Jesus Knows Fishing!
God Saves Gentiles! Luke Has Good News!
A study of the NT book of Luke
by Pastor Frank Rice
Luke 5:1-11
Most of us have seen headlines, T-shirts, and other displays touting that So-and-So has advanced knowledge of a particular area of expertise! This person has been exalted as the epitome of proficiency in this area! But why “Jesus knows fishing”? We thought He was a carpenter’s kid (4:22)! Jesus recognizes the need for recruitment of others to learn and assist in ministry. But who will He recruit & how will He vet them? He locates His first recruits fishing and begins to test & train them!
I. Jesus Shares God’s Message with All Who Will Hear (Vv. 1-3)!
❖ This seems like a typical morning teaching session (v. 1).
- He stations Himself strategically near the northwest part of what we know as the Sea of Galilee, with fishermen nearby.
- A multitude has gathered about Him and almost backed Him into the water! They want to hear, so they get real close. He couldn’t even assume His normal teaching position!
❖ The Teacher looks at His options for avoiding getting wet (v. 2)!
- Two boats were “parked” nearby and the fishermen were just finishing up their job of cleaning their nets.
- These multi-man “night-nets” were designed for fishing in the dark so fish couldn’t see them. But these nets had to be cleaned every day. The job was just about completed!
❖ The Teacher sees & seizes an opportunity to continue teaching the multitude from a more prominent platform (v. 3)!
- His host from the previous night just happened to own one of the two boats and Jesus took the liberty to board it.
- His host, though weary from a long night’s work, was “glad” to accommodate Him by pushing out a bit from the land. (We have to assume that this is part of testing & training.)
- This creative Teacher took His seat and continued to teach the multitude from His unique position. (So far, so good…)
II. Jesus Prepares the Fishermen to Follow Him (Vv. 4-10a)!
❖ Jesus makes a polite but unusual request of His host (v. 4)!
- When He had finished His teaching ministry, He turned His attention to His host, whom we assume was listening politely and curiously. (We’re not told His text.)
- He then makes an audacious and possibly unappreciated request for the empty-net fisherman to push the boat out and let down the nets! (Facial expressions of the men?)
- These seasoned professional fishermen had tried and failed; they’re discouraged and bone-tired. The nets are for night fishing, and they’ve just been cleaned and put away!
❖ These experienced & exhausted fishermen reluctantly (?) fulfill the request of the Teacher / Carpenter (vv. 5-7)!
- Jesus’ host offers a weak protest but willingly consents to His request (v. 5). (He’s asking them to do something that makes no sense, “knowing” it is a pointless waste of time.)
- “Jesus does not need to be informed that they were fishing all night.” (Garland) Nor that they’d come home empty-netted!
- Suddenly their clean, empty net was bursting with fish in the bright sunlight and the adrenaline was pumping (v. 6)! (Things get a little frantic. Not a good time to discuss anything!)
- Their fishing partners were called into action. Both boats were maxed out and in danger of going down (v. 7)! No one ever expected this! (Hadn’t the Teacher clued them in?)
- BTW this would have been an excellent opportunity for Peter to offer Jesus a job!
- This was a set-up from the start! He teaches within earshot. He boards the boat. He asks to go out a bit. He then asks them to push out and let down the nets. Step by step He leads them, pushing the proverbial envelop gently and systematically.
❖ These re-awakened & re-energized fishermen recognized what had happened and confessed their failure (vv. 8-10a)!
- Jesus’ host speaks for the whole crew when He realizes his embarrassing faithlessness has been exposed. He feels unworthy to be connected to Someone so different (v. 8).
- “Peter’s humble perception of himself as a sinner before the Lord is a key realization about Jesus’ greatness and humanity’s condition.” (Bock)
- “Those who know themselves to be sinners are the most responsive to Jesus, while those who regard themselves as religiously virtuous and look down their noses on sinners regard Him with antagonism.” (Garland)
- These men thought they knew fishing, and they did. What or Who they didn’t know was Jesus. Their astonishment and fear led them to greater faith & understanding (vv. 9-10a).
III. Jesus Closes Out This Testing / Training Session (Vv. 10b-11)!
❖ Jesus calms the fears and anxieties of His new recruits and assures them of future fishing success (v. 10b).
- Now they know that Jesus knows fishing and a lot more!
- Now they know that He knows fishermen! They’ve gotten enough testing and training to trust and to follow Him.
- Now they know that the One who can give success in the water can do the same in the world.
- They won’t be catching to kill and eat! They’ll be pulling men out of dark and dangerous waters to life eternally.
❖ Jesus called them to follow and that’s just what they did (v. 11)!
- They made sure their assets were safe and secure. “Despite the presence of sinfulness in the fishermen, Jesus still asks sinful people like Peter to join Him in fishing for people…The priority of their lives is no longer fishing, but following Jesus and fishing for people.” (Bock)
- Everything that gave them meaning, purpose, and security in life, they left it all behind to follow Jesus and fish for men. “Things change from this moment on as a result of encountering Jesus. A genuine meeting with Jesus alters one’s perspective.” (Bock)
Jesus knows fishermen.
He knows your vocation better than you do and has kept up with modern technology!
He knows you better than you do!
When will you trust Him enough to fully follow Him?
How’s the fishing?