God's Final Word
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 1:1-4
Most instructors, teachers, and coaches have a playbook/manual from which they provide the insight and strategies needed for those who are supposed to learn and follow. They initially and meticulously explain the contents of that playbook/manual and then strongly encourage their athletes/students to do what they say. Their instructions must be clear so the listeners can take confident and appropriate action. The author of Hebrews was their prototype! The OT Scriptures are his “playbook/manual.” He systematically explains (exposition) the OT, then encourages (exhortation) his listeners to respond!
I. Very Simply – God Has Spoken Distinctly (Vv. 1-2a)!
v This is a unique “letter,” lacking the normal traits of NT letters.
1. There is no opening prayer for grace and peace.
2. There is no introductory thanksgiving or blessing.
3. There is no identification of author or addressees. [Apollos (Acts 18:24-28) is the most realistic candidate.] It is very unlikely the author is the apostle Paul for these reasons plus stylistic distinctions.
Whoever the author is… “He was a master of elegant Greek who understood the principles of rhetoric and oral persuasion as taught in the ancient world. He had a thorough knowledge of the OT and a clear understanding of how it should be interpreted in light of its fulfillment in Christ. He was well acquainted with the past history of the people to whom he was writing.” (Cockerill) And he dearly loved his people!
4. There are clear indications that this is in reality a sermon, written to be read to a group of predominantly Jewish people in Rome, many of whom had already embraced the Savior, some of whom were having second thoughts for various reasons, and some of whom were on the verge of embracing Christ.
v The fact that God has spoken necessitates mankind’s privilege and responsibility to listen to what He has said (vv. 1-2a)!
1. God had spoken in the past but has now spoken in these last days. The last days refer to the times of prophetic fulfillment.
2. God had spoken to the fathers but has now spoken to us.
3. God had spoken through the prophets of old but has now spoken by (in) His Son.
4. God had spoken in progressive and incomplete ways but has now spoken in a final and dramatic fashion.
5. God had spoken in an assortment of ways but has now spoken in a singular way.
v God had spoken definitively, repeatedly, and dramatically in times past! He had not remained silent but took the initiative and revealed Himself to mankind in a multiplicity of ways!
II. Very Clearly – God Has Spoken With Finality (Vv. 2b-4)!
v God has spoken through the One whom He has appointed heir of all things! The Son is the lawful possessor of all things.
“God’s self-disclosure in His Son is the climax and fulfillment of all previous revelation… Christ is God’s final word that fulfills and thus surpasses His previous revelation.” (Cockerill)
v God has spoken through the One through whom He made the ages. Through the Son, God created the universe and everything in it! The Son is the agent of creation.
v God has spoken through the One who is the brightness of His glory! The Son is the “outshining” of who God really is.
v God has spoken through the One who is the express image of His person! The Son is the perfect imprint of who God really is.
v God has spoken through the One who upholds all things through His powerful word! The agent of creation sustains creation; He continually organizes and carries forward the created order to a designed end or goal.
v God has spoken through the One who had by Himself purified us from our sins! He did what had to be done; He removed them.
“God has spoken not simply in Jesus’ words, but also in His saving actions, especially His death, resurrection, and exaltation, which have been interpreted for His people in words that can be understood and appropriated.” (O’Brien)
v God has spoken through the One who is now seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high! His sitting down underscores the finality of His mission. He is seated in the position of ultimate power, honor, dignity, and superiority.
v God has spoken through the One who is far superior in every way to the messengers of old! He is and had done something no angel had ever done or could do!
“The Old Covenant with its priesthood and sacrifices has always been and continues to be a type and foreshadowing of the full sufficiency of Christ as Savior. It was never meant to be an adequate means of salvation in itself.”
“The pastor is convinced that rejection of fulfillment in Christ is rejection of all that God has ever spoken and thus a rejection of God Himself.” (Cockerill)
“Hebrews has a message for the people of God who live in a world that refuses to acknowledge God: God has spoken. The words of Scripture are valid. The incarnation, suffering, obedience, self-offering, and exaltation of God’s eternal Son are the ultimate self-disclosure of the divine character fulfilling what has gone before. They are also the all-sufficient provision for entering God’s presence though cleansing from sin. This revelation of God and these benefits are now mediated through the incarnate, exalted, eternal Son seated at God’s right hand.”(Cockerill)
There is nothing left to be said, and no one greater who could speak, even if there was something more to say! That disqualifies every fraudulent voice, and there is no shortage, since the exaltation of Christ! Christ is God’s final word!