Do You Really Know What You Have?
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 12:18-29
Most of us who have been “around the block a few times” remember the way things used to be in communications, technology, construction, medicine, travel, and a host of other areas. Things are so much different now! Those who have not experienced the transition may not fully realize how privileged they are. They may not understand the radical improvement that’s been made and therefore not fully appreciate it! Our author summarizes his sermon with a dramatic contrast between God’s revelation and relationship to His OT and His NT people. He challenges readers to respond appropriately to this new arrangement.
I. Realize God’s Revelation & Relationship to OT People (Vv. 18-21)!
v Remember how God related to and revealed Himself to His OT covenant community. (This is not where these readers are at!)
1. His relationship with them was characterized by distance, dread, and obscurity! Their God seemed unapproachable, unsafe, and impersonal. All their senses were taxed!
2. The mountain, although unnamed, is clearly Mt. Sinai, the place where the covenant was revealed and God spoke. The emphasis is not on a place but an unforgettable encounter!
3. “This sevenfold description is designed to overwhelm his readers with the terror of this place of judgment.” (Cockerill)
4. These “special effects” demonstrated God’s unmitigated and incomprehensible glory, majesty, power, and awesomeness.
v Recall how the listeners reacted to God’s revelation of Himself.
1. Those in the crowd pleaded that God would discontinue speaking directly to them. They couldn’t handle the terrifying experience of God’s presence!
2. These people had been redeemed out of Egypt and seen His glorious miracles. But they stayed at a distance upon threat of death. Their God, unlike the gods of Egypt, is a holy God!
3. Even their leader at a later point confessed that he was scared to death of the God who had revealed Himself in such a terrifying fashion! [But that is not where his readers have come!]
4. Jewish readers were being taunted and tempted to go back to the law and they needed a fresh graphic reminder; the law is not “user friendly!”
II. Realize God’s Revelation & Relationship to NT People (Vv. 22-24)!
v Realize how differently God relates to and reveals Himself to His NT covenant community (vv. 22-23)! (This is where we’re at!)
1. The benefits of the NT covenant are obtained at the time of conversion! The phrase “you have come” states a present and continuing reality. (Don’t miss this!)
2. There is a real place to which we have come. We’ve not yet entered but that’s where we stand and are welcome! It is described in three inviting and delightfully wonderful ways!
3. There is a real population to which we relate!
(1) The angels are in festal celebration! Myriads of angels surround the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. 5:11).
(2) NT believers have pre-registered (Luke10:20). You can register as long as you’re alive! Registration closes @ death!
(3) God the righteous Judge is present (Rom3:26). He is the One with whom you do business. He never misjudges!
(4) OT believers are there by faith in God’s promise of a Messiah; their spirits are fully equipped for glory.
v Realize how this radically amazing transition occurred (v. 24).
1. Jesus, the only Mediator between God and man, is the center of attention (Rev 5:12)!
2. His blood sealed the new covenant. Abel’s blood cried out for vengeance; His blood announces mercy and forgiveness.
III. Respond Fittingly to These Overwhelming Privileges (Vv. 25-29).
v We’re confronted with the inescapable responsibility set before us (v. 25a). The “see to it,” requires a response when He speaks. Don’t tune Him out!
v We’re confronted with the unquestionable superiority of the new covenant (v. 25b). Greater privilege means greater liability.
v We’re confronted with the unimaginable dissolution of the created world (vv. 26-27)! There will be a time of judgment!
v We’re confronted with incalculable opportunities for service and worship (vv. 28-29).
1. “Christians today are so ignorant of their Bibles, especially the OT, that they have a tragically sentimentalized idea of God!”
2. “‘Our God is a consuming fire,’ is the corrective so needed in today’s church that has so shamefully trivialized worship, turning it into a self-assured farce.” (Hughes)
3. Authentic and acceptable worship/ service are inseparable from both reverence & awe and joy & gladness!
The God of Sinai is the God of Zion. He has not changed in His character, only in His revelation of Himself and His covenant relations.
Refusing to respond to God’s invitation to participate in His New Covenant is suicidal and absolutely absurd!