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Jesus' Jaw-Dropping Authority!

Posted on May 22, 2017

God Saves Gentiles! Luke Has Good News!

A study of the NT book of Luke

by Pastor Frank Rice

Luke 4:31-44

There are many men and women who, when they speak, people listen! They speak authoritatively and command the attention of everyone in their circles of influence. They’re the movers & shakers of our modern world. But they are mere humans commanding other humans.

Luke continues to report on Jesus’ initial ministry adventures. While men command other men, He commands the forces of the unseen world which seek to demean, degrade, and destroy humanity!


I. Jesus Astounds His Audience With His Authority (Vv. 31-37)!

      He relocates to another town and begins teaching in their local synagogue on the Sabbath (vv. 31-32).

  1. We assume He began with a reading of an OT text and followed with an explanation on a series of Sabbaths (v. 31).
  2. The crowds gathered, listened intently, and were “blown away” by His teaching (v. 32). This is not what they were used to hearing! Something about Him is radically different! Observers were astonished by His authority!
  3. He spoke with authority, a quiet composure and confidence that what He was saying was what the OT actually meant!


      On one particular Sabbath He was interrupted, in the synagogue, by a strange voice challenging His authority (vv. 33-37)!

  1. An antagonistic and agitated interrupter was disputing Jesus’ presence and purpose for being there (vv. 33-34)! The term “unclean” signifies the evil character of the spirit.
  2. It (they) knew exactly who He was and what He was up to! And they knew they were in trouble. The very presence and authority of Jesus threatens and intimidates this spirit.
  3. Jesus confronts the spirit and commands it to leave (v. 35)! Jesus’ clash with the devil now takes a different tack. He no longer fires scripture verses at the devil but raids his outposts, routs his demonic legions, and releases their captives! (Garland)
  4. This is all about authority. “Jesus does not call on God to drive the demons out and employs no incantations or rituals. His rebuke is a commanding utterance of authority and power that must be obeyed.” (Garland)
  5. The spectators marveled and muttered among themselves, trying to fathom the amazing authority and power of this Speaker (v. 36)! They’d never witnessed anything like this!
  6. News about Him quickly permeated the remotest parts of the region (v. 37)! (People like to talk!)


      Western culture tends to disregard and deny the spirit world!

  1. Demonic forces are explained away, rationalized as being simply vestiges of an ancient worldview, or placed in modern categories of mental illness… some mental illness may be the product of deeper realities.” (Bock)
  2. What is at issue is not merely sickness but a destruction and distortion of the divine likeness of man according to creation…. alien powers seek to ruin man and drive him to self-destruction… demonic forces deface humans.” (Garland)
  3. The witness of scripture, both the OT & NT, affirms the reality of spirit beings, both malevolent and benevolent. Every culture with which we’re familiar bears witness to their belief in some kind of spirit world.
  4. What God creates malevolent spirits (demons) seek to desecrate! Sin desecrates and defaces the image of God in man. Immorality, addictions, human violence and brutality all witness to the reality of evil that cannot be explained away. There is a force behind the madness of man!


II. Jesus Exercises Authority Over Physical Illness (Vv. 38-39)!

      Jesus returns to His host’s home after the synagogue incident and runs into another difficult situation (v. 38)! His host’s mother-in-law is deathly ill; He is asked to consider what to do.


      Jesus stands over her, rebukes the fever with authority, and it leaves immediately (v. 39)!

  1. She then demonstrates her instant and complete healing and her gratitude by serving her son-in-law and his amazing Friend.
  2. Luke’s record of the outcome of Jesus’ healing activity stresses the immediacy and completeness of the cure,.. Her response is one of hospitality and gratitude.” (Green)


III. Jesus’ Ministry Reaches Beyond the Synagogue (Vv. 40-41)!

      Jesus welcomes ministry outside the local synagogue (v. 40a)! [The setting sun indicates the end of the Sabbath day, the lifting of religious restrictions and the freedom to carry burdens and travel extended distances.]


      Jesus replicates His ministry of delivering men and women from debilitating diseases and demonic influence (vv. 40b-41).

  1. He delivers those afflicted with various diseases (v. 40b). They were brought to Jesus by friends and family, and Jesus touched and delivered each one of them individually.
  2. He delivers with authority those afflicted by demonic influence (v. 41a). In neither of these is “forgiveness” mentioned, indicating their affliction was not necessarily a “sin issue.” [All of the above in one day!]
  3. Again, they know who He is and what He’s about (v. 41b)! So, He shuts them up for the time being. He refused to be endorsed by the despicable world of darkness!


IV. Jesus Refuses to Limit His Ministry to a Few (Vv. 42-44)!

      Jesus seeks to distance Himself from the crowds (v. 42)!

  1. Early in the morning, He left His host’s house to take a walk and have time “alone.” (Mark says He went there to pray.)
  2. Unlike the previous ministry experience, this crowd wanted to hang on to Him. (The last crowd wanted to kill Him; these folks want to keep Him.) Their motivation is less than honorable though. They wanted Jesus for themselves which would limit His availability!


      Jesus corrects their misguided and self-serving thinking and communicates His Father’s agenda for Him (v. 43-44)!

  1. He is obligated (must) to proclaim the kingdom of God to others who must be given the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of the kingdom (v. 43a).
  2. The crowds are still potential disciples, but for now they remain intent on securing the gracious activity of Jesus for themselves.” (Green)
  3. He tells them He’s been sent for this very reason (v. 43b). Who tells Jesus what to do!?! The Father. He’s more than willing to oblige, for He always does the will of the Father! His mission requires that He move on.
  4. So, He continues to minister to all who will receive Him in the cities and the synagogues of Israel (v.  44).


The very thing the devil promised to give Jesus, ’authority,’ has come to Jesus as a consequence of His resisting the devil and operating in the sphere of the Holy Spirit, with the result that He now exercise authority and power against the forces of evil.” (Green)


When Jesus ministers,

He does so with the full authority of the Father!