Jesus Continues to Astound!
God Saves Gentiles! Luke Has Good News!
A study of the NT book of Luke
by Pastor Frank Rice
Luke 5:12-26
“Astounding!” This is one of those words we rarely hear. We may be familiar with similar terms like amazing, shocking, astonishing, surprising, or beyond belief! Regardless of which term you choose to use, what Jesus has done and continues to do is impressive! And He keeps going! Jesus touches the lives of “unclean” people and “honors” the faith of desperate and determined people. He is certainly able to help all who come to Him by faith! That includes you, no matter who you are!
I. Jesus Listens to the Entreaties of the Desperate (Vv. 12-14)!
❖ The Lord is petitioned by a destitute outcast of society (v. 12).
- The setting of this encounter is not provided, so we assume it is inconsequential. The encounter itself is the focus. Be aware that gospel writers do not always arrange their material chronologically but topically to accomplish their purpose.
- A leprous man sees Jesus, recognizes who He is, and begs Him to “cleanse” him of his debilitating, disgusting, disease. NT leprosy includes a wide variety of skin diseases.
- He’s confident Jesus can do it, but urgently prays that He would be willing to do it! (He declares his faith and his unworthiness.)
- His greatest burden is not his physical condition, serious as that may appear to us, but his social and spiritual ostracism. Skin diseases were often contagious and considered a consequence of sin (Miriam, Uzziah, Gehazi). His approach put him at risk for rejection!
❖ The Lord responds positively to the impassioned plea of this desperate man by doing the unthinkable (v. 13)!
- Jesus touches this “unclean” man! To show compassion He risks contamination! (Compassion does that, you know!)
- “He touches the leper, an act that makes Him unclean, but that visualizes His desire to show compassion, even at a cost.” (Bock)
- Jesus assures this man He is willing and then pronounces him clean! (Is there an audience to witness this encounter?)
❖ The Lord gives this newly “cleansed man” not only a clean bill of health and a new life, but two specific instructions (v. 14)!
- He is to remain silent and not broadcast this encounter until after (?) he has followed the second instruction.
- Jesus may want to avoid “undue popular excitement” and those who would feverishly clamor after Him.
- He is to show himself to the priest demonstrating Jesus’ regard for OT law (Lev 13-14). This also announces to his world that he is now free to move about the community!
II. Jesus Responds to His Widespread Popularity (Vv. 15-16)!
❖ Despite His efforts to not advertise, Jesus’ ministry could not be concealed (v. 15)! (There was an audience!)
- People who’d heard Jesus’ teaching and had witnessed His miraculous interventions could not keep from telling others!
- Throngs of curious and needy people came, both to hear what Jesus had to say and to experience the healing touch that only He could provide.
❖ Despite His authority and ability to teach and do the miraculous, Jesus sought extended and regular time with His Father (v. 16)!
- “Despite all the activity, Jesus is portrayed as seeking time with God, rather than fanning His fame.” (Bock)
- This extended time of prayer “just happens” to precede His initial altercation with the religious establishment.
III. Jesus Honors the Daring Faith of the Determined (Vv. 17-26)!
❖ The setting for Jesus’ next encounter is described in vivid detail (vv. 17-20). (Obviously, the details are critical for appreciating the impact of what He is about to say and do.)
- The religious leaders had heard rumors of Jesus’ activity, His teaching and healing, and decided to check things out! They congregate from all over Israel! Is this a planned strategy?
- His teaching concerned them since He was not one of them, an official teacher! Did they feel threatened over His growing popularity? (Yes!) These men “had a very developed tradition that gave rulings on how the law applied to a variety of possible situations not addressed directly by Scripture.” (Bock)
- It is made “clear that Jesus’ authority and power derives entirely from God” and not some lesser source.
- A paralyzed man is brought by his friends so they could present him to Jesus, we assume for healing. But they can’t get in because of the crowd! The place is packed out!
- These determined and resourceful men, convinced that Jesus is their only hope, devise a way to get to Jesus. (It must have been an interesting conversation between these indomitable men!) This is not your average American house!
- “The friends demonstrate a tenacious faith and determination that the homeowner might not appreciate but that Jesus affirms.” (Garland)
- When he lands in front of Jesus, He pronounces his sins are forgiven! (Was this expected or the underlying reason for his ailment?) It was the faith of the friends and the infirm!
- “Jesus acts with the power and authority of God to heal and with the power and authority of God to announce the forgiveness of sins.” (Garland)
❖ The significance of Jesus’ words didn’t go unnoticed (vv. 21-26)!
- The religious leaders were horrified, and realized that He was claiming divine prerogatives (v. 21)! “They see Jesus claiming a divine prerogative and therefore violating God’s majesty by taking to Himself something reserved for God.” (Bock)
- “The opponents frame their objections in religious language, but they are driven by self-interest. Jesus’ power to heal is eroding their influence.” (Garland)
- Jesus confronts them by verbalizing their thots (vv. 22-23)! Is it easier to say something that can be visually verified or something that cannot be visually verified? (Bock)
- Jesus provides irrefutable evidence of His deity, so they may KNOW. He speaks to the infirm, he gets up, takes his stuff, and goes home giving all the credit to God (vv. 24-25)!
- Witnesses were astounded and awestruck, crediting God for the absolutely amazing, unusual events of the day (v. 26)!