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God's Gonna Get It Done!

Posted on February 6, 2017

God Saves Gentiles! Luke Has Good News!

A study of the NT book of Luke

by Pastor Frank Rice

Luke 1:5-25

We all know people who talk a lot and put on a good show but rarely get anything accomplished. They promise, but do not produce. They’re all talk but little action. Depending on them to get anything done is a waste of time. You might as well do it yourself. We’d rather avoid them than put up with frustration and disappointment. The nation of Israel had been awaiting a Deliverer for a long time. Many had given up hope, not expecting anything from God. That is about to change! If God said it, He’ll get it done! The time is now!


I. God Uses People Whom We’re Likely to Pass Over (Vv. 5-7)!

      After a prologue designed to inspire confidence in the upcoming narrative, the author introduces the key players (v. 5).

  1. There can be no doubt that the text’s perspective sees the events as historical realities and calls the reader to see them in the same way.” (Bock)
  2. He frames his narrative in time (Herod’s reign) and space (in Judea) to validate the historicity of his narrative.
  3. He focuses on a man and his wife, key players in this drama of redemption, the unfolding story of Gentile salvation.


      After introducing the couple, he provides vital information as to how they fit into the narrative (vv. 6-7).

  1. He intentionally affirms them as righteous and blameless in the eyes of the God of Israel (v. 6). These are true Israelites! They love God & live convincingly! There’s is a moral righteousness that conforms to God’s standards, faithfully and consistently obeying God.
  2. He is counteracting a popular myth; “barrenness is God’s curse on bad people.” Neither of these folks was in any condition to be considered useful to God! [Perfect!]
  3. Where did Luke get his information? “The contacts with the Jewish-Christian church may well have included family members of Jesus, like Mary or James.” (Bock)



 II. God Shows Up At Times When Least Expected (Vv. 8-10)!

      This elderly priest was chosen for the opportunity of a lifetime, to burn incense at the time of the evening offering (vv. 8-9). He was merely fulfilling his obligation and privilege before God. Because of the large number of priests (~18,000), “only once in his life would a priest receive the special honor of offering incense in the Holy Place as part of the preparation for the sacrificial offering.” (Bock)


      As the people were gathered outside, this elderly novice is alone with God, an experience he’s only heard and dreamt about, until this day (v. 10). (He’s got to be a bit apprehensive, fearful, anxious, and curious!)


III. God Announces His Plans to The Unsuspecting (Vv. 11-20)!

      Suddenly and unexpectantly an authoritative angel appears and startles him (vv. 11-12). No one had prepared him for this, so his initial apprehension was intensified by this sudden and unexplainable occurrence!


      This angel informs him that his prayer has been heard; God is going to take action on his behalf (vv. 13-17).

  1. Evidently, he (and his wife?) had been praying a long time for a son and had given up on the request (v. 13a). That was about to change dramaticallyJ!
  2. The angel not only knows the couple’s names but also their son’s name (vv. 13b-14)! This son will be a source of joy and gladness, not only for them but for a multitude!
  3. The angel continues by describing the significance of this son and the fact that the Spirit of God would be the only controlling agent in his life from birth to the finish line (v. 15).
  4. Because of who he is, he will be used of God to redirect multitudes of his own people to the Lord (v. 16).
  5. He will be used of God and empowered like Elijah, to turn the hearts of typically hardened and harsh people toward what God considers important (v. 17a). This will happen on a national level. Reconciliation is an indication of repentance!
  6. His ministry will prepare people for the coming of the Lord (v. 17b). God is gonna get it done in His time and His way! This child was a response, not only to a personal request, but to a national need.


      The angel’s incredible message is difficult to believe (vv. 18-20).

  1. This godly priest looks at the circumstances and finds it unimaginable how God could pull this off (v. 18)! (Unbelief!)
  2. The angel affirms his authorization for the good news; he also promises a sign to assure its validity (vv. 19-20)! His silence has practical implications, is a disciplinary measure, and a sign to him of the veracity of God’s promise.
  3. Zachariah had been praying faithfully but apparently did not believe that his prayers would be answered… He went through the motions of religious activity, prayer, and priestly service, but after all these years he could not bring himself to believe that God would ever really do anything.” (Green)


IV. God Withholds His Plans Until the Time Is Right (Vv. 21-25)!

      Those anticipating God’s blessing are troubled by the failure of the priest to emerge in a timely fashion (v. 21). What might they be thinking? What might they be expecting?


      When the priest emerges he arouses suspicions (vv. 22-23).

  1. He was expected to give the benediction (Num 6:24-26). But he was unable to speak! His gestures indicated that he’d seen some kind of vision. But he couldn’t say a thing!
  2. After he completed his biannual commitment, he departed for home with his wondering wife. Sort of quiet on the way! Modern-day distractions did not draw them away from meditation on what God might be doing!


      When the wife realizes she’s pregnant she is quiet (vv. 24-25).

  1. For unknown reasons she wouldn’t say a thing (v. 24)!
  2. For understandable reasons, she praises and thanks the Giver of life for removing the reproach of barrenness (v. 25)!


This quote is deserving of repetition: “Zachariah had been praying faithfully but apparently did not believe that his prayers would be answered…

He went through the motions of religious activity, prayer, and priestly service, but after all these years he could not bring himself to believe that God would ever really do anything.” (Green)


If God said He’d do it, He’ll get it done, in His time and His way!

God is sovereignly involved in the lives of believers, then and now.