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Is This Satan's Superman?!

Posted on September 5, 2016

The Book that Promises a Blessing!

A study of the book of Revelation

by Pastor Frank Rice

Revelation 13:1-10

Some recall the original Superman who always happened to show up just in time to avoid death and disaster, and rescue the vulnerable from danger. The large “S” emblazoned on his chest symbolized deliverance, hope, and justice for those who were at risk. Most viewers enjoyed the show realizing it was only a show. But in the real world people ARE looking for gifted and powerful men to give them hope and a future. In life’s darkest hours, there is always someone offering to deliver or rescue you and instill hope. Be careful. Counterfeits abound!


I. A Hero Emerges Out of the Chaos of the Nations (Vv. 1-4).

v      Don’t underestimate the significance of these symbols (vv. 1-2a)! [All of chapter 13 is seen as a result of the wrath of the dragon. He was enraged, went, and stood on the shore of the great sea “to call forth his agent for the final battle.” (Osborne)]

1.      This image of a beast reminds the reader of Daniel 7:3-8! The composite description amplifies his terrifying hideousness.

2.      He rises out of the sea, a symbol of Gentile nations in turmoil, restless, confused, and troubled internally and externally.

3.      He is a beast (no beauty here). In earlier cultures, this would strike terror and dread into the hearts of readers.

4.      He has seven heads, emblazoned with a blasphemous name, representing world empires over which he has or will reign.

5.      He sports ten horns with crowns, symbolizing governments, the final kingdom out of which will arise the world ruler we refer to as the antichrist (1 John 2:18; 2 Thess 2:1-12). The beast from the sea is the Antichrist, who will stand against Christ and try to usurp His authority and power.” (Osborne)

6.      He’s like a leopard; fierce, cruel, swift, secretive, and vicious.

7.      He’s like a bear, with crushing, sudden, destructive power.

8.      He’s like a lion. His mouth roars piercingly, arrogantly, extensively, and his actions erupt swiftly.


v      Don’t mistake the source of this hero’s authority and power (v. 2b)! 

1.      This hero is empowered, enthroned, and authorized by Satan himself, the dragon (v. 2b)! Any attempt to identify the heads or horns as separate kings, kingdoms, etc., should be resisted.” (Johnson)

2.      Any abilities and actions attributed to the dragon are under the sovereign control of God Almighty, and he knows it!


v      Don’t minimize the malicious deceitfulness of this hero (vv. 3-4)!

1.      This popular, gifted, and captivating worldly hero / leader is “killed” (assassinated?) and then returns from the “dead!”

2.      His followers loudly proclaim, “It’s a miracle of God!” And they attribute to him qualities which only the true God possesses!

3.      They worship / bow down to the hero and to the power behind him!  Is there anyone as incomparable & invincible!? He can save us! This is our messiah! (This is not far-fetched!)

4.      The beast’s “death and resurrection,” “results in great, world-wide influence, acceptance, and worship for both the beast and the dragon.” (Johnson) The dragon just happens to be Satan! [Do they recognize this?!]


II. This Hero Is Still Under the Authority of God Almighty (Vv. 5-8)!

v      This hero is granted liberty to deceive all those who have set themselves up for his deception (vv. 5-7)! There’s no neutrality!

1.      This intelligent, articulate, manipulative hero is allowed to utter ugly, hateful, and perverse things about God, to slander His character, to demean His dwelling place and residents (v. 5)!

2.      This aggressive, powerful leader is allowed to instigate war against the followers of Messiah and seemingly defeat them; death for the believer is only temporary (v. 7a).

3.      This provocative, persuasive leader is allowed to exercise “universal” rule (v. 7b). His “miracles” created a platform!

4.      This mortal, malignant, malicious, maniacal leader will be allowed a designated amount of time, and then his self-aggrandizement will catch up with him (v. 5b)!


v      This hero is worshiped by those who obstinately refuse to acknowledge the true God and His Son Jesus Christ (v. 8)!

1.      Those whose only hopes and aspirations are earthly, whose minds have been blinded, will follow him (v. 8a). The devil does not shy away from giving hope, but it is a false hope, a counterfeit!

2.      The beast again imitates the glory, authority, and worship of which only Christ is worthy.” (Osborne)

3.      Those who have placed their faith in the pre-ordained Lamb of God (1 Peter 1:18-20), who have had their names written down in glory, will not!


III. God’s People Are Challenged to Remain Faithful (Vv. 9-10)!

v      Those willing to listen to what God has to say (and respond appropriately!) should pay careful attention (v. 9)! When God says “hear,” He means “do it!” Hearing without doing is not a valid option!


v      There is a timeless principle to keep in mind (v. 10)!

1.      It seems God is encouraging “non-retaliation” for those who know Him. He will take care of the vengeance. His people complicate things and compromise faith when they retaliate.

2.      During the tribulation and in persecution plagued countries it seems, “the only action allowed believers… is faithful witness and perseverance in following Christ…. Live faithfully and persevere in witness, but leave the battle to the Lord.” (Osborne)

3.      His people just need to trust Him. Testings and trials allowed by God give His people an opportunity to display confidence in Him and exhibit His faithfulness. Don’t short-circuit His glory!


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:1, 6)