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Did You Miss Something?

Posted on December 21, 2015

Christmas 2015 Has Arrived! (Almost.)

by Pastor Frank Rice

Matthew 1:1-25

Are we actually going to read the genealogy?! What has that to do with Christmas?” Most of us are familiar with the Christmas story that begins in Matthew 1:18. Rarely do we include the first 17 verses. Are they really important? Is there something there that we’ve missed? The answer to both questions is most likely, “yes!”

The whole basis for the Christmas celebration is often misunderstood even by well-meaning Christians. What have we missed & why is it important?


 I. Don’t Miss the Very Foundation for the Christmas Celebration!

v      Christmas is the fulfillment of a promise made long ago.

1.      The promise has its beginning in the Garden (Gen 3:15) and resulted from the “unfortunate choice” of our ancestors.

2.      The promise is passed on through two famed Jewish men chosen by the LORD, ancient Abraham and King David.

3.      The promise culminates in a Jewish child born through this chosen line. Matthew verifies the validity of the promise.


v      Christmas is, in fact, rooted in eternity past (Eph 1:4 & Gal 4:4)!

1.      God the Father chose us in Him before the foundation of the world! The Son is eternal and uncreated!

2.      When the fullness of time had come God sent forth His Son, born of a woman! The Son existed in eternity past!


II. Don’t Miss the Mundane and Somewhat Surprising Characters!

v      As we read thru the genealogy we notice a diversity of people!

1.      There are some delightful folks you and I wouldn’t mind finding in our genealogical records; Abraham, Boaz, Ruth, Solomon, Asa, Uzziah, Hezekiah, Josiah, et al.

2.      There are also some unsavory characters in the genealogy; Jacob, Judah, Tamar, Rahab, Rehoboam, Manasseh, et al.  


v      As we ponder our own humanity, we must admit the similarities!

1.      God includes and uses a variety of people to accomplish His plans and purposes, both the respectable and the unsavory.

2.      None of these folks are perfect and most with faults and failures, some of which have been made public knowledge.


III. Don’t Miss the Essential Vocabulary of Christmas.

v      We likely grow weary of viewing and hearing the frivolous and meaningless songs, sayings, and specials of a cultural Christmas.

1.      They are bereft of the “real meaning” of Christmas, even though they proclaim to know it and show it!

2.      They often leave the singers, speakers, and viewers with a sense of emptiness and a longing that turns into frustration.


v      We need to be reminded of the vocabulary of the first Christmas.

1.      This child is “supernatural!” His conception was abnormal. The “of whom” is feminine, indicating no male help! He was born “of the Holy Spirit,” indicating miraculous conception.

2.      His name is Jesus; though a common name, it took on a special meaning. Many parents hoped their sons would be the deliverer of Israel; this one was destined to do so!

3.      He is purposely designated the Christ, the Messiah of Israel!

4.      His objective was to “save His people from their sins.” We rarely talk about sin or associate sin with Christmas!

5.      The term “fulfilled” means exactly what it says; God had promised a deliverer and He made good on His promise!

6.      The “virgin” is often sung about but rarely thought about. We may wonder if people even believe what they sing.

7.      The name “Immanuel” means God with us. This child whose birth we celebrate is God in flesh!


IV. Don’t Miss Out On the True Meaning and Gift of Christmas!

v      You’re not forced to love and worship God or even to believe that He exists! You’re invited to examine the truth of Christmas.

1.      You are invited to choose one of four gifts… the original Mona Lisa, the keys to a new Lamborghini, $1,000,000 in cash, or a parachute.

2.      Before you make your choice, be aware that you must jump out of the plane in which you are riding at 10,000 feet!


v      So, which one did you choose? And for what reason?

1.      When you choose your belief system, be aware that you will step off of Planet Earth someday.

2.      The things that seem important will not be! Christmas reminds us of God’s gift of forgiveness & salvation in Jesus! The most important gift ever given! Have you received His gift? How has it impacted your life?