Land Before Christmas
by Pastor Frank Rice
Most of us have caught glimpses of the kids’ movie “Land Before Time,” supposedly a peek into pre-time life or something like that! (Some of us are not into movies.) The point is: certain things are difficult to imagine because we have no way of knowing and never experienced those things. What was life like… BEFORE Christmas?
I. Some Things Are Extremely Difficult to Imagine!
❖ We’ve grown so accustomed to certain modern conveniences that life without them would be unbearable!
- Can you imagine life without the following? Indoor plumbing, air-conditioning, instant communication, readily accessible health care, automated heating systems, et al.
- Only those who’ve “been around the block” a few times can even fathom life without these modern conveniences!
❖ We’ve grown so accustomed to certain freedoms that we could hardly imagine life without them, inconceivable!
- Can you imagine not being able to attend the college of your choice, or to choose your leaders, or not being allowed to travel where you want to or do as you now do?
- Only those who’ve lived under these conditions can truly appreciate the difficulties of living in such circumstances.
❖ We’ve grown so accustomed to certain celebrations and special events that life without them would be unimaginable!
- Can you imagine life without the following? New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Valentine’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Labor Day, Christmas, Easter, et al.
- Only those living prior to the establishment of these celebrations and events can truly and fully appreciate and comprehend them! What would life be like without them?
II. So, What Was Life Like Without or Before Christmas!
❖ Listen to the comments of those who experienced the transition. Actually, there are three “old folks” who share their thoughts as they realize the Messiah has arrived.
- We hear the voice of Zacharias the priest, as he speaks of his son John who will introduce the long-awaited Messiah (Luke 1:5-7, 76-79)!
- We hear the voice of Simeon, a devoted believer who had been assured he would live long enough to see Israel’s Messiah (Luke 2:25-32)!
- We hear the voice of Anna, an old widow who longed for and looked for the coming of the Messiah (Luke 2:36-38).
- There were obviously many more who could have openly expressed their longing for Israel’s Messiah and were there when it happened!
❖ Read and reflect on a few familiar OT texts from which these Jewish believers grounded their anticipation and expectation of a Messiah. The promise from God in His Word was all they had!
- The prophet Micah tells us where He’d be born (5:2).
- The prophet Isaiah mentions the fact of His virgin birth to all of Israel, the house of David (7:10-14).
- The prophet Isaiah discloses the birth and nature of Messiah and the extent of His reign in time and space (9:6-7).
- The prophet Isaiah also speaks of the character of the longed-for kingdom of Messiah (Isaiah 11:1-5).
- The prophet Isaiah emphasizes the kindness and uplifting ministry of the waited-for Messiah (Isaiah 61:1-3).
- The prophet Jeremiah foretells of a righteous King, the Messiah who will care for and protect His people (23:5).
- The promise of a deliverer goes all the way back (almost) to the beginning of time (Gen 3:15).
❖ Perhaps no one is as qualified to describe life before or without Messiah better than Israel’s Professor of Wisdom! Solomon’s goal is to paint a realistic, compelling picture of life under the sun (Ecclesiastes).
- For many, life was marked by futility, monotony, frustration, meaninglessness, emptiness, fear, confusion, ignorance, darkness, and hopelessness (1:1-8, 14-18; 2:17-18; 4:1-3; 6:1-2; 9:2-3; 12:11). L
- Men must be willing to face the reality that life without hope in Messiah is painful and pretentious! The world’s joy is a self-perpetuated delusion!
❖ The LAND BEFORE CHRISTMAS doesn’t seem too appealing-
- unless there’s an expectation that there’ll be a Christmas, that Messiah will come and provide meaning and hope!
- unless there’s an understanding and appreciation for what God has done in His Son to give us forgiveness and life.
It is difficult to imagine life before Christmas. That would require imagining life without Christ! Those who have known and experienced it have an understanding and appreciation of new life in Him, which makes Christmas all the more special!