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God Always Has a Witness - or Two!

Posted on August 1, 2016

The Book that Promises a Blessing!

A study of the book of Revelation

by Pastor Frank Rice

Revelation 11:1-14

We read, or hear on the news from time to time, a plea for anyone who has information about some-thing that happened, to step forward and tell the authorities what they have heard or seen. It is an urgent, legitimate plea for information pertaining to a traffic accident, death, a missing person, or an event for which information is needed. They’re looking for a witness to provide vital information! God is always looking for a witness to provide vital information so that those He loves can make informed decisions regarding eternity.


I. The Stage Is Set for God’s Witnesses to Appear (Vv. 1-2)!

v      John is instructed to mark off or measure a certain geographical area so they might experience the protective hand of God (v. 1).

1.      It seems the angel of chapter 10 is the one who gave him the measuring “stick.” This reed or rod was ~10 feet long.

2.      When something was measured in Scripture it was being designated for destruction or for the purpose of protection. The latter seems to be the case in this instance.

3.      When they are ‘measured,’ they are identified as belonging to God and under His protection.” (Osborne)

4.      Two, possibly three, items are being designated, the temple and altar and possibly the number of people worshiping there.

5.      It is clear that “the temple, altar, worshipers, and HolyCity have something to do with the Jewish people and their place in the plan of God.” (Johnson)


v      John is instructed to refrain from measuring a particular area, thus leaving that area unprotected (v. 2).

1.      The outer unprotected area is the court which the Gentiles, often a designation for the godless, will be allowed to overrun.

2.      They’ll be allowed to rule over the whole holy city (Jerusalem) for a designated period of time, 42 months. Interesting

3.      It takes Grant Osborne seven pages to explain the first two verses! When we begin with our own presuppositions we use up a lot of space trying to spiritualize what should be fairly straightforward!


II. These Witnesses Appear for Their Brief Stint on Stage (Vv. 3-6)!

v      These two men will serve a specific and timely purpose in the plan of God (vv. 3-4). (This is true of all God’s witnesses. Acts 1:8) John introduces “two of the most enigmatic figures in the book of the Revelation.” (Patterson)

1.      They’ll receive authorization and empowerment from on high. This is bestowed on them for ministry, not for show!

2.      They’ll prophecy for a designated period of time, 1,260 days, which happens to be 42 months, or 3½ years. Interesting

3.      They’ll be clothed in sackcloth, a hint of the gist of their message, their state of mourning, and their call for repentance.

4.      They’ll serve a similar purpose as two OT prophets of Israel who stood before the Lord (v. 4; Zech 4). Who are these guys?

v      There are multiple ideas of who the two are: from Osborne)

1.      Many idealist interpreters would argue that the witnesses represent the church of the living God who bear responsibility for a witness in the world.” They also suggest “that the two witnesses are the Old Testament and the New Testament, or perhaps the Law and the Prophets.”

2.      A view common in the historicist’s school of thinking identifies them with some historical figure or group, such as the Waldenses and Albigensians.”

3.      Futurists identify “these two as actual witnesses - real, living individuals in the tribulation period,” possibly Joshua & Zerubbabel; Enoch & Elijah; or Moses & Elijah’

4.      Perhaps they are better seen as two remarkable Jewish witnesses who arise during the tribulation with ministries similar to those of Elijah and Moses.” (Patterson)


v      These two men are not easily identifiable (vv. 5-6). Their ministries are more important than their identity! They’ve been authorized!

1.      These men are authorized and enabled to protect themselves from anyone who would attempt to “take them out,” an indication that there will be many who would like to do so!

2.      The judgment does not just come from the two witnesses but from God Himself.” (Osborne)

3.      It is very doubtful that this is to be understood literally as “fire-breathing prophets!” When they speak judgment, death can result (2 Kings 1:10 & 12; Acts 5:4, 9)!

4.      These men are empowered to do stupendous, astonishing, incredible, and frustratingly infuriating feats, reminiscent of some well-known OT heroes!


III. The Witnesses Are Killed Because of Their Ministry (Vv. 7-10)!

v      God allowed His witnesses to be killed; you read it (vv. 7-8)!

1.      His witnesses are killed after they’ve successfully completed their assignment. (Not all ministry is welcomed!)

2.      They are attacked, overwhelmed, and killed by the “beast” out of the Abyss. He’s had enough of their witnessing!

3.      The term for “beast” is “a beast of prey, one with a ravenous appetite, a carnivore, like a lion or a panther, it connotes a cunning of unreasoning violence that acts according to its own cruel nature.” (Osborne)

4.      Though Alan Johnson may disagree with our eschatology, he summarizes it well: “The main import of the passage is seen as depicting a future protection of the nation of Israel prior to her spiritual regeneration. The Antichrist (beast) will permit the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem as well as the restoration of Jewish worship for three and a half years; but then he will break his covenant and trample down a part of the temple and the HolyCity until Christ returns to deliver the Jewish people.”

5.      Their dead bodies are exposed in the very city where their Master was murdered, which has become as spiritually destitute, depraved, and despicable as two other places!

6.      The author has taken two of the most reprehensible events in Jewish history and used them to describe Jerusalem.” (Osborne) See also Isaiah 1:10!


v      God allowed His servants to experience disgrace and degradation at the hands of their ungodly enemies (vv. 9-10)!

1.      It seems that people groups around the world are allowed to gawk for 3½ days at the unburied bodies of God’s witnesses!

2.      These same people gloat and celebrate the deaths of these two men who had made earth-dweller’s lives so miserable!


IV. The Witnesses’ Ministry Closes In Dramatic Fashion (Vv. 11-14)!

v      The murderous earth-dwellers witnessed the resurrection of two men who’d been dead for days (vv. 11-12)! Shocking! Terrifying!

1.      These murderers saw with their own eyes, as the men began to move, stand, and then ascend to heaven!

2.      They knew Who had done it and were terrified by a sudden realization of what had happened; dead men came to life!


v      The startled earth-dwellers were immediately rocked by a mega-quake which leveled 10% of their city (vv. 13-14).

1.      Seven thousand citizens of this city died in that tragic quake!

2.      Others recognized these two events as the hand of God! Hopefully, this means salvation. The witnesses, in life & death, got it done, fulfilling God’s purpose for them.