Faith Equips Us for Real-World Living!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 11:30-40
You’ve probably noticed that some people, not only children, live in their “own little worlds!” They seem oblivious to what’s going on around them. They’ve tuned out the real world. It may be because life is so painful and they long to escape or that life doesn’t make sense to them. Whatever the reason, they’ve created their own reality. It happens also in the spiritual realm. People are inclined to fantasize their worlds. But faith operates in the real world. It addresses real-life situations. It deals with reality and keeps us on track in the good and bad times!
I. Faith Recovers through Times of Spiritual Drought (Vv. 30-31).
v Faith was absent for forty years in the wilderness generation. These folks were characterized by unbelief and disobedience!
v Faith is revived as God’s people follow His instructions (v. 30).
1. Joshua received God’s illogical instructions, shared them with his people, by faith they followed God’s directives, and the walls crumbled. What an impressive mega-memory!
2. “When you do what God instructs you to do, He takes the responsibility for the success or failure of the venture!”
v Faith surfaces in the most unexpected places and people (v. 31)!
1. This remarkable woman, pagan and prostitute, had nothing to commend her but faith! She’d heard the Yahweh stories and identified with God’s people!
2. She risked discovery & death before the siege, if it fails, or if the invaders betray her. Her testimony is clear (Josh2:11)!
II. Faith Is Realistic About the Source of Success (Vv. 32-35a).
v Countless familiar heroes of faith encourage our faith journey (v. 32).
1. Gideon crushed the 135,000-man Midianite army with his 300 men when he followed God’s explicit instructions.
2. Barak deliveredIsrael from Canaanite oppression when he insisted that the prophetess Deborah accompany him.
3. Samson was God's instrument and wreaked havoc among the Philistines, in spite of his self-destructive lifestyle.
4. Jepthah, the ostracized, illegitimate, and impulsive son of a harlot, led Israel against the Ammonites.
5. David, despite his failures, conqueredJerusalem, defeated Goliath, escaped from Saul, and conquered enemy nations.
6. Samuel the prophet anointed Saul king and later David. His childlike faith in the Lord shone bright in spiritual darkness.
7. The prophets spoke & stood alone against unrighteousness, became targets and scapegoats for the wicked.
v Countless acts of faith remind us of God’s power (vv. 33-35a).
- There were some who conquered kingdoms; judges, military heroes, and kings. (Readers would be able to fill in the blanks!)
- Some administered justice by uprooting wicked kingdoms and enforcing justice as leaders of Israel.
- Some obtained promises. They experienced their fulfillment.
- Some shut the mouths of lions; Samson, David, Daniel.
- Some quenched the power of fire; the three in the fiery furnace. God honored their faith.
- Some escaped the sword’s edge; victors in battle, individual escapes from execution, such as Moses, Elijah, and Elisha.
- Some had their weakness turned to strength.
- Some became mighty in battle when they followed Yahweh.
- Some routed the armies of the aliens.
- Some received their dead back to life! (All the above by faith!)
III. Faith Is Realistic About the Significance of Suffering (Vv. 35b-38).
v Countless examples of faith led to suffering (vv. 35b-36)!
1. When forced to choose between death or denying their God, they chose the former, and suffered debilitating and humiliating tortures!
2. They’d rather die with a clear conscience than live with a guilty one! They knew their faithfulness would be rewarded. Faith believes that “He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
v Countless methods of deprivation and rejection were inflicted upon victims (vv. 37-38)! They wandered aimlessly & endlessly!
v Society labeled them scum, not fit to live. God labels the world unfit to host His faithful! All of the above lived by faith. There was no “faith deficiency.” This is a deathblow to the health, wealth, and prosperity crowd!
“They were outlawed as people who were unfit for civilized society; the truth was that civilized society was unfit for them.” Faith in God carries with it no guarantee of comfort in this world.
IV. Faith Awaits Complete Fulfillment of God’s Promise (Vv. 39-40).
v All of the aforementioned obtained a good testimony and were commended for their faith, both the triumphant and the tortured!
v None received the promise (singular). They had not yet seen Messiah, the Answer to suffering & Provider of hope and complete salvation and forgiveness. They waited for us to be fitted for glory!
v You and I may be able to do very little to change the fate of those suffering for Christ.
1. But you can pray and in some cases communicate.
2. You can appreciate those who suffer for Christ! “Evaluate the worth, quality, or significance of; admire greatly, judge with heightened perception or understanding; be fully aware of; recognize with gratitude; hold in high estimation.”
3. You can appreciate God’s goodness and the privileges you enjoy!
4. You can reject the “doctrine” that elevates the “blessed” and castigates those who suffer.
5. You can actively anticipate the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:9-11). You’ll be standing next to some of these dear folks.