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God's Plan Continues - with Another Birth Announcement!

Posted on February 13, 2017

God Saves Gentiles! Luke has Good News!

A study of the NT book of Luke

by Pastor Frank Rice

Luke 1:26-38

Most of us have entertained ideas which turned into plans, but for one reason or another they fell by the wayside. We lost interest, ran out of time or money, or just decided it was a dumb idea to begin with! Thankfully, God doesn’t have to deal with any of those challenges! He has His own! He hasn’t lost interest, run short on time or finances, or given up on a “dumb idea!” He still plans to provide salvation for mankind. The challenge is getting those people to cooperate!


I. God’s Plan Exhibits Amazing Continuity as It Unfolds!

      We should note a few obvious parallels in these two stories!

  1. The scene is set and an angel shows up with a message!
  2. The recipient of the message is surprised and fearful!
  3. The messenger delivers a word to calm their fears.
  4. A conception and birth is promised and a name provided.
  5. The significance of the child’s ministry is described.
  6. A question is asked, expressing confusion or doubt.
  7. A sign of assurance is given to the message’s recipient.


      We should also note some glaring contrasts in the stories!

  1. One is set in the midst of the bustling and holy city of Jerusalem a place where we’d expect God to show up!
  2. The other takes place in a quiet, quaint, rural village, some 50 miles north of the city, right in the middle of “nowhere!”
  3. The one announcement comes to the prospective father, an elderly male, beyond his reproductive years, with significant societal status.
  4. The other is made to the prospective mother, a young lady, with no reproductive experiences at all and no mention of societal status.
  5. The one type of conception/birth has occurred on rare occasions previously and was remarkable.
  6. The other has never occurred and is simply miraculous! (There are other noteworthy similarities and contrasts!)


 II. God’s Plan Contains a Word of Assurance (Vv. 26-30)!

      The details of the forthcoming announcement are set to provide historical credibility; this is history (vv. 26-27)!

  1. The “sixth month” links it with Elizabeth’s pregnancy and her husband’s muteness. The two stories are connected. (Elizabeth has only now come out of seclusion.)
  2. The angel Gabriel was authorized to deliver the message and knew how to locate the “city” and the recipient!
  3. The recipient is described as a virgin, one with no sexual experience, who happened to be engaged. In their culture this may indicate she was ~14 years old. Her name? Mary.  
  4. Her husband Joseph (culturally) happened to be of Davidic linage and may have been a few years older than she.


      The details of their interaction are communicated (vv. 28-30).

  1. He encourages her to rejoice as an object of God’s gracious intervention. She’s been chosen for a special assignment!
  2. She’s shaken by what the angel said to her! She can’t figure out why he addressed her in such a three-pronged fashion! Note that “Only the greeting is cited as the cause of the problem.” (Bock)
  3. Mary’s interaction is best described as “concerned curiosity.”
  4. The messenger calms her fears and reiterates the fact that she’s been chosen by God for a special assignment. “Mary is the recipient of God’s grace, not the bestower of it. She is simply the special object of God’s favor.” (Bock)
  5. This is much more than a greeting, for this language is often used in the OT with reference to a person chosen by God for a special purpose in salvation history; in such contexts this phrase assures human agents of divine resources and protection.” (Green)


III. God’s Plan Contains a Word of Promise (Vv. 31-33)!

There are actually multiple words of promise. She is promised:

      She will conceive in her womb and give birth to a Son! This has got to be startling for this “sexually inexperienced” young lady!

      The Son that you bear will be great. His significance and impact will exceed anything you could ever imagine!

      The Son that you bear will be called Son of the Highest! This is indisputable evidence of His deity.

      This Son will be given the throne of His father David, by no one less than the Lord God Himself!!

      This Son will reign over Israel, the house of Jacob forever! This is clearly an indication of the time frame, eternally!

      This Son’s kingdom will have no spatial limitations! This may refer to time or space. All are meant to be understood literally!


IV. God’s Plan Contains a Word of Explanation (Vv. 34-38)!

      The young lady asks how this is doable in her condition (v. 34).

  1. Although sexually inexperienced, she knows about babies!
  2. Her question is innocent, arising from confusion. This is totally foreign. (Zachariah had a precedent but doubted! The angel never discloses his name to her, he doesn’t have to.)


      The messenger responds with a fascinating explanation and an unrequested sign for her benefit (vv. 35-37).

  1. The creative power of the Almighty will accomplish this unprecedented feat! (Overshadowing is a familiar Jewish concept! Gen 1:2, Ps 33:6, Ezek 37:14)
  2. Overshadowing merely says that the conception of Jesus results from God’s creative work.” And “The Creator God who brought life out of nothing and created humans from dust is also able to create human life in a womb.” (Bock)
  3. Because of this miraculous conception and birth, this Holy One will be called Son of God!
  4. By the way, your cousin Elizabeth has some news that might be of interest to you!” (This is the unrequested sign.)
  5. By the way, nothing God says He will do is impossible for Him!”
  6. Jesus represents the fulfillment of God’s promise and the renewal of God’s activity on behalf of humanity. As such, Jesus is the only hope of humanity.” (Bock)


      The young lady responds to God’s plan for her life (v. 38). “Lord, whatever you want to do with me is fine; I am your servant.” “Mary is about to receive freely the special favor of God. She is a picture of those who receive God’s grace on the basis of His kind initiative.” (Bock)


God doesn’t have to deal with the challenges of losing interest, time, or finances!

His challenge is getting His people to cooperate!

“Mary’s response to this divine intervention shows that God’s action requires human submission to the divine will.” (Garland)