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God's Original Design for Man

Posted on November 23, 2014

Don't Stop Now!

A study of the NT book of Hebrews

by Pastor Frank Rice

Hebrews 2:5-9

Those of us who have “our feet on the ground and our heads in the game” recognize that mankind has a problem! In fact, we are plagued with a multitude of problems! If God created man (and we believe He did) then why is he such a disaster? Why does man seem intent on destroying himself, his planet, and beyond? Is this what the Creator intended? What is His original design and will man ever achieve it? The author urges his listeners to embrace the Son to discover God’s original design for man! That design is described but something went drastically wrong! So, what is God’s solution for man’s recovery?


I. Here Is God’s Design for Man’s Reign (Vv. 5-8a)!

v     Angels were never designed to exercise dominion over the world that God created and will create (v. 5)! That was not God’s plan.

1.      The author had spoken of angels previously, digressed to encourage action (2:1-4), and now returns to the subject.


2.      Angels had witnessed the creation but were never given dominion over the creation (Gen 1:26-28).  


v     Man was designed to exercise dominion over the inhabited earth that God created and will create (vv. 6-8a).

1.      The author references a familiar OT psalm (Ps 8).

(a)    He had to know who the author was but consistently regarded scripture as from God, without emphasizing the human aspect. (This is true throughout his message.)


(b)   He wants us to put ourselves in the psalmist’s sandals as he lies under the stars and contemplates God’s creation.


(c)    He is awestruck along with the psalmist as he quietly considers God’s undeserved dealings with mankind.


2.      The author ponders the wonder of God’s “thinking about man with a view to helping him!” Why would He do that?!


3.      The author reflects on the wonder of God’s “watch care over him” like a shepherd watching over his sheep (Ps 23). In the whole configuration of creation man is a mere speck; yet God takes notice of him!


4.      The author cites four areas in the created order that boggle his mind and motivate him to worship (vv. 7-8b)!

(a)    God created man slightly lower than the angels but far above the rest of creation.


(b)   God crowned man with dignity (glory & honor) far above the animal kingdom!


(c)    God gave man dominion over all of His creation. He set man in the place of supremacy.


(d)   God placed all creation in subjection to man. This point is dramatically and extensively emphasized!


v     The psalmist is overcome with wonder as he contemplates the majesty and power of God. But when he looks at the starry heavens and contemplates their vastness, his mind turns to the insignificant but remarkable dignity of man.” (O’Brien)  We’ve missed something!!!


II. Here Is God’s Design for Man’s Recovery (Vv. 8b-9)!

v     Something had gone drastically wrong (v. 8b)! (“But now…”)

1.      The above is not man’s experience. He is not exercising dominion! He is a victim of nature, of the animal kingdom, of death, disaster, and disease! Man is his worst enemy!


2.      Man has not lived up to God’s original design for him! We do not yet see this! God created man a little lower than the angels, But man seems to have sunk a little lower than the animals!


3.      We may wonder if God doesn’t look at the news reports and say, “This is not what I had in mind for man!”


4.      From God’s perspective Jesus demonstrated dominion over nature, disease, demons, death, and hunger. All were under His authority! Jesus’ humanity enabled Him to demonstrate God’s design for man. “This is what I had in mind!”  


v     Something radical must be done to correct this unacceptable situation (v. 9). (from G L Cockerill)

1.      Jesus stepped in to rescue man, in accord with God’s initiative and purposes. His saving death was accomplished by and was the outworking of God’s grace.


2.      The benefits of Jesus’ death, in accord with God’s initiative, have been made available for every human being.


3.      Jesus fully experienced death for every human being, that man might experience the reality of God’s design for him.


In an amazing way Jesus fulfils God’s design for creation and displays what had always been intended for all humankind.” (O’Brien)


Apart from a personal and vital relationship with Jesus Christ the Son you will never realize God’s original design for your life!