Cosmic Conflict & Earthly Effect!
The Book that Promises a Blessing
A study of the book of Revelation
by Pastor Frank Rice
Revelation 12:7-17
Some people find it difficult to comprehend the concept of cause & effect! There are reasons and explanations for things that happen. Sometimes they’re obvious; at times they’re not. There are situations when people are just unwilling to even consider connecting the proverbial dots for fear of suspected implications. But how is it possible to explain certain human proclivities and activities?! The Revelation presents unprecedented chaos, confusion, and crisis on planet earth! What’s happening? Why? Who’s behind it all?
I. We Can’t Ignore the Context & Characters In the Story (Vv. 1-6).
v Three major characters were depicted by signs and symbols!
1. Based on OT evidence, the woman symbolizes the nation of Israel, the seed of Abraham, the chosen people of God!
2. The dragon symbolizes Satan, the overmatched yet malignant adversary of God and the representative of chaos and death!
3. The Child is undoubtedly the promised Messiah, who roundly defeated Satan thru His death, resurrection, and ascension!
v There is a historical basis for interpreting this ongoing drama, without which it cannot be understood, the OT scriptures!
II. We View the Action & Reaction of Heavenly Warfare (Vv. 7-12)!
v War breaks out in, of all places, heaven (vv. 7-9). Inconceivable!
1. Michael and his angels are commissioned and successfully evict Satan and his allies from the realms of glory (vv. 7-8)! “The two adversaries are not the dragon and God but the dragon and Michael.” (Osborne)
2. This text may relate to his eviction prior to the Genesis account of the fall of man (Gen 3; Luke 10:18; Isaiah 14:12-15). The mention of the ancient serpent surely takes us back to Genesis 3!
3. “The story of the original expulsion of Satan and his angels from heaven is complete. The reader now understands not only how the evil angels fell but why they fell and what kind of beings Satan and his messengers are.” (Osborne)
4. This text certainly relates to his defeat at the cross, via the ignominious death & glorious resurrection of Christ (Col2:15)!
5. This text relates also to a last ditch effort to deceive and destroy God’s people during the tribulation! Satan is relegated to earth where he exerts his evil influence on truth rejecters (v. 9)! He is capable of and guilty of world-wide deception!
6. This is “the last futile attempt of the dragon to exercise his power before the kingdom of Christ comes.” (Johnson)
7. Some have suggested three stages in Satan’s demise. “At the original expulsion from heaven, in the death and resurrection of Christ, and in the final destruction of Satan and his angels in the lake of fire.” (Osborne)
v Celebration rings out in heaven when the proclamation of Satan’s eviction is heralded and heard (vv. 10-12; Ex 15).
1. Satan, the accuser of God’s people, has been removed from the heavenly “courtroom!” His malicious accusations of guilt and condemnation have no weight (Job 1:9-10, 2:4; Rom 8:1, 33). “Satan can no longer prosecute the people of God, for he has lost his place in heaven.” (Osborne)
2. Satan’s charges fall flat because of the cross (Rom 5:25-26). God’s rightness is demonstrated. He can forgive sins without compromising His rightness. Sin’s price has been satisfied!
3. Satan’s eviction paves the way for God’s plan to move forward in Christ. At the very heart of God’s plans is Christ.
4. Those who overcome the evil one have done so by His blood; they’re forgiven, by their behavior; they live their confession, and by their boldness, they refuse to deny Christ (v. 11).
5. Satan’s position and privileges were terminated as he was hurled to the earth (v. 12). Heaven and its inhabitants rejoice at his removal! Earth; prepare to reel at his wrathful arrival!
III. We View His Furious Reaction & God’s Response (Vv. 13-17)!
v The ensuing fallout from the heavenly battle impacts those who live on the earth; particularly God’s chosen people (vv. 13-14)!
1. The dragon (devil), realizing his time is running out, vents his anger, frustration, and hatred on God’s people, Israel (v. 13). “It is impossible to provide a rational explanation for the almost universal practice of anti-Semitism… this chapter makes that understanding crystal clear.” (Patterson)
2. God’s people are given supernatural assistance in escaping from his pursuit and persecution (v. 14a; Ex 19:4).
3. God keeps His promise and protects and provides for His people for the duration of the tribulation (v. 14b).
4. The Exodus account also speaks of God bearing His people on eagle’s wings (Ex 19:4; Deut 32:11; see also Isa 40:31).
v The enemy ramps up his efforts to annihilate God’s people, and again God supernaturally delivers them from his wrath (vv. 15-16)!
1. Satan attempts to overwhelm & overrun Gods people (v. 15)! Floods and waters often depict an overpowering military force (Ps 69:1-2). (Does Satan call out the military against Israel?)
2. Satan and his cronies oppress and persecute God’s people much like Pharaoh as he pursued God’s people in the Exodus.
3. God keeps His promise and delivers His people from certain death and destruction (v. 16).
v The battle extends beyond the original parameters (v. 17)!
1. When Satan is frustrated in his attempts to destroy the nation of Israel, he goes after others who identify with Israel!
2. The offspring of Judaism most likely refers to Gentile believers who come to faith in Messiah during the tribulation. They follow Messiah and fearlessly bear testimony to that reality! “The dragon seeks not only the demise of the woman but of all those who are the recipients of the goodness and mercy of God through her.” (Patterson)
Satan may be the malicious accuser of God’s people (Job 1:6 & 2:1).
But Jesus Christ is the merciful advocate for God’s people (1 John 2:1)