Are You Desperate Enough to Act?
Don't Stop Now!
A study of the NT book of Hebrews
by Pastor Frank Rice
Hebrews 4:11-16
Most of us have had moments of desperation. We lock ourselves out of the car or house and suddenly realize what we’ve done! We’re in line at the checkout and realize we’ve forgotten cash and credit cards. You look at the time and realize there’s 20 minutes to make the plane! We’ve had moments when desperate needs call for desperate action and we’re motivated to respond accordingly. It is only when we realize we’re missing out on what God has offered us that we may become desperate enough to do something about it!
I. Believers Must Exercise Diligence to Enjoy His Rest (Vv. 11-13)!
v The invitation to enter His rest is still open & available (v. 11)!
1. He reminds them of the infamous OT example of disobedience to God’s clear instructions and their subsequent disqualification from His rest! Don’t follow their example!
2. He challenges all of them and each of them to pursue His rest together. The “let us” occurs three times in the text.
3. He challenges them to diligence; an intense, concerted, and consistent effort to accomplish a task. Rest does not come easily; it must be sought with all diligence!
4. Diligence is expected of every believer! (Eph 4:3; 2Tim 2:15; 2 Pet1:10,3:14; Heb 11:6) Lethargic and careless/casual Christianity is unacceptable and unsatisfying.
v The invitation to rest is accompanied by adequate resources and appropriate motivation – God’s Word (vv. 12-13; cp. 4:2)!
1. His Word is dynamic, alive and active. There is a dynamic positive quality about God’s revelation. It can reach to the innermost recesses of our being where nothing else can go!
2. His Word isdiscomforting! It is the divinely powerful x-ray machine that examines and exposes emotions & motives. It “afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted.”
3. His Word is discriminating! It passes judgment on man’s feelings and his thoughts. Nothing evades the scope of this Word. His Word renders us helpless and defenseless.
4. His Word is determined! It is inescapable. It is impossible to evade Him or His Word. In the end we must give an account.
II. Believers Must Continue to Hold Fast to Their Faith (Vv. 14-15)!
v The challenge for believers is to continue to believe what we’ve already confessed (v. 14b). Here is the key to stability!
1. There is a body of truth that must be embraced for us to enjoy the rest offered by God. What you believe is vital!
2. He challenges all of them to hold fast (Don’t let go!) to this mutual confession together. Note the “let us” again.
v The inspiration for believers to hold fast to their confession/faith is provided in the person of Jesus Christ (v. 14a).
1. Here the emphasis is placed on His deity and His complete superiority over any OT high priest! No OT priest or high priest was ever called “high-high” or “great-great” priest!
2. The OT high priest was limited in his access to the presence of God, the holy of holies, once a year, alone.
3. Only our High Priest is addressed as Son of God with all the theological freight attached to that title!
v The inspiration for believers to not lose heart or give in to fits of discouragement is found in the same High Priest (v. 15).
1. Here the emphasis is on His humanity and His ability to completely empathize with our struggles.
2. The OT priests were often guilty of being distant and unsympathetic toward those who struggled with weaknesses.
3. The OT priests often lived in a world of their own and found it difficult to sympathize with challenges of everyday living.
4. Our High Priest knows what it’s like to wrestle with sin. He felt the intensity far greater than any human being, yet never yielded!
5. “Though he did not sin we must not infer that life was easy for Him. The Sinless One knows the force of temptation in a way that we who sin do not. We give in before the temptation has fully spent itself; only He who does not yield knows its full force.”
6. Jesus never said “uncle!”He can and He is willing to help you if…
III. Believers Must Take Advantage of Their Resources (V. 16)!
v Since all of the aforementioned is true, believers (YOU) are called to action! Don’t give in to discouragement & temptation!
v You can come to Him with absolute assurance that you will be accepted and experience His favor! (What encouragement!) When we come to Him we do not strut and we do not grovel! Neither glorifies Him! He understands not only what is happening to you but what is happening in you!
v You will receive needed mercy and grace in a timely fashion! Mercy is the withholding of deserved punishment and grace is the divine energy to keep moving forward spiritually! TYL
Rest is available for those who are desperate enough to diligently seek it and who continually draw upon their God-given resources. No acceptable excuses exist for any believer to miss it!