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Economic Collapse is Certain!

Posted on November 7, 2016

The Book that Promises a Blessing!

A study of the book of Revelation

by Pastor Frank Rice

Revelation 18:1-24

We’re likely to be disturbed and uncomfortable by talk of economic failure, not to mention collapse! It’s scary and alarming. It threatens our security, stability, and our very lifestyles. Thankfully, most of us are relatively unfamiliar with poverty! We’ve not experienced the loss of assets and resources to the point where there is little hope of recovery. “Economic collapse is improbable, impossible!” We’ve caught a glimpse of future political and ecological catastrophe, and religious corruption. Now we’re introduced to a future cataclysmic economic collapse! What will it take for man to come to his senses?!


I. Pay Attention to the Angelic Indictment on Babylon (Vv. 1-8)!

v      A mighty angel descends from heaven with a dramatic, disturbing announcement, coming on the heels of political upheaval (vv. 1-3)!

  1. He is recognized for his authority and awe-inspiring splendor, both of which are sourced in the One who sent him (v. 1)!
  2. He forcefully announced in “future-historic” terms the collapse of great Babylon to the point of desolation and its domination by vermin (v. 2)! (This is apocalyptic literature.)
  3. He cited the reason for her judgment and collapse (v. 3). She had seduced the leaders of the world, political and economic, into a depraved, self-indulgent, and obsessive materialism.
  4. The emphasis is not placed on the mere accumulation of wealth but on an obsession with wealth and with ‘excessive luxuries.’… These merchants engaged in ‘unrestrained debauchery’ by which he means excess consumption of goods, with gross ostentation the order of the day.” (Osborne)
  5. The Romans used their wealth for social control over their subjects. It was often said that Rome conquered the world as much through its merchants as through its armies.” (Osborne; current nations beware!)


v      Another voice is heard, which seems to be the very voice of God, and it further clarifies the judgment (vv. 4-8).

  1. The voice calls all God-fearers to disconnect themselves from the sins of the judged, lest they share in their judgment (v. 4)!
  2. In our text Babylon symbolizes a political-economic system in which many of God’s people have become inadvertently or intentionally entrenched! The NT consistently calls for separation or at least extreme caution (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1)!
  3. Shun the charms and allurements of the world. Wherever there are idolatry, prostitution, self-glorification, self-sufficiency, pride, complacency, reliance on luxuries and wealth, avoidance of suffering, violence against life, there is Babylon! Christians are to separate ideologically and if necessary physically from all the forms of Babylon.” (Johnson)
  4. Their sins had piled up to heaven and God had “finally had enough;” He could withhold judgment no longer (v. 5).
  5. The voice calls for a full recompense on Babylon for the damage and distress that she’d caused and for the arrogance she’d displayed, thinking she would never be penalized (vv. 6-8)!
  6. Rome brought good to many peoples; but in a scathing critique, the prophet here announces that Rome relates to other peoples only for her own personal gain.” (Keener)
  7. Affluence led to arrogance! She will experience, swiftly and suddenly, what she’d desperately sought to avoid by wealth accumulation (Isa. 47:8-11). Full compensation is approaching and appropriate!
  8. In Romecommoners barely had a subsistence living and survived through loans as their debts grew.” (Osborne)

II. Pay Attention to the Cries of Babylon’s Beneficiaries (Vv. 9-19)!

v      The earth’s rulers, who used their power & positions to manipulate the economic system for their gain, would wail in despair when she goes down (vv. 9-10)! Here are 3 laments or funeral dirges.

  1. They would distance themselves in helpless horror as they despairingly watched their assets go up in smoke!
  2. They would gaze in disbelief that what had taken them years to accumulate disappeared so suddenly and unexpectantly! 


v      The merchants who’d learned to work the system and use people for their own vile advantage would reel in despair (vv. 11-17a)!

  1. The markets collapsed and no one was buying (v. 11)! Their self-aggrandizing and ultra-comfortable lifestyles were ruined!
  2. Their vast array of imported goods would sit on the docks or in ships and “rot.” They “merchandized” anything they could buy, sell, and profit from, gold and silver, even humans (vv. 12-13)!
  3. Everything that had given life meaning and provided their comforts is now gone; they’re left in abject despair (vv. 14-15)!
  4. Their luxurious, self-gratifying lifestyles are terminated, and all so suddenly and unexpectantly (vv. 16-17a)!  


v      Everyone who is connected to “imports & exports,” who had profited immensely by trading in the aforementioned merchandise, reacts in much the same manner as their predecessors (vv. 17b-19)!


III. Pay Attention to the Barrenness of Babylon (Vv. 20-24)!

v      There is a call for rejoicing over the collapse of Babylon (v. 20).

  1. All the inhabitants of heaven are enjoined to celebrate the destruction of a system that had perpetuated sorrow, misery, and slavery in so many lives, all to pad their own coffers!
  2. The spectators at the trial are rejoicing as the just sentence is handed down and the just penalty imposed on the guilty.” (Osborne)
  3. It’s like watching the demolition of a biological weapons factory. It is cause for joyful celebration!
  4. This city and symbol of a political and economic system devoid of God has driven out and destroyed God’s people.


v      The mighty angel finishes off the great designer of human misery and the destroyer of people’s lives (v. 21). He forcefully and finally hurls her into the sea, never to be seen again!


v      All the sights, sounds, and activities that had given life meaning and made Babylon great would never again be seen, heard, or enjoyed in her (vv. 22-23)! Their great riches had deceived them!


v      This blood-drenched earth is largely a result of Babylon’s deceptive allurements to man’s sinful inclinations (v. 24). Pastor James connects bloodshed and belligerence (4:1-2, 13-17)!


Make sure you set your affections on things above (Col 3:1-4)!



Paul was not afraid to quote the pagan prophets. We might do the same. “And all the people bowed and prayed to the neon gods they’d made…” (Simon & Garfunkel)!