From Tribulation to Jubilation!
The Book that Promises a Blessing!
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 19:1-10
We’re familiar with Psalm 30:5; “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” It seems life is like that. We struggle thru periods of difficulty and distress only to (hopefully) turn the corner and discover relief and celebration. It can happen on a small scale or on a large scale, a relatively minor discomfort or a major one. It also happens on a world-wide or universal scale!
When tribulation and judgment reach a certain phase, then we can expect universal relief and celebration! The celebration begins!
I. Jubilation Erupts; the Epitome of Evil Has Been Judged (Vv. 1-5)!
❖ The time had (will) come to celebrate, and for good reasons (v. 1)!
- After the cataclysmic events, especially those of the previous two chapters, a great multitude erupts as one voice, shouting “Hallelujah!” “Praise be to God!”
- What a drastic contrast from the agonizing grief & sorrow of 18:9-10, 15-16, & 19 to glorious celebration of chapter 19! The same event triggers radically different reactions!
- Their praise is directed to the God who delivers, the One who is responsible for their own rescue out of Babylon.
- To Him alone belongs glory for who He is & what He’s done; He alone deserves our praise, and shares His incomparable and deserved glory with no one (Isa 42:8)!
- To Him alone belong honor, greatness, value, and worth! God is not an insignificant player on the field of human history.
- He alone is sovereign and powerful, as demonstrated in the destruction of the “invincible” Babylon!
❖ The time had finally come for judgment on wickedness (vv. 2-3)!
- The great harlot, the religious, political, economic monstrosity, had finally been judged and completely dismantled/destroyed.
- She’d led millions into a Christless eternity by deception and corruption, creating the delusion that happiness and prosperity is available without God! (She got what she deserved!)
- She’d been responsible for the murder of millions because of their courage and commitment to truth!
- And the redeemed glorify God, affirming that His judgments were true and right, complete and praiseworthy!
❖ The time had come for others to join the peon of praise (vv. 4-5)!
- The 24 elders reappear to prostrate themselves and to worship the God who always acted true to His character (v. 4)!
- An unidentified voice shouts from the region of the throne, inviting everyone within earshot who fears and serves this great God to join the praise (v. 5)!
❖ The term “Alleluia” is significant and not to be overlooked!!!
- It occurs over 150 times in the OT, especially to begin certain Psalms (111; 112; 113; 117; 146; 147; 148; 149; 150:1-6)!
- It does not occur in the NT until here in Revelation, and four times at that, at the termination and judgment of evil!
- Sin and its effects had practically silenced the Alleluia’s. They have been momentary and inadequate! Sin destroys lives, creation, and God’s plans for the human race.
- Judgment had been promised and finally meted out. And God is vindicated! Man’s false accusations of impotence and ineptitude are exposed! “Hallelujah!”
II. Jubilation Expands; the Epitome of Grace Is Revealed (Vv. 6-10)!
❖ Another thunderous voice (singular) of a great multitude is heard “from the realms of glory” (vv. 6-8)!
- The mega-voice surpasses the roaring of Niagara Falls or a humongous, extended, rolling thunder!
- The mega-voice shouts out in praise and jubilation to the sovereign, omnipotent, unsurpassable power of God.
- The mega-voice announces another reason for the present jubilation; the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife is finally prepared!
- The Lamb, the bridegroom is Jesus Christ and the bride is the Church, composed of all those from Pentecost to the Rapture who have embraced Him as their sovereign Savior (Eph 5)!
- Jesus looks for something more enduring than beauty, IQ, or money. He wants loyalty, devotion, purity, and faithfulness. The (imputed) righteousness of Jesus Christ makes our righteousness possible.
- He signed the marriage contract in His own blood, paying the price for our redemption and salvation. We owe everything to Him Who "loved the church and gave Himself for it" (Eph 5:25).
- “The dikaiomata do not imply any kind of meritorious works that would bring salvation. Rather there is a delicate balance between grace and obedient response to it.” (Johnson)
- We’re declared righteous by faith in Him (Rom 3:28; 5:1, 9), not because of works (Gal 2:16). Yet works reveal we’ve been justified by faith. Saving faith manifests good works, produced by the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer.
❖ The voice shouts out an invitation to others to attend the celebration and John reacts to the glory of it all (vv. 9-10)!
- This likely refers to all OT and tribulation believers (v. 9). They are the guests. (Brides do not receive wedding invitations!) Distinctions exist between the church & Israel. Count on it!
- During the eternal state, no distinctions will be made among the people of God; but in the Kingdom Age, differences will still exist as the church reigns with Christ and as Israel enjoys the promised messianic blessings.
- This has been a long emotionally and physically draining day (or more) and the writer reacts understandably (v. 10a)!
- He is immediately corrected by his fellow-servant and told to whom worship must be directed. “The testimony that Jesus bore is the heart of Spirit-inspired prophecy.” (Osborne)
What do YOU need to do to prepare for the celebration of the ages?