gained God’s approval, implying that it is possible for us to do likewise.
We’re now presented with those who illustrate the life of faith. They aren’t perfect, but by faith they gained God’s approval!
II. Don’t Assume a Life of Faith Shields Anyone From Danger (V. 4).
Abel, the first person to ever experience death, is our first example of one who lived out his faith (Gen 4:3-7). By faith he took action.
His faith required God’s instruction. Man is accountable only for what he’s been instructed to do. Undoubtedly, explicit instructions for sacrificing had been provided.
Both Cain and Abel were religious. Each brought a gift befitting his profession; Abel from the flock, Cain from the field. Their gifts were an expression of who they were.
Faith offers an acceptable sacrifice.
Cain refused to comply with instructions. His heart was shallow and resentful when God rejected him & his offering. The problem wasn’t type, quality, or quantity, but attitude.
Abel, by faith, complied with God’s instructions. In spite of Cain’s seething hostility, he knew what was right and did it, much to his brother’s chagrin (1 John 3:12).
God inspected and respected Abel’s heart and his offering. Thru faith he obtained the affirmation of righteousness. “God attested Abel as righteous not after his death but after his sacrifice while he was still alive.” (Cockerill)
Abel’s act of faith still speaks and inspires believers to live by faith no matter the dangers or consequences. Living by faith does not shield from dangers!
III. Don’t Assume a Life of Faith Will Culminate In Disaster (Vv. 5-6)!
Enoch, the first person to never die, is the next example (v. 5)!
It was by faith that he pleased God and for this reason God lifted him out of this world’s pattern of death (Gen 5:21-24).
Whatever God said they agreed upon (Amos 3:3)! “The two walked together toward the same place, on the same path, at the same pace for 300 years!”
Faith walks with God in the midst of corruption and ungodliness.
Enoch (and Noah) lived amidst growing corruption and pre-flood perversion (Gen 6:5-7, 11-12). God spared him from the disgusting and revolting crowd that invited damnation.
He walked with God and spoke boldly for God (Jude 14-15)!
Faith is absolutely indispensable to please God (v. 6).
Anyone approaching the God of the Bible must believe that He exists! This essential tenet sounds like such a no-brainer!
The one who approaches Him must be confident that He will keep His promises to those who seek Him diligently. “No one can please God without living in reliance on His present power and in confidence of His future promise.” (Cockerill)
IV. Don’t Assume a Life of Faith Assures Human Popularity (V. 7)!
Noah was the first person to build a cruise ship (Gen 6:14-22)!
God’s instructions involved things this man had never seen!
He was instructed to build a gigantic ark and stock it with provisions for animals and his immediate family. And all this with an audience of skeptics and scorners. His witness was both visual and verbal.
Faith diligently and unquestioningly follows instructions.
Out of reverent obedience he did what God told him to do! He followed the blueprints given by God for 120 years!
His faith-inspired actions condemned the unbelieving world of his day and declared him an heir of righteousness.
He believed God would bring judgment on sinners and acted accordingly. He has become a source of encouragement and strength for many who’ve been forced to stand alone.
The pattern remains intact. By faith someone did something in response to God’s instructions that demonstrated faith. The challenge is to personalize this pattern!