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It is Not a System - It is a Savior

Posted on May 11, 2015

Don't Stop Now!

A study of the NT book of Hebrews

by Pastor Frank Rice

Hebrews 10:1-18

We have all sorts of systems with which we are familiar. Systems are usually good but they are only as good as those who design, run, and maintain them. They are typically designed with a purpose and rarely are able to go beyond that stated purpose. Systems are not an end in and of themselves. When they’ve served their purpose they are replaced with something more advanced, effective, and efficient. The writer of Hebrews has used everything in his spiritual arsenal to move his readers from a system to the Savior. A system cannot save!

I. There Are Distinct Limitations in the OT System (Vv. 1-4).

v     The OT system was merely a representation of reality (v. 1).

1.      A shadow is never a complete revelation of its object, but a bare outline that creates expectancy and anticipation. Once the true form is seen the shadow becomes irrelevant.


2.      The same sacrifices were performed repetitively and could “not even at any time,” fully equip anyone for eternity!


v     The OT system was a constant reminder of the unfinished business between God and man (vv. 2-3)!

1.      Logic demands that if the old system had been able to fully equip a person for eternity, sacrifices would have ceased.


2.      Logic insists the repetition of sacrifices prove they did not purify and could not provide full and constant access to God.


3.      Instead, they were a reminder of sin and the inadequacy of the previous sacrifices! A consciousness of sin created a barrier to unrestricted communion with God.


4.      The law’s sacrificial system, rather than delivering worshipers from guilt, actually has the effect of reminding them of their sinfulness and, thus, their constant separation from God.” (Guthrie)


v     The OT system could not take away sin (v. 4)! It was absolutely impossible! The blood of animals can never remove sin’s stain!


II. There Are Distinct Liabilities in the OT System (Vv. 5-10).

v     Systems offer both assets and liabilities.

1.      The danger of “systems” is they are liable to degenerate into mechanical, ritualistic, legalistic, and superficial productions that only pacify the participants!


2.      God had prescribed offerings & sacrifices designed to renew covenant relations, remind man of his sin and its penalty, and to avert the judgment of God. They were not salvational.


v     Yet, He did not “desire them” and “had no pleasure in them!” On the eve of the incarnation, God’s Son made a declaration.

1.      God was not ultimately satisfied with the old system and its sacrifices. A body was provided for the ultimate sacrifice. Mere “animal sacrifices were never at the heart of what God really wanted from His people.” (Stanley)

2.      The Son willingly acted in submission to God’s will unto death. He’d come for the sole purpose of doing God’s will! “The uniqueness of the Son’s sacrifice lies in His obedient fulfillment of the will of God.” (O’Brien)


v     Christ’s obedience accomplished complete sanctification (v. 10).

1.      The Son offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin once for all time and for all men.


2.      His one-time sacrifice sets us apart (sanctifies) permanently for Himself so that we can offer Him acceptable worship.


III. Recognize the Legitimacy of the One NT Sacrifice (Vv. 11-14).

v     We’re reminded of the inadequacies of the OT system (v. 11).

      1.  The sacrifices were offered by multiple men on a daily basis. “By its perpetual need for new sacrifices, it demonstrates its inadequacy.” (Guthrie)


      2.  The ones offering had no place to sit, their work never done.


      3.  Multiple sacrifices were offered again and again.


4. Those sacrifices, regardless of how many times they were offered, could never take away sins. “The cumulative effect of these expressions is to underscore the deep-seated inadequacies of the Levitical ministry.” (O’Brien) The system was inadequate..


v     We’re reminded of the sufficiency of one sacrifice (vv. 12-14).

1.      His sacrifice was for all time, forever!


2.      It culminated in His sitting down at the right hand of God.


3.      His sacrifice was solitary; one sacrifice, one offering.


4.      It has fully equipped forever those who are being set apart.


IV. Recognize the Finality of the One NT Sacrifice (Vv. 15-18).

v     We have the witness of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s assurance that He will do something remarkable for those believers.


v     We have the promise of inner transformation; His laws will be inscribed in our hearts and minds.


v     We have the assurance that He will never act on our sins because they’ve been completely obliterated by “the blood of His cross!”


v     No system can ever save; only our Savior can do that! And He does it via the New Covenant!

1.      The NC is entered into by faith alone.


2.      The NC guarantees a new nature and empowerment.


3.      The NC eventuates in complete cleansing.


4.      The NC abolishes any need for further sacrifices for sins!