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Do You Doubt That God Will Judge?

Posted on November 9, 2015

God's Persistent, Patient Love for His People!

A study of the book of Malachi

by Pastor Frank Rice

Malachi 4:1-6

We’ve heard parents, teachers, coaches, and others use intimidation; if someone doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do, or does do what they’re not supposed to do, there will be consequences! We wonder whether they can or will actually carry out the announced threat. Sometimes we assume they’re only bluffing. Other times we’re fairly certain that things could get nasty! The motivation and the benefit of these threats are often questionable. Malachi’s audience questioned if God would and could judge those who violated His covenant or reward those who honored it. Would the time come for God to act in judgment? Any doubt is removed!!


I. The LORD Informs His People That a Day Has Been Set (Vv. 1-3)!

v      The LORD, through the prophet, reminds those who continually dishonor His covenant; there will be a time of accountability (v. 1)!

1.      The day has been marked on God’s calendar!

(a)   That the day is imminent is emphasized by the nature of the term “surely” or “behold.”

(b)   That the day is certain is emphasized by the term itself and by mentioning this twice in one verse. Almost every prophet mentions a day when God will call men and women to accountability! On that day people who want justice will get it!

(c)   That the day is intense is communicated by the picture of a burning furnace, a fire which is controlled and contained. This is not a kitchen oven but a blast furnace!

(d)   That the day is inescapable is evident by the term “all.”

(e)   That the day is decisive is obvious by the mention of “root and branch” being completely eliminated from the scene.

2.      The day will focus on the objects of His wrath.

(a)   Those in the “hot seat” are characterized by an attitude of arrogance and pride toward God and men.

(b)   They are noted for their evil and wicked activities. Negative actions and attitudes are mentioned elsewhere!

(c)   Those in the “hot seat” are judged by the LORD Almighty! “Judgment is not the final word for all Judah,.. only for the wicked.” (Baker)


v      The LORD, through the prophet, reminds those who honor, fear, and respect His name; there’ll be a time of accountability (vv. 2-3)!

1.      They are promised a much brighter future and guaranteed healing because of the presence of righteousness! The sun is possibly, but not probably referring to “the Son.” “This sun is associated with both ‘righteousness’ and ‘healing’.” (Baker)

2.      The sun is a fitting metaphor for the dawn of a new day of righteousness and healing for individuals and nations. It’s a brand new day for those who fear the LORD!

3.      They are promised a time of joy and unfettered jubilation! The picture is of a frisky calf turned loose in the springtime!

4.      They are promised a reversal of fortunes as they experience vindication over those who had maligned and mistreated them!

5.      They are promised rewards by the LORD Almighty!


II. The LORD Encourages People to Prepare for That Day (Vv. 4-6)!

v      The LORD had spoken and continues to speak through Israel’s great lawgiver, Moses (v. 4).

1.      Israel is expected not only to call to mind but to take action on what God had spoken through Moses. It is not enough to hear or remember what God said; there is the expectation of doing it!

2.      What God had said to Moses was for the benefit of all Israel!  The Law was given as a guide to healthy community living for those who were redeemed (Deut 10:12-13).

3.      The Law offered both apodictic and casuistic guidelines to help restrain behavior, resolve problems, and reconcile people. (There were “dos and don’ts” & “if this happens, do this.”)


v      The LORD had spoken through His servants the prophets, Elijah being their representative (vv. 5-6)!

1.      There is, again (Behold!), an emphasis on the immanency, certainty, intensity, inescapability, and decisiveness of the upcoming ministry of this amazing prophet!

2.      The ministry of a prophet, although forecasting future events, was primarily to point people back to what God had already said through the great lawgiver, Moses!

3.      This prophet will appear dramatically prior to the great and dreadful time of judgment/ accountability.

4.      The prophet will preach repentance which eventuates in reconciliation, people getting right with God and then with others, healing the rifts which have erupted between generations.

5.      The land will experience continualcursing” (bad things) unless people respond positively to the message (Deut 27-28).


v      The LORD’s prophet will “show up” in about 400 years, giving God’s people time to take to heart what Moses & Elijah have said.

1.      Elijah “shows up” as John the Baptizer, calling God’s people to repentance and to produce evidence thereof (Matt 3:1)!

2.      Before that Day arrives, another event deriving from God himself will precede it. He is about to send a messenger to Judah in the person of Elijah.” (Baker)

3.      Elijah’s “mysterious disappearance, with no mention of his death (2 Kings 2:11-12), leaves open the possibility of his reappearing and continuing his prophetic ministry.” (Baker)

4.      Jesus “shows up” to offer God’s forgiveness and salvation to a world lost and confused by religious pluralism and unbelief.

5.      Rest assured; there will be a day of accountability! There is still time to prepare for that day (John 1:11-12; Matt 7:21-23).


The prophecy of Malachi began by reminding the people of God of His irrevocable love, and it ends with the probable perspective on their utter destruction. God’s judgment cannot be separated from His grace. ‘If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed’ (1 Cor 16:22).” (Verhoef)


Be prepared! Don’t be caught off guard!