Encouragement is Appropriate!
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 6:9-12
Honest appraisal, firm warning, supportive and well-intentioned scolding are at times perfectly fitting and necessary! Undeserved affirmation is not really helpful or honest since everyone messes up occasionally. A teacher or coach who never scolds, warns, or admonishes his students is not doing them any favors. Progress involves correction and is sometimes unpleasant! The author had been a little hard on his readers but he now begins to give them positive feedback on their spiritual condition! This is good!
I. Every Believer Must Pursue God’s Design for His Life (Vv. 9-10)!
v Recognize that God’s design for you is a healthy salvation! He has already informed us of a “variety of salvation” experiences.
1. Some congregants had a sickly salvation (5:11-14), their spiritual progress being impeded by their own dullness.
2. Some congregants had a stagnant salvation (6:1-3), spiritual progress having been hampered by their futile preoccupation with fruitless argumentation.
3. Some congregants had a supposed salvation (6:4-8), spiritual progress had stopped short of faith alone in Christ alone. These are serious warnings! “The book of Hebrews issues terrifying warnings to the corporate church, hoping that those in the church who really need them will hear.” (Hughes)
4. But these congregants had a sure salvation (6:9-12), their spiritual progress was a source of encouragement to others!
v Recognize that God’s design for you is to live a convincing Christian life! (Love God, live convincingly, look for opportunities!)
1. The author assures them that they are not among “those” just described in the preceding verses.
2. The author, only here, addresses them as beloved, a term of endearment “in which the author reaffirms his relationship with them as members of Christ’s community.” (O’Brien)
3. The author tells them of his confidence in their salvation since they evidence it in changed behaviors, perspectives, attitudes, etc. Salvation never comes unaccompanied.
4. “Outwardly the ‘things that accompany salvation’ are witnessed to by the graces of character that come from truly knowing Christ: a pure life – a truthful tongue – a forgiving spirit – a generous heart. It is true that such graces may be partially produced without ‘salvation,’ but those are like artificial flowers in comparison with the real thing. They have no real life – no true fragrance. Authentic Christian life produces authentic Christian character – and such character is added ground for substantial confidence.” (Hughes)
5. The author does seem to regret that he had to speak severely to the whole group because of some of their members.
v Recognize that God’s design for you is dependence on Him.
1. Service is rewarded since He is a just God! The double negative intimates God would be unjust if He overlooked love-motivated sacrificial service. He doesn’t miss a thing!
2. Service is to be motivated by love for His name as a result of salvation, not a basis for salvation! This is radically different from service which is performed to gain merit.
3. Although some of these believers were immature in their faith, they never ceased to serve one another. These believers “manifest the love for man that is a proof of real love for God (1 John4:19-21).” (Morris)
4. Later we will discover that “they showed boldness before their persecutors, a practical concern for those abused or imprisoned, and the cheerful acceptance of the loss of their property.” (O’Brien)
II. Every Believer Must Pursue God’s Desire for His Life (Vv. 11-12)
v God’s desire is that you exercise diligence in your Christian life!
1. Exercise diligence! It is “eagerness, effort, haste, the state of being meaningfully engaged in something.” (Guthrie)
2. Exercise diligence so that you may have a sense of assurance and confidence! Those “working out their salvation” gain a genuine sense of assurance (Eph 2:10; Php. 2:12-13).
3. Exercise diligence so that you do not become sluggish! Laziness is the enemy of perseverance which is the enemy of diligence which is the enemy of stability.
v God’s desire is that you imitate others, but be selective!
1. Imitate (mimic) those who obtain the promises, who know God and His promises, and put themselves in position to receive their fulfillment.
2. You’re not the first to embark on this journey. You’re not the first to encounter trials and tragedy! You’re not the first to be tempted to quit! Others have begun and finished.
3. Imitate those whose lives are characterized by faith and perseverance! The Bible and Christian biographers tell their stories! Some are living today. They’ve persevered!
4. Everyone imitates someone! “Whom do you imitate?” It’s not a question of “if” but “whom?”
God’s design for you is that you live a convincing Christian life and look to Him for approval!
God’s desire for you is that you show diligence and imitate heroes of faith. In that way you’ll provide evidence of salvation and be a tremendous blessing to others (3 John 4)!
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth!”