Just Focus on Being Faithful!
The Book That Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 3:7-13
“Bigger is better” seems to be the mantra of the times in which we live! We are preoccupied with bigger buildings, bigger vehicles, bigger houses, bigger engines, bigger everything! Many have concluded “bigger is always better!” Some have come to their senses, realizing that success is not always the forerunner of happiness and blessing. In fact, it may even be the harbinger of decline. Jesus examines the church in Philadelphia and says nothing negative! They’ve been faithful! And He wants them to stay faithful.
I. Jesus Introduces Himself With Meaningful Descriptives (V. 7).
It will help to take a brief look at the city in which His people live, Philadelphia, and the church body to which they belong.
The city was set on a high plateau; and a strategic juncture of major trade routes made it “the Gateway to the East.” Viticulture, textile, and leather industry contributed to a prosperous economy.
The region was particularly disposed to volcanic eruption and earthquakes, one of which devastated a dozen cities in 17AD including this one. Only stone pillars remained intact.
The almost daily after-shocks and fractured structures drove panic-stricken people out of the city to live their lives in constant fear and insecurity in the countryside.
“Its volcanic soil was extremely fertile and ideal for growing grapes.” (Osborne) It should not be surprising that their patron deity was Dionysus, the god of wine!
Jewish Christians had been excluded and “locked out” of the Jewish synagogues for following Jesus, whom they labeled a “false messiah.” Jews claimed they would inherit the kingdom of David and Jesus-followers would be excluded.
Jesus introduces Himself in terms that were meant to encourage and stabilize those to whom He was speaking.
Jesus describes Himself in terms which can only be ascribed to the God of the OT scriptures! He is holy and true!
The “essential significance of ‘holy’ is that of distinction from all else that exists in the created order.” (Patterson) Jesus is absolutely and uniquely different! He is deity!
That He is true means that He is genuine, real, and reliable. Jews insisted He falsely presented Himself as the Messiah; not so! He is what and whom He said He was and is!
Jesus claims exclusive & absolute authority for kingdom entrance!
He holds the key of David refers to Isaiah 22:20-23 and insists that “Access to God is through Jesus alone!” (Patterson)
He has absolute control or authority over “kingdom entry!” Noone else has a key! No one else can open or shut the door!
This is not the first time His essentiality for kingdom entry has been mentioned (John 3:3; 14:6; Acts 4:12)!
II. Jesus Assures His People of His Continued Support (V. 8)!
Jesus, in the previous letter, omitted any commendation. In this letter, there is only commendation! That, in itself, is noteworthy!
Jesus speaks encouragement to this struggling body of believers.
The door of the kingdom (context dictates meaning) is wide open for them. He assures them of this truth. This could refer to an “open door of opportunity,” but context does not support it.
Though they’d been booted from the synagogue for following a “false messiah,” they will not be shut out of the kingdom!
Though they didn’t have a lot of influence or clout (strength), they had guarded His word by the way they lived their lives and had not denied His messianic claims.
III. Jesus Assures His People of a Brighter Future (Vv. 9-12)!
He assures His people their adversaries will one day acknowledge the “rightness” of those who follow Jesus (v. 9). His people had experienced open hostility, injustice, accusations, ostracism, and persecution at the hands of Jews.
Jesus calls these hostile Jews a “synagogue of Satan” for their denial of His messianic claims! They are not genuine Jews (Rom 2:28-29).
“Atrue Jew in the view of Jews like John and Paul is one who has found forgiveness and life in Jesus the Messiah, while a false Jew is one who rejects those who believe in Jesus and openly persecutes them…” (Johnson)
Jesus assures His people that their adversaries will “change their tune” and recognize who He is; this is not the same as conversion (Php 2:9-11)!
The adversaries will also acknowledge the fact the He has not rejected His people (as their enemies had) but loved (chosen) them.
He assures His people they’ll be kept from the hour of trial (v. 10).
His people had followed His instructions to persevere and they would be rewarded by His “keeping them from” a designated time of horrific world-wide tribulation!
The term “hour” indicates a definitive period of time and the phrase “whole world” dictates universality, not merely local tribulation.
The phrase “those who live on the earth” appears repeatedly in the Revelation and refers to unbelievers on whom God’s wrath is poured out. “The term ‘earth-dwellers’ is important in the book and always refers to the unbelievers, the enemies of God who not only worship and follow the beast but also persecute the believers.” (Osborne)
The context and evidence indicates not merely preservation through a period of tribulation but removal from it.
“The most natural way to understand the expression to be ‘kept from the hour’ of something that is universal in the world is not to be preserved through it but to be kept from being present when it happens.” (Johnson)
He assures them of a reward as they hold on and refuse to allow anyone to rob them of their hope (v. 11).
He assures His people of future security and stability (v. 12)!
[Note that “My God” occurs four times in this verse, emphasizing the oneness between Christ and the Father.]
They will stand, though the whole earth may tremble about them. Often the only parts of the city left standing after the quakes were huge stone temple columns.
They’ll never be plagued by fear and insecurity again! They’ll never have to run for their lives out of the city again.
The name written indicates ownership, identification, and permanency of residence. All of this indicates a new phase of existence for His people. We are His and will live with Him forever!
IV. Jesus Challenges His People to Respond to the Spirit (V. 13)!
He challenges individual believers (you) to respond positively to the voice of the Holy Spirit! (“He who has an ear.”)
He challenges groups of believers (us) to respond positively to the voice of the Holy Spirit! (“the churches”).
In a church where the world has gained undue influence, remember that the Lord commends faithfulness over so-called “success.”
“God is more interested in faithfulness than success.” (Osborne)